McGregor Hook &
Ladder Company No. 1
Articles of Incorporation & By-Laws
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![]() Articles of Incorporation of the McGregor Hook and Ladder Company, No. I Article I We, the undersigned, citizens of McGregor, Iowa, to-wit: J.A. Walter, W.H. Hagensick, James Hall, George Allard, Mervin Hagensick, Arthur Hellberg, Wm. B. Walter, Wm. Allard, Bradford Niemeyer, Albert Douglas, Henry Drallmeier, John Duerr, Gred Gerndt, H.F. Haltmenyer, Clarence Lindemann, Wm. Ohmer, Melvin Thompson, John McGhee, Albert Beckett, Lou Coffman, Ludwig Balcer, C.W. Waltz, W.G. Luce, Richard O'Brien, Harold Hoffman, Herman Coobs, Raymond Coffman, Earl Wescott, Albert Creasey, Fred Kafer, George Suddendorf and Peter Johnson |
Article II And our successors and those who may be hereafter associated with us, do hereby associate ourselves and become incorporate, under the name of the McGREGOR HOOK AND LADDER COMPANY NO. 1, for the purpose of suppressing fire and preventing the conflagration Of property in the town of McGregor. Article III This corporation shall have all the powers, rights and privileges conferred and authorized by the Chapter 2, 1897 Code of Iowa, together with the franchises and powers that are now, or may be granted to Hook and Ladder or to other fire companies in the State of Iowa. Article IV This corporation shall commence on the 15th day of March, A.D. 1922, and shall continue fifty years with the right of renewal. Article VIII The officers Of this corporation shall consist of a Chief, an Assistant Chief, Foreman, Assistant Foreman, a Secretary and Treasurer, who shall hold their offices for one year, and until their successors are elected and enter on the duties of their respective offices. Until the annual election in 1934, Wm. B. Walter is hereby constituted Chief; W.H. Hagensick, Assistant Chief; Harvey Weir, Foreman; Percy Freeman, Assistant Foreman; Lawrence Lindemann, Secretary and Treasurer. |
![]() Article XIV This corporation shall have power to take, purchase, hold and aleinate property, both real and personal, and their place of business and office shall be in McGregor. Witness our hand this 15th day of March A.D. 1922 J.A. Walter, W.H. Hagensick, John Durr Jr., M.G. Thompson, E.J. Wescott, Wm. Ohmer, H.M. Hagensick, Wm. B. Walter, L. Balcer, Pete Johnson, A.S. Beckett, R.L. Coffman, H.J. Cobbs, Arthur Hellberg, Albert Douglas, George Suddendorf, George Allard, C.W. Waltz, Al Creasey, Will Allard, H.E. Hoffman, C.B. Niemeyer, Lou Coffman, H.F. Haltmeyer, R.T. O'Brien, C.E. Lindermann, Frank Kafer, W.G. Luce, John McGhee, Fred Gerndt, James Hall, Henry Drallmeier |
Percy Freeman, Charles Weir, Robert Brooks - Committee on
~source: scans of the original documents
~contributed by Jack Radloff for Clayton co. IAGenWeb
~selected text transcribed by S. Ferrall