IAGenWeb Project - Clayton co.
new content added 04/13/2023

Directory & Gazetteer index

Farmersburg & National
Camps, Lodges, Social societies & other organizations

Unless otherwise credited the following items were contributed by Reid R. Johnson for Clayton co. IAGenWeb


At the meeting of Cedar Camp, No. 3246, Modern Woodman, held Dec. 7th, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year:
V.C. - C. F. Meier
W.A. - James T. Adams
Ex. B. - Gotleib Zurcher
Sec. - F. W. Welsh
Escort - Henry Hinsch
Watchman - J. F. Mertens
Sentry - Ed Oelke
Delegate - James T. Adams
Camp Physician - Dr. G. L. Everall
~Elkader Register, Fri, morning, 17 Dec. 1897. Farmersburg column
Farmersburg Town Hall Society
At the annual meeting of the Town Hall society held last Friday evening the following officers were elected for the ensuing year:
Pres - Henry Oelke Jr.
Vice Pres - F. Daubenberger
Treas. - Chas. Huebner
Sec. - Dr. G. L. Everall
~Elkader Register, Fri., 07 Jan. 1898. Farmersburg column


At the annual election of Cedar Camp, No. 3245, of the M.W.A., the following officers were elected for the ensuing year:
V.C. - Eben L. Knight
W.A. - Henry Hinsch
Ex. B. - J. F. Martin
Clerk - John Davis
Escort - C. F. Meier
Watchman - Lambert Sickles
Sentry - Henry Boller
Manager - Ed Matthews
Camp Physician - Dr. G. L. Everall
~Elkader Register, Thur., 21 Dec. 1899. Farmersburg column


Last Saturday evening at the regular meeting of Cedar Camp Lodge, M.W.A., the following officers were elected for the ensuing year:
V.C. - Henry Hinsch
W.A. - Emil H. Buck
Ex. B. - Lambert Sickles
Clerk - C. F. Meier
Escort - Jas. Church
Phys. - Dr. I. C. Munger
Watchman - Ed Oelke
Sentry - Ernst Halmeyer
Manager - C. W. Oelke
Delegates to county convention - E. L. Knight, G. Zurcher
~Elkader Register, Thur., 06 Dec. 1900. Farmersburg column


Modern Woodmen
The Modern Woodmen held their public installation last Saturday evening at the town hall before a large audience after which they served an oyster supper, prepared by the Woodmen's wives. The following officers were installed:
V.C. - E. L. Knight
W.A. - John Sabbann
Banker - Lambert Sickel
Clerk - C. F. Meier
Escort - Jas. Church
Watchman - Wm. Theise
Sentry - Albert Lenth
Camp Physician - Dr. C. L. Sherman
Manager - John Sabbann
Chief Forrester - C. C. Corlett
~Elkader Register, Thur., 09 Jan. 1902. Farmersburg column


Royal Neighbors of America
Palm Leaf Camp R.N.A. at their meeting Wednesday evening elected the following officers for the ensuing year:
Oracle - Mrs. Claudia Meier
Vice Oracle - Mrs. Stella Mathews
Recorder - Mrs. Mare_ Sherman
Receiver - Mrs. Louisa Fuelling
Chancellor - Mrs. Clara Daubenberger
Marshal - Kittie Little
I.S. - Adelia Oelke
O.S. Dora Mathews
Managers - Mrs. Effie Knight, Frederika Possehl, Mrs. Anna Sabban
Physician - Dr. C. L. Sherman
~Elkader Register, Thur., 18 Dec. 1902. Farmersburg column


Royal Neighbors of America
Palm Leaf Camp, No. 3198, R.N.A., at their meeting Tuesday evening elected the following officers for the ensuing year:
Oracle- Mrs. Effie Knight
Vice Oracle- Miss Kittie Little
Recorder- Mrs. Ina Matthews
Receiver- Mrs. Louisa Fuelling
Chancellor- Mrs. Sella Matthews
Marshal- Miss Elfreda Oelke
I.S.- Mrs. Anna Sabban
O.S.- Miss Reca Possehl
Manager- James T. Adams
~Elkader Register, Thur., Dec. 10, 1903 (Farmersburg column)


Modern Woodmen of America
Saturday evening Cedar Camp No. 3246 M.W.A. installed the following officers for the ensuing year:
V.C. - John Sabban
W.A. - Ernest Haltmeyer
Ex. Banker - James T. Adams
Clerk - H. D. Hinsch
Escort - Irving Hendershot
Watchman - W. J. Theise
Sentry - Fred Bensing
~Elkader Register, Thur., 26 Jan. 1905. Farmersburg column

Royal Neighbors
Last Saturday evening Fern Leaf Camp, No. 3198, R.N.A., installed the following officers for the ensuing year:
Oracle - Mrs. Ed Matthews
Vice Oracle - Mrs. C. F. Meier
Chancellor - Mrs. W. F. Fueling
Recorder - Miss Kittie Little
Receiver - Miss F. Possehl
Marshal - Miss Irene Meyer
I.S. - Mrs. John Sabban
O.S. - Daily Scharf
Manager - James T. Adams
~Elkader Register, Thur., 26 Jan. 1905. Farmersburg column
Past Foreman W. E. Witt of the Elkader Homestead, went to Farmersburg and instituted Farmersburg Homestead No. 1267. The following are the officers of the new homestead:
Foreman - John Sabban
M. of C. - Dr. Buscheim
Cor. - Dr. Brandt
M. of A. - Wm. Thiese
Phy. Mrs. John Sabban
Lady Rebecca - Mrs. Fritz Wilke
Lady Rowena - Mrs. Herman Lenth
Overseer - Herman Lenth
Watchman - Albert Lenth
Sentinel - Fritz Wilke

Deputy John Toutsch is to be congratulated upon his work in establishing this homestead in our neighboring town.
~Elkader Register, Thur., 15 June 1905


Royal Neighbors
At a meeting of Palm Leaf camp No. 3198, R.N.A., held Tuesday evening, Dec. 5th, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year:
Oracle - Stella Mathews
Vice Oracle - Clauda Meier
Past Oracle - Effie Knight
Chancellor - Louisa Fuelling
Recorder - Kittie Little
Receiver - Ricka Possehl
I.S. - Ina Matthews
O.S. - Minnie Bensing
Marshal - Adella Oelke
Manager - Jas. T. Adams
~Elkader Register, Thur., 14 Dec. 1905

At the regular meeting of Cedar Camp No. 3240 M.W.A., held Dec. 9th, the following officers for the ensuing year were elected:
V.C. - John Sabban
W.A. - H. A. Oelke
Ex. Banker - Jas. T. Adams
Clerk - C. F. Meier
Escort - Jos. Pixler
Watchman - Wm. Thiese
Sentry - Lewis Bensing
Manager - Lambret Sickel
~Elkader Register, Thur., 14 Dec. 1905. Farmersburg column
Farmer's Stock Company
A Farmer's Stock Company was organized here last Saturday for the shipping of stock, with the following officers:
President - John Sabban
Secretary - Wm. Buckman
Manager - James Matthews
Directors - Lewis Saacks, Ernest Fuelling, Henry Kling, Henry Gerloff, Herman Hammann, Henry Walters
~Elkader Register, Thursday, March 1, 1906. Farmersburg column


Farmersburg Baseball
The Farmersburg baseball team has organized for the season of 1907 and are now ready to challenge all on-comers.
Leslie Brown, 1st base and captain
Geo. Meier, 2nd base
Stickfort, shortstop
Chas. Looby, 3rd base
A. H. Oelke, right fielder
Jas. Matthews, Jr., center fielder
H. Wilker, catcher
Will Russo, left fielder
C. F. Meier, substitute and left fielder
Otto Fuelling, pitcher
Will Looby, manager
~Elkader Register, Thur., 11 Apr. 1907. Farmersburg column


Modern Woodmen of America
At a regular meeting of Cedar Camp, No. 3246, M.W.A., the following officers were elected:
V.C. - John Sabbann
W.A. - H. A. Oelke
Clerk - Ernest Haltmeyer
Banker - Jas. T. Adams
Escort - E. A. Sabbann
Watchman - J. F. Mertins
Sentry - Bert Mathews
~Elkader Register & Argus, Thur., 10 Dec. 1908. Farmersburg column


Modern Woodmen of America
Farmersburg M.W.A. officers elected:
V.C. - John Sabbann
W.A. - H. A. Oelke
E.B. - Jas. T. Adams
Clerk - Ernest Haltmeyer
Escort - E. A. Sabbann
Watchman - John Mertens
~Elkader Register & Argus, Thur., 13 Jan. 1910. Farmersburg column.
Modern Brotherhood of America
At a regular meeting Saturday evening the Charity Lodge No. 142, M.B.A. installed the following officers:
President - H. D. Hinsch
Vice-President - Sam Little
Secretary - H. A. Oelke
Treasurer - O. H. Oelke
Conductor - Ernest Haltmeyer
Chaplain - Mina Dahlstrom
Watchman - Frank Dahlstrom
~Elkader Register & Argus, Thur., 13 Jan. 1910. Farmersburg column


Royal Neighbors of America
At the last regular meeting of Palm Leaf Camp No. 3198, R.N.A., held Dec. 6th, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year:
Oracle - Ina Mathews
Vice-Oracle - Theresa Oelke
Past Oracle - Kittie Little
Chancellor - Mary Eggerts
Recorder - Mina Dahlstrom
Receiver - Louise Fuelling
Marshall - Ruth Mathews
Asst.-Marshall - Elsie Oelke
Inner Sentinel - Minnie Schmidt
Outer Sentinel - Sella Sebastian
Manager, 3 years - Louie Radloff
Manager, 2 years - Margret Suddendorf
Manager, 1 year - James T. Adams
Physician - Dr. Brandt
Faith - Christena Zurcher
Modesty - Lydia Radloff
Courage - Anna Sabban
Endurance - Belle Oelke
Unselfishness - Minnie Benzing
Organist - Hattie Harnack
~Elkader Register & Argus, Thur., 15 Dec. 1910. Farmersburg column.
Hall Society
At the annual meeting of the Hall Society held Jan. 10th, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year:
President - A. H. Oelke
Vice President - Raymond Burnham
Treasurer - Chas. Hinsch
Secretary - H. D. Hinsch
~Elkader Register & Argus, Thur., 19 Jan. 1911. Farmersburg column


Royal Neighbors
At the regular meeting of Palm Leaf Camp, R.N.A., Dec. 03rd, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year:
Oracle - Sella Mathews
Past Oracle - Ina Mathews
Chancellor - Teresa Oelke
Recorder - Mina Dahlstrom
Receiver - Minnie Schmidt
Marshal - Kittie Little
Inner Sentinel - Anna Sabbann
Outer Sentinel - Louise Fuelling
~Elkader Register, Thur., 12 Dec. 1912. Farmersburg column.
M.B.A., Farmersburg
Charity Lodge No. 142, M.B.A., elected the following officers for the ensuing year:
President - H. D. Hinsch
Vice-President - John Sabbann
Secretary - H. A. Oelke
Chaplin - Mina Dahlstrom
Conductor - Ina Mathews
Watchman - Samuel L. Little
Sentry - Ben Zurcher
Treasurer - Anna Sabbann
Physician - G. A. Brandt
Trustees - Henry Oelke, Jr., Anna Mathews, John Sabbann
~Elkader Register & Argus, Thur., 30 Jan. 1913. Farmersburg column


Royal Neighbors
At the last regular meeting of Palm Leaf Camp 3148, R.N.A., the following officers were elected for the year 1917:
Oracle - Mina Dahlstrom
Vice Oracle - Adele Baade
Past Oracle - Christina Haltmeyer
Chancellor - Theresa Oelke
Recorder - Ina Mathews
Receiver - Minnie Schmidt
Marshal - Kittie Johnson
Assistant - Ida Reardon
Inner Sentinel - Anna Mathews
Outer Sentinel - Bell Oelke
Manager - Annie Sabban
~Elkader Register & Argus, Thur., 25 Jan. 1917. Farmersburg colum


Farmersburg Band Organized
Monday evening a meeting was called to organize a band and over 40 responded. Marshal Hieden told them the purpose of the meeting and made a rousing speech for the cause. Thirty of the musically inclined then walked up and signed their names. The following officers were elected:
President - Otto Fuelling
Sec. - Professor Lewes
Treasurer - Carrol Oelke
Manager - Geo. Glawe
Vice President - George Glawe
We vouch for some good talent in the band.
~Elkader Register & Argus, Thur., 20 Feb. 1919. Farmersburg Hints column.


Red Cross
At the annual election of Red Cross officers of the Farmersburg Branch the following officers were elected:
Chairman - Mrs. James Mathews, Sr.
Vice-Chairman - Mrs. John Shales
Secretary - Mrs. Mina Dahlstrom
Treasurer - L. W. Thompson
~Elkader Register, Thur., 12 Jan. 1922. Farmersburg column
Royal Neighbors of America
At the annual election of Officers of Palm Leaf Camp R.N.A. held at Farmersburg the following officers were elected for 1922:
Oracle - Mina Dahlstrom
Vice-Oracle - Addie Reordan
Past Oracle - Sella Mathews
Chancellor - Theresa Oelke
Recorder - Ina Mathews
Receiver - Minnie Schmidt
Marshal - Mary Eggers
Asst. Marshal - Kitty Johnson
Inner Sentinel - Nettie Behrend
Outer Sentinel - Belle Oelke
Manager - Ella Englehardt


Cedar Camp No. 3246, M.W.A., met to elect their officers. The following neighbors have been elected:
V.C. - Gott. Zurcher
W.A. - Louis Radloff
E.B. - J. T. Adams
Clerk - L. W. Thompson
Escort - Elmer Mahnke
Watchman - Wm. Reardon
Sentry - E. C. Oelke
Chief Forester - Hale Corlett
Degree Team - Elmer Radloff, Ben Zurcher, Harvey Klasen, Helmuth Schmidt, Helmuth Baade, John Corlett
Camp is in good financial condition.
~Elkader Register, Thur., 28 Dec. 1922. Farmersburg column


Royal Neighbors of America
The Royal Neighbors elected their offices last Tuesday evening:
Oracle - Mina Dahlstrom
Vice Oracle - Addie Reardon
Chancellor - Theresa Oeke
Recorder - Ina Mathews
Receiver - Minnie Schmidt
Outer Sentinel - Belle Oelke
Inner Sentinel - Nettie Behrend
Marshal - Mary Eggert
~Elkader Register, Thur., 13 Dec. 1923. Farmersburg column


Order of Eastern Star
Last Wednesday evening the Monona Eastern Star officers were invited to a 6 o'clock supper at the Haltmeyer Hotel. About twenty being present from Monona. There was 50 who partook of the banquet after which they all went to the Lodge room for the purpose of constituting our chapter and installing the officers for the ensuing year.
Worthy Matron - Mabel Mead
Worthy Patron - Harlen Mead
Associate Matron - Francis Oelke
Secretary - Sella Shales
Treasurer - Laura Shales
Conductress - Kittie Johnson
Asso. Conductress - Odelia Little
Chaplin - Belle Oelke
Marshal - Theresa Oelke
Organist - Lenora Embretson
Adah - Olga Mahnke
Ruth - Vivian Larson
Esther - Esther Hinsch
Martha - Grace Orvis
Electa - Mahalia Dahlstrom
Warden - Mary Eggert
Sentinel - Arno Oelke
~Elkader Register, Thur., 4 Dec. 1924. Farmersburg column. Condensed from a larger articl


Order of Eastern Star
The O.E.S. elected their officers last Tuesday evening, as follows:
Worthy Matron - Mrs. Arno Oelke
Worthy Patron - Arno Oelke
Associate Matron - Mrs. Kittie Johnson
Secretary - Miss Alice Mahnke
Treasurer - Mrs. Augusta Kruse
Conductress - Mrs. Odelia Little
Assoc. Conductress - Mrs. Mahala Dahlstrom
~Clayton County Register, Thur., 16 Dec. 1926. Farmersburg column

The Eastern Star held their installation last Tuesday at the Masonic lodge room. The following officers were installed:
Worthy Matron - Francis Oelke
W. Patron - Arno Oelke
Asst. Matron - Kittie Johnson
Sec. - Alice Mahnke
Treas. - Augusta Kruse
Cond. - Odela Little
Asst. Cond. - Mahalia Dahlstrom
Chaplain - Laura Glawe
Marshal - Mina Dahlstrom
Organist - Thelma Mathews
Ada - Esther Hinsch
Ruth - Vivian Reardon
Esther - Beulah Hinsch
Martha - Belle Oelke
Electa - Olga Mahnke
~Clayton County Register, Thur., 13 Jan. 1927. Farmersburg column
Royal Neighbors of America
A public installation of the officers of the R.N.A. of Palm Leaf Camp No. 3198, was given Friday evening. Deputy Mrs. Eva Baind, Installing Officer. Miss Ida Orvis of Luana Ceremonial Marshal.
Oracle - Mina Dahlstrom
Past Oracle - Nellie Beluind
Vice Oracle - Ruth Radloff
Chancellor - Theresa Oelke
Recorder - Kittie Johnson
Receiver - Augusta Kruse
Marshal - Gladys Reardon
Inner Sentinel - Laura Radloff
Outer Sentinel - Violette Gossman
Managers - Vivian Reardon, Hilma Lenth, Mabel Henkes
Faith - Helen Oelke
Courage - Amanda Henkes
Modesty - Annice Oelke
Unselfishness - Linda Klasen
Endurance - Elsie Klutzback
Flag Bearer - Belle Oelke
Musician - Thelma Mathews
~Clayton County Register, Thur., 03 Feb. 1927. Farmersburg column

Women's Club
Thursday evening the Women's Club met with Mrs. Wm. Reardon and was enjoyed by all. After the program the following officers were elected:
President - Mrs. Ina Mathews
Vice-President - Mrs. Mina Dahlstrom
Secretary - Miss Violette Gossman
Treasurer - Mrs. Wm. Reardon
~Clayton County Register, Thur., 21 Apr. 1927. Farmersburg column


Royal Neighbors of America
The Royal Neighbors elected their officers last Wednesday evening for the ensuing year:
Oracle - Mrs. Ruth Radloff
Vice-Oracle - Mrs. Nettie Behrend
Secretary - Mrs. Ed. Johnson
Treasurer - Mrs. Augusta Kruse
Inner Sentinel - Mrs. Laura Radloff
Outer Sentinel - Mrs. Sophia Benzing.
~Clayton County Register, Thur., 22 Dec. 1927. Farmersburg column

The R.N.A. installed officers last Wednesday evening:
Installing officer - Ina Mathews
Ceremonial Manager - Malala Dahlstrom
Oracle Neighbor - Ruth Radloff
P. Oracle - Mina Dahlstrom
Vice-Oracle - Nettie Behrend
Chancellor - Theresa Oelke
Recorder - Kittie Johnson
Receiver - Agusta Kruse
Marshal - Odelia Little
Asst. Marshal - Gladys Reardon
Inner Sentinel - Laura Radloff
Outer Sentinel - Sophia Benzing
Managers - Helen Oelke, Helma Lenth, Filma Krick
Musician - Thelma Mathews
Flag Bearer - Belle Oelke
Graces - Faith Mathews
Modesty - Violette Gossman
Unselfishness - Linda Klasen
Endurance - Elsie Kutzback
Courage - Amanda Henkes
~Clayton County Register, 19 Jan. 1928. Farmersburg column
Order of the Eastern Star
Last Tuesday evening the O.E.S. officers were installed by Arno Oelke, installing officer, and Mary Egers, Marshal, as follows:
W.M. - Kittie Johnson
W.P. - Hugo Oelke
Asso. M. - Odelia Little
Secretary - Augusta Kruse
Treasurer - Theresa Oelke
Conductress - Mahala Dahlstrom
Asso. Conductress - Olga Mahnke
Chaplain - Francis Oelke
Marshal - Ina Mathews
Organist - Thelma Mathews
Adah - Vivian Reardon
Ruth - Beulah Hinsch
Esther - Alice Mahnke
Martha - Laura Glawe
Electa - Belle Oelke
Warder - Mina Dahlstrom
Sentinel - Carl Gall
~Clayton County Register, 19 Jan. 1928. Farmersburg column

Fire Company
Farmersburg Volunteer Fire Co. held a meeting Monday evening, March 12, at the Town Hall. The following Officers were elected for the ensuing year:
Chief - Frank Walter
Asst. Chief - Jas. Mathews, Jr.
Sec. - Treas. - Hugo Oelke

Chief Walter made assignments as follows:
Chemical Engine - Herb Dahlstrom, Leigh Mathews, John Heiden, Frank Kelly
Chemical Hose - Rich Looby, Will Reardon, Merle Oelke, Ed. Fuelling
Ladders - Carl Gull
Fire Police - Earl Dahlstrom
Asst. Fire Police - Otto Fuelling
~Clayton County Register, Thur., 22 Mar. 1928. Farmersburg column


Busy Bees
On Saturday, Nov. 24th, the Farmersburg Busy Bees met at the home of Ruth and Grace Matt for the purpose of electing new officers for the year 1929. The following officers were elected:
Pres. - Irene Kishman
Vice-Pres. - Eleanore Henkes
Sec. - Grace Matt
Treas. - Bernice Kaiser
Reporter - Frances Corlett
The next meeting will be held at the home of Lillian Matt, Dec. 1.
~Clayton County Register, Thur., 06 Dec. 1928. Farmersburg column

Royal Neighbors of America
The Royal Neighbors elected their officers last Wednesday evening for the ensuing year:
Oracle - Mrs. L. Drallmeier
Vice-Oracle - Mrs. Nettie Behrend
Recorder - Mrs. Kittie Johnson
Receiver - Mrs. Augusta Kruse
Chancellor - Mrs. Thiesea Oelke
Marshal - Mrs. Sophia Benzing
Inner Sentinel - Mrs. Belle Oelke
Manager - Mrs. Ina Mathews
~Clayton County Register, Thur., 20 Dec. 1928. Farmersburg column
Royal Neighbors of America
The following officers of the Royal Neighbor Lodge were installed last
Wednesday evening. Mrs. Ina Mathews acted as installing officer and Mrs. MinaDahlstrom as Ceremonial Marshal:
Oracle - Hilda Drallmeier
Past Oracle - Mina Dahlstrom
Vic e Oracle - Nettie Behrend
Chancellor - Theresa Oelke
Recorder - Kittie Johnson
Receiver - Augusta Kruse
Assistant Marshal - Laura Radloff
Inner Sentinel - Hilma Lenth
Outer Sentinel - Belle Oelke
Managers - Helen Oelke, Filma Krick, Ina Mathews
Musician - Vivian Reardon
Faith - Thelma Mathews
Courage - Amanda Henkes
Modesty - Violette Gossman
Unselfishness - Linda Kalen
Endurance - Elsie Kutzbach
~Clayton County Register, Thur., 17 Jan. 1929. Farmersburg column


Order of Eastern Star
Farmersburg Chapter No. 526, O.E.S., installed their officers Tuesday evening for the ensuing year. Hugo Oelke presided as installing officer and Mrs. Arno Oelke as installing marshal. Officers are:
Worthy Matron - Thelma Mathews
Worthy Patron - Hervey Dahlstrom
Associate Matron - Vivian Reardon
Associate Patron - Milton Monlux
Secretary - Augusta Kruse
Treasurer - Mina Dahlstrom
Conductress - Alice Mahnke
Associate Conductress - Belle Oelke
Chaplin - Olga Mahnke
Marshal - Kittie Johnson
Adah - Mahalia Dahlstrom
Ruth - Nettie Behrend
Martha - Odelia Little
Electa - Francis Oelke
Warder - Laura Glawe
Sentinel - Carl Gall
~Clayton County Register, Thur., 14 Jan. 1932
Royal Neighbors of America
Farmersburg: Last Wednesday evening the R.N.A. installed their officers. Mahalia Dahlstrom was installing officer and Hilma Lenth was ceremonial marshal. The new officers are:
Oracle - Freda McNally
Vice Oracle - Amanda Henkes
Past Oracle - Mahalia Dahlstrom
Chancellor - Thresea Oelke
Recorder - Ina Mathews
Receiver - Augusta Kruse
Marshal - Violette Gossman
Asst. Marshal - Helma Lenth
Inner Sentinel - Mabel Henkes
Outer Sentinel - Mina Dahlstrom
Managers - Elsia Kutzback, Esther Schlitter
Musician - Laura Radloff
Faith - Thelma Mathews
Courage - Sophia Benzing
Modesty - Belle Oelke
Unselfishness - Linda Klasen
Endurance - Gladys Reardon.
Juvenile Director - Augusta Kruse
Captain of Degree Staff - Kittie Johnson
~Clayton County Register, Thur., 4 Feb. 1932


Order of Eastern Star
Farmersburg: Farmersburg chapter of the O.E.S. installed the following officers last Tuesday evening:
Worthy Matron - Vivian Reardon
Worthy Patron - Harvey Dahlstrom
Assoc. Matron - Alice Mahnke
Assoc. Patron - Milton Monlux
Secretary - August Kruse
Treasurer - Mina Dahlstrom
Conductress - Nettie Behrend
Assoc. Conductress - Esther Ann Johnson
Chaplain - Kittie Johnson
Marshal - Gladys Reardon
Organist - Thelma Mathews
Adah - Olga Mahnke
Ruth - Laura Glawe
Esther - Mahelia Dahlstrom
Martha - Blanche Oelke
Electa - Odelia Little
Warder - Francis Oelke
Sentinel - Arno Oelke

Hugo Oelke was the installing officer and Mrs. Ina Mathews installing marshal.
~Clayton County Register, Thur. 12 Jan. 1933



Royal Neighbors
Farmersburg: The R.N.A. elected the following officers on Thursday evening:
Oracle - Mina Dahlstrom
Vice Oracle - Thelma Mathews
Chancellor - Teresa Oelke
Recorder - Ina Mathews
Receiver - Augusta Kruse
Marshal - Gladys Reardon
Asst. Marshal - Olga Mahnke
Inner Sentinel - Lillian Oelke
Outer Sentinel - Margaret Kruse
~Clayton County Register, Thur., 04 Jan. 1934
Order of Eastern Star
Farmersburg: Officers of the O.E.S. were installed last Tuesday evening by Mahalia Dahlstrom as installing marshal and Hervey Dahlstrom, installing officer:
Worthy Matron - Alice Mahnke
Worthy Patron - Hugo Oelke
Associate Matron - Nettie Behrend
Associate Patron - Milton Monlux
Secretary - Mina Dahlstrom
Treasurer - Kittie Johnson
Marshal - Gladys Reardon
Chaplain - Belle Oelke
Adah - Margaret Kruse
Esther - Odelia Little
Martha - Olga Mahnke
Electa - Laura Glawe
Warder - Ina Mathews
Sentinel - Carl Gall
~Clayton County Register, Thur., 11 Jan. 1934

Order of Eastern Star & Masons
Farmersburg: A joint installation of the Masons and Eastern Stars was held Friday evening at the Masonic hall. After installation cards and refreshments were enjoyed. The following officers were installed:
Worthy Matron - Alice Mahnke
Worthy Patron - Hugo Oelke
Asst. Matron - Nettie Behrend
Asst. Patron - Carl Gall
Sec. - Mina Dahlstrom
Treas. - Kittie Johnson
Conductress - Thelma Mathews
Asst. Conductress - Margaret Kruse
Organist - Ada Kiple
Adah - Laura Glawe
Ruth - Olga Mahnke
Martha - Odelia Little
~Clayton County Register, Thur., 3 Jan. 1935

Farmersburg RNA
The following officers of Palm Leaf Camp No. 3198, R.N.A., were installed Thursday at the home of Mrs. Ina Mathews. The installing officer was Mina Dahlstrom; ceremonial marshal, Olga Mahnke.
Oracle - Mina Dahlstrom
Chancellor - Theresa Oelke
Recorder - Ina Mathews
Receiver - Augusta Kruse
Marshal - Gladys Reardon
Assistant Marshal - Olga Mahnke
Inner Sentinel - Marjorie Kruse
Outer Sentinel - Emma Sass
Manager - Ruth Radloff
Musician - Margaret Kruse [note: the 1/8/1936 issue reported that Belle Oelke had been elected musician, she doesn't appear in the 2/5/36 issue]
Flag Bearer - Nettie Behrend
Juvenile Director - Augusta Kruse

The officers who were not installed were:
Vice Oracle - Thelma Mathews
Past Oracle - Kittie Johnson
Faith - Violette Gossman
Courage - Sophia Benzing
Modesty - Amanda Henkes
Unselfishness - Wilma Lenth
Endurance - Linda Klasen
Captain of the Degree Staff - Kittie Johnson
~Clayton County Register, 05 Feb. 1936. Farmersburg column

Farmersburg Girl Scouts

Farmersburg Girl Scouts, ca1940's

Close-up of the above photo

Back row L-R:
Iris Reiman, Annabelle Flesner, Janice Muller, Dorothy Muller (leader), Greta Zurcher, Sandra Reardon, Judy Blazek, Vi Gossman (leader)

Front row L-R:
Karen Mueller, Linda Sedlmayer, Lynn Thoresen, Elaine Wagner, Belva Pearson

~photo contributed by Lynn (Thoresen) Haakenson, "I don't have the year, but know it was in the 1940's. We met in what was the library."

Farmersburg Girl Scouts

Farmersburg - Girl Scouts, Judith Blazek, Annelle Flesner, Karen Mueller, Janice Muller, Belva Pearson, Linda Sedlmayr, Lynn Thoresen, Elaine Wagner and Greta Zurcher, accompanied by Mrs. Walter Blazek, Mrs. Lou Coe, Mrs. Orville Bueller, Mrs. Elmer Muller, Mrs. Leroy Pearson, Mrs. Herbert Thoresen, Mrs. Arthur Wagner and Violetta Gossman spent Friday in Cedar Rapids where they visited the WMT studios and were conducted through the Cedar Rapids Gazette offices and the Quaker Oats plant.
~Clayton County Register, Thursday, June 14, 1951 ~transcribed by S. Ferrall



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