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Opening day at the Strawberry Point NE Iowa Creamery
December 4, 1908
Note: Unless otherwise credited, the information on this
page was contributed by Reid R. Johnson
Farmersburg Creamery Association, 1890 The shareholders of the Farmersburg
Creamery Association held their annual meeting at the
town hall last Saturday. The following officers were
elected: ~*~*~ Luana Creamery Co., 1893 The new officers of the Luana Creamery
Co. are: |
1894 Clayton co. Creameries
Office# | Located at or near | Name of Creamery or Cheese Factory | Proprietor, Secretary or Manager | P.O. Address of Proprietor, Sec'y or Manager | Shipping Station | Product Manufactured | Operated by individual, co-operative or stock company | Separator (S), Gathered cream (G), Both (B) |
225 | Communia | Communia Creamery | H. Wistrick, Sec'y | Communia | Littleport | Butter | Co-op | S |
276 | Edgewood | Bear Creek Creamery | H.F. Beyer | Edgewood | Edgewood | Butter | Ind | S |
454 | Edgewood | Farmers' Co-op Creamery | R.J. Greer, Sec'y | Edgewood | Edgewood | Butter | Co-op | S |
277 | Edgewood | Fidelity Creamery | H.F. Beyer | Edgewood | Edgewood | Butter | Ind | S |
204 | Elgin | (name not given) | F. Shupbach | Elgin, Fayette co | Elgin | Cheese | Ind | |
184 | Elkader | Elkader Creamery | Jo. Lamm | Elkader | Elkader | Butter | Ind | S & GC |
299 | Farmersburg | Farmersburg Co-op Creamery Co. | C. Hinsch, Sec'y | Farmersburg | Farmersburg | Butter | Co-op | S |
171 | Garnavillo | Garnavillo Co-op Creamery Co. | E.W. Kregel | Garnavillo | Garnavillo | Butter | Co-op | S & GC |
135 | Giard | Giard Creamery | A.O. Elvidge & Co. | Decorah | Froelich | Butter | Stock | S |
456 | Guttenburg | Farmers' Creamery Co. | (not given) | (not given) | (not given) | Butter | S | |
163 | Highland | Highland Creamery Association | G. Gregerson, Sec'y | Volga City | Volga City | Butter | Co-op | S & GC |
457 | Littleport | (name not given) | John Waddings | (not given) | (not given) | Butter | S | |
23 | Luana | Luana Farmers' Co-op Creamery | R.M. Fonda, Sec'y | Luana | Luana | Butter | Co-op | S |
241 | McGregor | The McGregor Creamery | Wm. Troutfetter, Sec'y | McGregor | McGregor | Butter | Stock | S & GC |
458 | Nyburg | Clermont Valley Creamery Co. | J.H. Sheehan, Sec'y | Clermont | Clermont | Butter | Co-op | S & GC |
459 | Nyburg | Clermont Valley Creamery Co. | J.H. Sheehan, Sec'y | Clermont | Clermont | Skim station | S | |
138 | Osborne | (name not given) | A.O. Elvidge & Co. | Decorah | Osborne | Butter | Stock | S |
309 | Osterdock | Osterdock Creamery Co. | E.A. Bush, Sec'y | Osterdock | (not given) | Butter | Stock | S & GC |
92 | Read | Read Creamery Co. | H.W. Wilkie, Sec'y | Elkader | Elkader | Butter | Stock | S |
137 | St. Olaf | Osseau Creamery Co. | Ossian Creamery Co. | Decorah | St. Olaf | Butter | Stock | S & GC |
38 | Strawberry Point | Strawberry Point Farmers' Creamery Association | Jas. Newberry, Sec'y | Strawberry Point | Strawberry Point | Butter | Co-op | S |
247 | Volga City | Farmers' Creamery | Chas. Massey, Sec'y | Volga City | Volga City | Butter | Co-op | S |
69 | Watson | Blue Grass Creamery Co. | John Koch, Sec'y | Watson | Monroe | Butter | Co-op | S |
~source: Eighth Annual Report of the State Dairy Commissioner to the Governor of the State of Iowa, for the year 1894; F.R. Conaway, state printer, 1895
~info. extracted by S. Ferrall for Clayton co. IAGenWeb
Volga Farmers' Creamery Association, 1894 The following officers were elected at
the meeting of the Volga Farmers Creamery Association
Jan. 1st, 1894: ~*~*~ Elkport Creamery Building Co., 1896 The Elkport Creamery building Co. held
its annual meeting January 9th. The following officers
were elected: ~*~*~ Farmersburg Co-operative Creamery officers, 1897 At the annual meeting of the Farmersburg Co-operative
Creamery company held Saturday, Jan. 30th, the following
officers were elected for the ensuing year: ~*~*~ Elkport Creamery Co., 1898 The Elkport creamery building company
held its semi- annual meeting at Kriebs drug store Monday
evening. The following officers were elected: Luana Co-Op Creamery, 1898 At the creamery meeting Monday Wm. Hanson
was elected president, with Wm Kregel as vice president,
Emil Pufahl as secretary and Mr. Orr as treasurer. Garnavillo Co-Op Cremery Co., 1898 The Garnavillo Co-operative Creamery Co.
held their annual meeting Saturday last, and elected the
following officers: Volga City co-operative Creamery Company, 1898 At the annual meeting of the Volga City
co-operative Creamery Company the following officers were
elected for the ensuing year: ~*~*~ Volga Farmers' Creamery, 1899 The following officers were elected at the Volga
Farmers' Creamery meeting Monday, Jan. 2:
The annual meeting of the Garnavillo Farmer's Creamery
Co., of this place, was held in the Turner Hall last
Saturday afternoon and the officers for the ensuing year
were elected. They are in part: ~*~*~
The following officers were elected to serve for a
year in the creamery:
At the yearly meeting of the Volga City Creamery Co.,
the following officers were elected for the coming year: Farmersburg Co-operative Creamery Co., 1900 At the annual meeting of the Farmersburg Co-operative
Creamery Co., held Saturday, the following officers were
elected for the ensuing year: ~*~*~ Volga Creamery, 1901 Volga: The creamery meeting Monday was largely
attended. The following officers were elected: ~*~*~ Volga Creamery, 1902 The following officers were elected by
acclamation at the creamery meeting, Monday:
At the annual meeting of the Farmersburg
Co-operative Creamery Co. held here Saturday, the
following officers were elected for the ensuing year: ~*~*~ St. Olaf Co-Operative Creamery, 1903 A meeting of shareholders of the newly
organized Co-Operative Creamery Co., of St. Olaf was held
at that place Friday and Articles of Incorporation and
By-Laws were adopted. It is expected to begin operations
about Feb. 1st. Officers of the company are: ~*~*~ Garnavillo Farmer's Creamery Co. 1904 At the annual meeting of the Garnavillo
Farmer's Creamery Co., which was held Jan. 2, 1904, the
following officers were elected for the ensuing year: ~*~*~ Garnavillo Farmer's Creamery Co.. 1905 At the annual meeting of the Farmers'
Creamery Corporation the following officers were elected:
At the creamery meeting held at the Opera
House Tuesday afternoon the following officers were
elected: |
1906 Clayton co.
Office # | Creamery Name | Name of Proprietor, Secretary or Manager | P.O Address of Proprietor, Secretary or Manager | Name of Buttermaker | Type of Creamery |
149 | Little Turkey Creamery (Little Turkey, Chickasaw co.) | H.R. Carpenter | Elkader | Henry Mikkelson | Stock |
163 | Elkader Creamery | H.R. Carpenter | Elkader | Harvey Clough | Stock |
164 | Fidelity Creamery | H.F. Beyer | Edgewood | Ed. Whipple | Individual |
165 | Elkport Creamery, Elkport | H.F. Beyer | Edgewood | J.S. Watson | Individual |
166 | Farmers' Co-op Creamery Co. | A.A. Kishman | Farmersburg | I.D. Hendershott | Co-operative |
167 | Farmers' Creamery Co. | H.H. Kuhlman | Garnavillo | O.H. Schumacher | Co-operative |
168 | Farmers' Co-op Creamery Co. | James Humphrey | Luana | J.A. Barker | Co-operative |
169 | Littleport Creamery (Littleport) | H.F. Beyer | Edgewood | F. Sherman | Individual |
170 | Communia Creamery Co. (Communia) | J.W. Meyer | Elkport | Peter Klink | Individual |
171 | Monona Creamery (Monona) | H.R. Carpenter | Elkader | John Foss | Stock |
172 | Osterdock Creamery (Osterdock) | H.R. Carpenter | Elkader | A.H. Peacock | Stock |
173 | J.D. Bickel Produce Co. | M.V. Bickel | McGregor | R.M. Pressey | Stock |
174 | St. Olaf Co-op Creamery Co. | G.R. Engelhardt | St. Olaf | J. Frisby | Co-operative |
175 | Farmers' Creamery Association | O.C. Gladwin | Strawberry Point | H.J. Evans | Co-operative |
176 | Farmers' Creamery Association | A.E. Olinger | Volga City | Watson Shack | Co-operative |
177 | Blue Grass Creamery (Watson) | John Geraghty | McGregor | F.A. Fiet | Co-operative |
230 | Globe Creamery (Luxemburg, Dubuque co.) | Joe Friedman | North Buena Vista | Anton Smith | Co-operative |
237 | Holy Cross Creamery (Holy Cross, Dubuque co.) | Leo Sweeney | North Buena Vista | J.P. Crippes | Co-operative |
569 | Ft. Atkinson Creamery Co. (Ft. Atkinson, Winneshiek co.) | H.R. Carpenter | Elkader | H.B. Fortney | Stock |
~source: Twentieth Annual Report of State Dairy Commissioner to the Governor of the State of Iowa for the year 1906, by H.R. Wright, Food & Dairy Commissioner, printed 1907
~info. extracted by S. Ferrall for Clayton co. IAGenWeb
Blue Grass Creamery, Watson, 1906 The annual meeting of the Blue Grass Creamery Co.,
held at Watson last Monday was well attended. The patrons
expressed themselves as well pleased with last years
business. The following were the officers elected for the
new year:
At the annual meeting of the Luana Farmers' Creamery
Co., held at Luana last Monday, the following officers
and directors were elected for the ensuing year:
President - Louis Englehardt. ~*~*~ Garnavillo Turners' Co-operative Creamery Assoc., 1907 At their annual meeting the Garnavillo Turners'
Co-operative Creamery Association elected the following
officers for the coming year: ~*~*~ Farmersburg Creamery, 1908 The following officers were re-elected at the annual
meeting of the Farmersburg Creamery company last
Saturday: Blue Grass Creamery, Watson, 1908 At the annual meeting of the Blue Grass Creamery Co.,
held Monday at Watson, there was a large number in
attendance. The following officers were elected: Luana Creamery, 1908 At the annual meeting of the Luana Creamery Company,
composed of farmers hereabouts, the following officers
were elected: Volga Creamery, 1908 The Volga Creamery meeting was held Monday and a
report was made of last year's work. The following
officers were elected for the ensuing year: ~*~*~ Watson Blue Grass Creamery, 1909 The annual meeting of the patrons of the
Blue Grass Creamery was held at Watson Jan. 4, 1909, and
was largely attended. The following officers were elected
for the ensuing year:
At the annual meeting of the Farmersburg
Co-Operative Creamery Co. held Jan. 30th, the following
officers were elected for the ensuing year: ~*~*~ Garber Farmers Co-Operative Creamery Co., 1910 At a meeting held at Schnepf's hall Wednesday
afternoon a Farmers' Creamery Co. was organized. State
Dairy Inspector Johnson and Mr. Mack, also Fred Groth,
were present. The following named persons were elected
officers: At a meeting of the Garber Farmers Co-Operative
Creamery Co. held at Schnepf's Hall last Wednesday
afternoon the following named persons were elected
officers until the next annual meeting: Luana Farmers Creamery Co., 1910 Last Saturday the Luana Farmers Creamery Co.
re-organized, and elected the following officers for the
ensuing year:
The farmers in this vicinity met at the Opera House
Monday afternoon and organized a Farmers' Co-Operative
Creamery Co. They purchased the creamery here of H. F.
Beyer at a very reasonable figure and will take
possession immediately. The officers selected are: Strawberry Point Creamery Assoc., 1910 Tuesday afternoon of this week occurred the annual
meeting of the Strawberry Point Creamery Association at
the local opera house. The following officers were
elected: Monona Farmers Creamery Co., 1910 The New Creamery. The following are the elected
officers of the new Monona Farmers Creamery Company,
which were elected at their last meeting: Volga City Co-Operative Creamery Co., 1910 At the Volga City Co-Operative Creamery Co.'s meeting
held in Volga January 3rd, the following officers were
elected for the ensuing year: ~*~*~ Volga Creamery Officers, 1912 The Annual Creamery meeting was held
Monday and the following officers were elected: ~*~*~ Luana Creamery, 1913 At the annual Creamery meeting Monday the following
officers were elected: With increase of $10. per month in wages. ~*~*~ Luana Creamery, 1914 At the annual Creamery meeting Monday the following
officers were elected: Volga City Creamery, 1914 The annual meeting of the Farmers' Creamery
Association was held Monday, electing the following
officers: ~*~*~ Strawberry Point Farmers' Co-op Creamery, 1917 The Strawberry Point Famers Co-operative
Creamery Association held its annual meeting Mar. 6th.
The following officers were elected: ~*~*~ Volga City Creamery, 1918 At the creamery meeting, which was held
in Volga, Monday, Jan. 07, the following officers were
elected: ~*~*~ Volga Creamery Association, 1921 The Creamery Association elected officers for the
ensuing year on Monday January 3rd. |
Osterdock Farmers' Creamery Company, 1922
![]() ![]() |
Annual Report of the Officers Directors Patrons Who Received Above $700.00 for Butter Cream Palmer & Ross $825.50 ~Annual report found in Mallory family papers, contributed by Judy Holthaus |
Clayton County Soon May
Have Two New Creameries
April 1922
Elkader, Ia., April 17 - There is a possibility of two new farmers' co-operative creameries being organized in Clayton county. Farmers in North Buena Vista held a meeting last week at which A.W. Rudnick, dairy manufacturing specialist from Ames, explained the creamery proposition in detail.
A committee reported 50 men had been procured who would buy shares at $50 each and that more than 600 cows had been pledged to support a creamery. Grounds have been donated for the building and steps now are being taken to complete the sale of stock. An organization has been perfected and incorporated under the name of Star Creamery company, of North Buena Vista and George Hefel was chosen as president; George Vandeharr, vice president; Frank Schroeder, secretary and Matt Ruden, treasurer. Directors are Joe Spiellbauer, Burt Tucker and the officers.
Farmers from around Mederville still have the creamery bug buzzing thru the air. They have not progressed as rapidly as the North Buena Vista farmers in this respect, but are on the fence. At a meeting last Tuesday committees were appointed to sound out the farmers on the proposition. They reported 147 shares of stock sold at $25 each at a meeting last Thursday. A committee consisting of John Moyna, Alf Allbrecht and Arthur Dittmer will investigate the proposition a little further and give their final report at a meeting to be held in the near future.
Roy Combs, Clayton county agent, is elated over the prospects of getting two new creameries started in Clayton county. It is the result of several months hard work thru his office.
~Waterloo Evening Courier, April 18, 1922 ~contributed by S. Ferrall
Garber Creamery Co., 1922 The Garber Creamery Co., held the annual
meeting Monday, the following officers being elected: ~*~*~ Strawberry Point Farmer's Creamery, 1925 The stockholders of the Strawberry Point Farmers
Creamery held their annual election at the Davis
auditorium Tuesday afternoon. C. O. Hebron, the
president, called the meeting to order and J. A. Huebsch,
H. A. Axtell and Will Frederick were appointed as
tellers. The following officers were re-elected: Littleport Cooperative Creamery, 1925 The patrons of the Littleport Cooperative Creamery
held their annual meeting Saturday, Feb. 28, in Reikert's
Hall at Littleport. The following officers and directors
were elected for the ensuing year: ~*~*~ Garnavillo Creamery Co., 1926 At the annual meeting of the Garnavillo Creamery
company Saturday the following officers were elected for
a term of one year:
Patrons of the McGegor creamery held their annual
meeting Wednesday afternoon, Jan 5th, in the community
rooms, McGregor. The following board of directors will
serve for the ensuing year:
The annual meeting of the Co-Op Creamery at St. Olaf
was held on Saturday p.m., Jan. 29th, in the Opera House
at St. Olaf. The following officers and Directors were
elected for the coming year: Volga Valley Creamery Company, 1927 Patrons of the Volga Valley Creamery Company at
Mederville met in their annual session on Tuesday p.m.,
Feb. 1st. The following officers were elected to serve
for the ensuing year:
The annual meeting of the Garnavillo Creamery Co., was
held at the Turner Hall, Feb. 5. The officers elected
were: Strawberry Point Farmers Co-operative Creamery Assn., 1927 The Strawberry Point Farmers Co-operative Creamery
Association held their annual meeting at the Davis
auditorium Tuesday afternoon. There was a large crowd
present. C. O. Hebron called the meeting to order and he
appointed C. A. Schoeppe, Will Frederick, W. A. Boynton
and Jas. Schofield as tellers. 182 votes were cast. C. O.
Hebron was re-elected president. For secretary the names
A. E. Olinger and Jas. P. Dunsmoor were voted upon and
found that Olinger received 92 votes and Dunsmoor 90,
Olinger being elected at an increase of $25 a month
making it $100. The treasurer, M. F. Harwood was elected
by acclimation. The two directors elected were Earl
Knight to succeed Louie Frederick and Harley Everts to
succeed himself. ~*~*~
The annual meeting of the Farmers' Cooperative
Creamery of Volga City was held Tuesday, Feb. 7th. L. J.
Tenney, president, talked of the growth of the local
creamery, and Mr. Fred Gernand, buttermaker, talked on
the creamery work. A. W. Rudnick, extension service,
spoke of dairying and creamery work, and Roy Combs,
county agent, spoke on Cow Test Association work. The
following officers and directors were elected for the
ensuing year:
At the annual meeting of the Littleport Farmers
Co-operative Creamery Co., held at Littleport, Saturday,
all the old officers were re-elected for the ensuing year
as follows: Two changes were made in the Board of Directors, Ray
Stence and O. J. Mierson were elected to succeed J. J.
Wiley and W. L. Peick as directors. Those holding over
The following officers were elected at the annual
meeting of the Farmersburg & St. Olaf Co-Op Creamery
The annual meeting of the Garber Farmers Cooperative
Creamery was held at Garber last Friday and the following
officers were all re-elected: ~*~*~ Farmersburg - St. Olaf Co-operative Creamery Co. , 1929 The Farmersburg and St. Olaf Co-operative
Creamery Co. held their meeting Saturday, Jan. 26, at the
St. Olaf Opera House. The following officers were
elected: Garnavillo Co-operative Creamery, 1929 The Garnavillo Co-operative Creamery held
their annual meeting in the Turner Hall Saturday, Feb. 2.
The following officers and directors were elected for the
ensuing year: Mederville Creamery, 1929 The Mederville Creamery held its annual
meeting at the hall in Mederville, Tuesday afternoon of
last week. Officers elected are: Osterdock Farmers Creamery, 1929 The officers of the Osterdock Farmers
Creamery are as follows: ~*~*~ Elkader Farmers Creamery Co., 1932 The board of directors of the local Farmers Creamery
Co. reorganized last week by electing: Garnavillo Creamery Co., 1932 Garnavillo: The annual meeting of the
Garnavillo Creamery company was held at the Turner Hall
Saturday afternoon. The following officers were elected: Littleport Farmers Co-Operative Creamery Co., 1932 Seven of the old directors and three new
ones were elected at the annual meeting of the Littleport
Farmers Co-Operative Creamery Co. in Littleport last week
Wednesday. Luana Creamery, 1932 Luana: At the annual creamery meeting held Monday the
following officers were elected: ~*~*~ Monona - Union Farmers Co-op Creamery, 1933 Monona: The annual meeting of the
stockholders of the Union Farmers Co-operative Creamery
was held Monday afternoon in the city hall. Alvin F. Vogt
was elected a director to succeed himself and Fred H.
Hass was also elected a director. Other directors are: Garnavillo Creamery Co., 1933 The annual meeting of the Garnavillo
Creamery Co. was held at the Turner Hall Feb. 4th. The
officers elected were: ~*~*~ Union Farmers Co-operative Creamery Co., 1934 Monona: The annual meeting of the
stockholders of the Union Farmers Co-operative Creamery
company was held at one o'clock Monday afternoon in the
city hall. The following officers were elected:
The Luana Co-operative Creamery Co. held
their annual meeting Jan. 2nd, in the opera house.
Officers for the year are:
Guttenberg - At a meeting of a large
number of farmers of this vicinity, held here Friday,
permanent organization of a Farmers Creamery Company was
formed, and the following officers were elected for this
St. Olaf: At the annual meeting of the
Farmers Co-operative Creamery Co., held here Saturday,
the following officers were elected:
At the annual meeting of the Garnavillo
Creamery Company held on Saturday afternoon the following
officers were elected for the year:
MEDERVILLE: The Volga Valley Creamery
company held their annual meeting here Tuesday, Feb. 6th.
Officers elected for the new year are: ~*~*~ Mederville Farmers Creamery, 1935 Members of the Farmers Creamery at Mederville held
their annual business meeting and election of officers on
February 5th at Mederville. The meeting was called to
order by W. G. Bente, vice-president. Reports of the
secretary, Earl Hubbard, were given and approved. The
following officers and directors were elected for the
ensuing year:
The annual creamery meeting was held Saturday, Feb.
16. Those elected to offices are: ~*~*~ St. Olaf Farmers Co-operative Creamery, 1936 ST. OLAF: Reporting the most prosperous
and successful year in its history the Farmers
Co-operative creamery held its annual meeting last
Saturday, when the following directors and officers were
elected: |
Luana Farmers
Co-Operative Creamery Company Fifty Year Anniversary
September 1940
The golden business anniversary of the Luana Farmers Co-Operative Creamery Company will be observed next Wednesday with an appropriate day long celebration, starting at 10 a.m., with an inspection tour of the creamery building and drawing to a close in the evening with a dance in the town hall at Luana. The creamery was founded February 16, 1890, by 87 farmers who were the first stockholders. They signed up at $2 per cow, subscribing 785 cows. The first officers and directors were Wm. Warner, president; W.H. Russell, secretary; Wm. Scott, treasurer, and Mr. Schwartz, buttermaker.
In the 50 years the creamery has been in operation, the number of patrons has grown to 350 and nearly a million pounds of butter is manufactured a year. Cream is collected on 16 routes from a radius of 16 miles, with some of the trucks traveling nearly to St. Olaf and Marquette. The haulers gather cream three times a week in the summer and twice a week in winter.
In 1925 a modern brick and tile building was erected. The main building is 100 feet long and 40 feet wide, housing the store room, boiler room and refrigerator room. In addition the plant also has a testing room, receiving room and office. It took but four years to retire an indebted ness of $21,000, which was incurred by the erection of the new building and the purchase of new equipment.
Elliott Nelson, buttermaker for the last six years, points out that "most of the butter is shipped in 60 pound cartons to the Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co. at New York with the local trade being supplied under our own brand name." In 1900 only 200,000 pounds of butter were make. Mr. Nelson has the assistance of an able staff, composed of H.J. Sebastian, Myron Dettman and D.J. Bollman.
Present officers of the creamery are Joseph Walter, president; Lloyd Pearson, vice president; C.A. Riveland, treasurer; D.J. Bollman, secretary. Directors are Gus Lenth, Fred Schrader, Wm. Sebastian, Henry Oldag, Wm. Radloff and Arno Miller.
~Postville Herald, September 11, 1940 ~contributed by S. Ferrall
Luana Creamery Co. Officers 1943
Luana Co-op Creamery to Mississippi Valley Milk Producers Assn. (MVMPA) - 86 Years of Progress
In 1972, Postville Farmers Cooperative Creamery, Luana-Monona Cooperative Dairy and the Garnavillo Creamery merged to form Northeast Iowa Dairy. In 1967, MVMPA and Northeast Iowa Dairy unified. The building area was increased, a Swiss cheese operation started, cheddar cheese vats added and a new sewage disposal system created to protect the community's environment.
~information extracted by S. Ferrall from a full-page article printed in the Monona Billboard, bicentennial issue (1776-1976)
~the little photo above the article is from the Swiss Valley Farms website (the Luana Creamery is now called Swiss Valley Farms. The company headquarters is in Davenport, IA)