new content added 8/12/2023
Clayton County &
Iowa State Bar Association
This is an on-going compilation. New submissions, photos of the Iowa State and/or Clayton Co. Bar Association members; or additional info. is welcome. Contact the Clayton county coordinator with your information. |
The history of the bar of Clayton county
did not begin with the founding of the county but several
years later. It must be borne in mind that the need of an
established law does not come with the first settlers but
after the population becomes so thick that it needs some
form of established order. Clayton County was organized in 1838, but it was not until 1843 that a resident lawyer came. Prior to that time the bar was represented by the "traveling" lawyers of that time. They usually traveled in circuits, taking what business came their way. The well-known Samuel Murdock was the first lawyer to establish a permanent residence in the county. In the later years he took a most active interest in it's affairs. Reuben Noble, Eliphalet Price, Elias H. Williams, P.M. Potter, Gilbert Douglas, Norman Chesley and Schuyler Peet quickly followed Mr. Murdock here. The first court was held at Prairie La Porte in May, 1883 [sic 1838]. The Hon. Chas. Dunn, district judge, persided at this session. Clayton county was then in the territory of Wisconsin. About the only business transacted at this session was the making out and approving of the county payroll. As the territories were organized, probate courts were established, Richard Pearson was the first probate judge appointed for Clayton county. Eliphalet Price was his succesor and his appointment was dated from 1858. He was succeded in turn by Sidney Wood. County courts were established in 1851, having probate jurisdiction. The probate courts were discontinued in 1850. The office of probate judge was discontinued and the county judge took his place until 1860 when the general assembly passed a law reestablishing the probate courts. Elias Williams was the first county judge and Eliphalet Price was his successor. In 1868 an act was passed by the general assembly creating the circuit court and at the same time abolishing the office of county judge. The business of the county judge was then transferred to the new office. The first judge of this court was B.T. Hunt of Elkader. His term lasted for four years, beginning, Jan. 1, 1869. ~Elkader Register, Thurs., September 10, 1925, pg 3 |
1906 The annual meeting of the Clayton County Bar Association was held at the Court House Tuesday afternoon. Among those present from out of town were J. O. Crosby, of Garnavillo, President of the Association; M. X. Geske and A. Chapin, of McGregor; B. W. and Chas. Newberry, of Strawberry Point; C. E. Scholz, of Guttenberg; E. R. Otis, of Monona. We understand a very interesting meeting was held, many taking part in the discussion. The following were the officers elected for the ensuing year: President - J. O. Crosby. Vice Pres. - Thos. Updegraff Sec. - B. W. Newberry Treas. - V. T. Price Executive Committee - B. W. Newberry, A. Chapin and D. D. Murphy In the evening a banquet was served at the Bayless to the members and their wives. Among the ladies present from out of town were Mrs. J. O. Crosby, of Garnavillo, and Mrs. B. W. Newberry, of Strawberry Point. ~Elkader Register, Thur., 12 July 1906 ~contributed by Reid R. Johnson |
The annual meeting of the Clayton County Bar Association was held in the court room in this city on last Friday where the following program took place:
President's Address - James O. Crosby
The Recall - Valmah T. Price
Needed Legislation for Rural Schools - Byron W. Newberry
Is a Permanent Tax Commission Advisable? - Chas. E. Scholz
State Care and Treatment of Criminals - William A. Preston
The Standard of Admission to the Bar - Daniel D. MurphyThe old officers were re-elected as follows: James O. Crosby, President; Byron W. Newberry, Secretary; Chas. E. Scholz, Treasurer
~Register and Argus, 6/27/1912
Memorial services were held at the court room Monday afternoon by the Clayton County Bar Association in honor of three former members. Resolutions of respect for each were submitted by a committee consisting of Alex Holmes, M.X. Geske, W.W. Davidson, F.E. Sharp and G.W. Hunt
Clarence F. Murphy, died at his home in Elkader on the 3d day of April, 1944
Byron W. Newberry, President Emeritus of the Clayton County Bar Association, remembering his attachment to the State and Government under which he served
Charles E. Scholz, died 1944, for twenty years a member Clayton County Bar Association and a member of a pioneer family of this county~Clayton County Register, 5/4/1944
Members of the Clayton County Bar Association held their annual meeting Thursday, April 28, where they recognized Elkader attorney James Hart for his fifty years of service in the practice of law. Gathered at the luncheon in Hart's honor were, left to right, Steve Saunders, Tom Miller, L.J. Ehrhardt, James Hart, Dick Pattison, Kathleen Neylan, Ray Fliehler, Jim Craft, Kevin Clefish, John Gnagy, Gary Mick, Mike Schuster and Harold Palas.
~Clayton County Register, 5/4/1977
Additional history & related information:
Court Records
* Chapter II, 1882
County History * Chapter VI, 1882 County History *