1905 - Clayton County Directory &
Gazetteer - 1905
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Strawberry Point Post Office
Is one of the best towns in Iowa. It is a stirring place on the Cedar Rapids and Calmar branch of the C., M. & St. P. R. R., in Cass Township, sixteen miles southwest of Elkader, the county seat, and seventy-three miles north of Cedar Rapids. Population 1,000. It contains Methodist Episcopal, Baptist, Congregational, Lutheran, Catholic and Universalist churches, a graded school, a public hall with a seating capacity of 900, a bank, an opera house, a week newspaper The Mail-Press, and other institutions. Shipments consist of live stock, butter, eggs, and general farm produce. These products with that of her immense creamery, said to be the largest exclusively separator creamery in the country, make the city one of great commercial importance. This beautiful town is situated in one of the best agricultural regions in the world, her possibilities for the future are unlimited, and her growth assured. The people are like those of all Iowa towns, exceptionally intelligent and progressive. Her religious interests are well cared for by several church societies, all in a prosperous condition, and presided over by able pastors. Her educational facilities are fully up to the standard of Iowa cities of equal population. Stage daily to Osborne; fare seventy-five cents. W. U. Telegraph. U. S. Express. Telephone connections.
Town residents receiving mail through the Strawberry Point post office:
Adams, Jacob J. Alderson, Elizabeth Alderson, George Alderson, Miles Allen, Francis M. Allen, Herbert Allen, Laura A. Allenstein, Catherine Anderson, Mrs. Anna Anderson, Bert F. Antrim, Eliza C. Antrim, Louisa Appleby, Warren O. Baird, John E. Ball, Albert D. Balluff, Mary Barker, Wm. L. Barnes, James C. Bartels, Charles H. Bartlett, Elmer E. Baumann, Andrew Baumgartner, Charles Bemis, Chancey Billmeyer, Dr. George M. Blake, Alex Blake, Elizabeth A. Blake House Blake, Wm. H. Blanchard, Wm. J. Bowers, Archie Bowers, George W. Bowers, Isaac N. Brownson, Mrs. Edith M. Buckley, Helen M. Buechner, Wm. Buechner, Wm. D. Busch, Louis Carrier, Lester F. Chapman, Charles F. Chapman, George E. Chapman, Sarah J. Clark, Alonzo S. Clark, Ciba B. Clouth, Mrs. Minnie Clover, Frank C. Cole, Asa R. Cole, Olive Cole, Sarah J. Collings, James Cooley, Boardman Cooley, Gilbert - Postmaster Cooper, Anson Coykendall, Mary Coykendall, Miss Ula - Asst. postmaster Dalton, Whitman Darling, Samuel V. Davis, Benjamin B. Davis, John F. Davis, Julius E. Davis, Oscar R. Dean, Rev. Frederic A. Dexter, George D. Dexter, Jane De Puy, Rev. Orin C. Deyo, George B. Deyo, John H. Dodd, A.R. Dodd & Fallows Dorman, Charles, D.D.S. Drake, Mordica Duncan, Killman Dunham, Addie Dunning, Theodore Dunsmoor, Fred M. Dunsmore, James P. Dunsmoor, Thomas Durst, George Eaton, Hal M., D.D.S. Eder, George M. Ely, G.N. Emerson, Lloyd Emerson, Mrs. Lucy Eppler, Gustav Fairchild, Mrs. Nellie E. Falows, C.W. Flack, Jane Flack, Newton S. Flenniken, John C. Fliehler, Christ G. Fortney, Minnie Franklin (The Franklin) Frederick, Christ Frederick, John H. Fritz, August Fultz, Martin Gager, Edgar L. Gibbs, Arthur C. Gifford, Eliza Gilchrist, Daniel M. Gilchrist, Tyler Gill, Frank W. Gladwin, Oliver C. Glass, Lawrence Glass, Magdalina Gorley, C.H. Graf, Rev. Gustav A. Grassmeyer, John F. Gratka, G.E. Gratke, Samuel Greenwood, Orin M. Griffin, Elmer E. |
Hagge, Christ J. Hale, Electa Hanson, Bernard Hanson, Miss May Hardman, John W. Hardman, Loron L. Harr-Gibbs Co. Harr, Homer M. Harrington, Hiram A. Hartigan, Rev. John Harwood, Miner F. Hayes, George W. Hebner, John Hennessy, John J. Hesner, John Hestwood, Rev. James F. Hildebrandt, Sarah A. Hill, Jim Hindal, Emma C. Hines, Cyrus Hines, Lester L. Hoag, Edward H. Hoag, Wylie Hogan, Thomas G. Holbert, Joseph L. Howard, Dr. Fred H. Howard, Irwin P. Howes, Louis Imleu, Carl Inter-State Telephone Co. Jakway, Martha Jenness, Sarah A. Jessen, Jesse Jessen, Wm. Jewell, John Jewell, John H. Jewell, Walter Jewett, Maurice Johnston, Henry K. Jordan, Eliza Joy, Solomon Kaberle, August Kairns, John Kamoss, Mrs. Amelia Kane, Hattie King Bros. & Preston King, James Kingsley, Allen O. Kingsley, Kirk W. Kirkpatrick, John D.M. Kleinlein, Anna Kleinsorge, August Kramer, John Kraus, Bartholomew Kurpyuhn, Fred Lang, Edgar E. Langridge, Howard P. Lathrop, Lloyd Lawrence, Mary D. Liddy, Mrs. Maud E. Liddy, Michael Little, Albert T. Little, Jane Little, Lyman A. Litts, Caroline Litts, Lester McGarvey, Albert McKray, Wm. H. McNeal, James C. Madison, Louis Mail-Press (newspaper) Malone, J. Marquivardt, Herman Marsh, Joseph A. Maxham, Daniel S. Mikota, John F. Miller, Mrs. Edna Miller, John Mitchell, George Moine, J. Edward Morris, Nora Morrison, Margaret Moser, Ernst Moser, Henry F. Moser, John W. Moser, Samuel J. Mueller, Philip Mueller, Rosina Mullen, Wm. Nace, Clarence A. Nace, Daniel M. Nace, Jacob F. Nace, J.F. & Son Neumann, Minnie Newberry Bros. Newberry, Byron W. Newberry, Charles W. Newberry, James Niederfrank, Casper Noble, Levi R. Noble, Lucius L. Norris Bros. Norris, John Norris, John B. Norris, Rufus C. Opperman, Charles C. Opperman, Henry J. Opperman, Henry K. Ottman, John Palmer, Margaret Pebler, Fred J. |
Peck, P.E. Pelley, Jennette Perkins, M. Pettit, Wm. L. Pfrommer, Jacob Pollard, Dina Pollard, Eunice A. Pollard, Jay M. Pollard, Walker Porter, Alexander Preston, Louis W. Price, John Rawson, Carrie A. Rawson, Edward C., M.D. Rebaschus, Fred Rietjens, Wm. Roberts, Charles Rockwell, Dana B. Roe, George W. Rosenthal, Emil Rosenthal & Rietjens Rossow, August Saauerbry, Wm. H. Schick, Erwin Schmidt, Albert F. Schmidt, Augusta Schoeppe, Ernst Schug, Charles Schug, Fred J. Schug, J.P. Schug, Peter Sem, Christ Scofield, Miss Bessie Scofield, Guy F. Scofield, George H. Scofield, G.H. & Son Scofield, Miss Harriett Scofield, Harry W. Scofield, Miss Martha M. Scofield & Hanson Scott, Mary J. Sheldon, Altana Sheldon, Henry Simmons, Newman A. Simmons, Thos. P. Sloan, Alfred Sloan, George W. Sloan, Julian D. Sloan, Sarah Sloan & Son Smith, Albert Smith, Ann E. Smith, George W. Smith, Lynn C. Smith, Martha Smith, S.A. Sousley, John V. Sousley, W. Scott Stamp, Aravilla Stapel, Ferdinand Steele, George N. Steele, Wm. M. Steinhilber, Charles F. Steinhilber-Grant Land Co. Steltzmiller, Michael Sterns, Miss M. Ella Stewart, Catharine Stewart, James Stoskoff, Val W. Stringer, Clarence R. Stringer, John A. Stringer, Justus J. Strawberry Point Farmer's Creamery Assn. Strawberry Point State Bank Talcott, Horace P. Talmage, John H. Tarbox, Frank E. Tarbox, Fred A. Taylor, Marion E. Thompson, Fannie Thompson, Frank Thompson, John M. Treadwell, Abram Trezona, John T. Tromblee, Frank Trotter, John F. Trotter, Thomas J. Uhl, George Uhl, Joseph A. Walker, A. Gehr Wareham, Lyman C. Warning, Christ Weit, Christ Wendt, Wm. Wenzel, Fred W. Westfall, Jennie Wheeler, George F. Whitehead, Edward G. Whitlock, Annis Whitlock, Duane Whitmarsh, Willis H. Williams, Price A. Williams, Walter W. Wing, Henry Winger, Joit Wood, Frank Wood, Hervey M. Woodruss, Thomas M. Wymer, Joseph Young, George L. Young & Buechner |
Rural residents receiving mail through the Strawberry
Point post office:
Alderson, Eliza Alderson, Frank Alderson, Fred Alderson, James Alderson, John Alderson, John R. Alderson, Miles Alderson, Richard Alderson, Thomas Allen, Lemuel Andrea, Christ Anton, Joseph Antrim, E.R. Arnold, M.G. Asmus, Charles Axtell, A.E. Axtell, H.A. Baldridge, J.E. Baldridge, Wm. M. Baldwin, Henry Ball, Frank P. Ball, Stephen Balluff, Francis V. Baumgartner, Herman Baumgartner, Herman, Jr. Baumgartner, Martin Beavers, Glenn Becker, E.C. Becker, John F. Bergan, Patrick Berry, Albert Bigelow, Otis A. Boynton, C.H. Boynton, W.A. Brandenburg, C.C. Brandenburg, Matilda Brownson, Fred Bruggman, Fred Bruggman, Wm. Buckley, Eva M. Buckley, Parke Byrnes, Wm. Carnicle, Cyrus Carnicle, J. Carpenter, Ambrose Carpenter, A.C. Carpenter, Irvie Carpenter, John J. Carpenter, Wayland Carrier, A.R. Carrier, Wm. Carroll, Charles Case, H.M. Childers, Armon Cole, James Connor, Frank Cousins, J.C. Davis, B.J. Davis, Fred Davis, Wm. Deyo, E.J. Dillon, Augustus Dillon, James Dillon, Thomas Dittmer, Herman Donahe, C.H. Dricker, Wm. Duncan, James Dunn, Wm. Dunning, H. Dunsmoor, Ernest Dunsmoor, Herbert Easton, C.W. Easton, Edward Easton, J. Easton, L. Easton, L., Jr. Easton, L.S. Eder, John Eder, Michael Eichler, August Elkins, Joseph Elliott, Stanley Evan, L.H. Farmer, Wm. Farrington, F.B. Feulner, John Feulner, Michael Fink, Joseph Forsythe, Wm. Fox, Wm. Frederick, John Fredrick, Henry Fredrick, John Gamm, Charles Gamm, Lewis Gardner, L.C. Gerdes, George Gerdes, Gerde Gill, J.S. Gladwin, Joseph Glass, Daniel Glass, Fred Glass, Philip Glennon, John Glennon, Timothy Goodman, L.P. Goodman, L.R. Goodrich, Byron Gordon, James Grapes, F.P. Grapes, George Greenly, Wm. |
Gresh, Fred Halstead, G.H. Halstead, Wm. Hammond, Nathan Hanson, Peter Harnoss, Fred Haskins, A.S. Haskins, George Hayes, James Heddleson, A.L. Heddleson, Jacob Heddleson, J.A. Heiberger, G.M. Heiberger, Joseph Henry, Alexander Henry, J.M. Henry, M.W. Henry, Wm. A. Heubner, John Hindal, J.A. Hindal, W.A. Hines, Clarence Hines, C.D. Hines, George Hines, H. Hines, J.F. Hines, Leroy Hines, Lewis Hines, Thomas Hines, Willard Hock, John Hoehn, Wm. Houska, Albert Houska, Maria Howland, Wm. Hoyer, Ferdinand Huggard, Frank Hughes, A.M. Huntington, Elmer Huntington, L.L. Imlau, Wm. Ivory, D.J. Ivory, James Ivory, Jospeh P. Jefferson, C. Jewell, Wm. Jewett, Maggie M. Jewett, Wilson Kamoos, Gustav Kapppel, Carl Kellogg, Charles Kellogg, Oren Kidner, P.N. Kimber, Charles King, H.H. King, John Kleinlein, Anton Kleinlein, Gottlieb Kleinsorge, John C. Knight, A.E. Knight, Charles Knight, Delmar Knight, Earl Knight, Emery Knight, J.S. Knight, L.D. Knight, M.E. Knight, Wm. Komerick, John Komerick, Joseph Kramer, Fred Kramer, George Kramer, John Kunkle, Frank Lamphier, A.B. Lamphier, Charles Lamphier, Raymond Lamphier, W.H. Leahy, Timothy Lee, Michael Lingard, John Lingard, Wm. Loren, August Ludy, A.C. Ludy, J.C. McCrea, Thomas McLane, Amil McLane, A.L. McLane, J.M. McLane, J.W. McLane, L.F. McLane, P.N. McKinnis, Everett McLish, J.S. McTaggart, Michael Markham, Daniel Marshall, E.R. Meyers, John Miller, Frank Miller, Franz Miller, Fred Miller, George Minkler, C.J. Mitchell, David Mitchell, Ray Moine, Winfield Moore, Irvin Morris, M.P. Moser, Rudolph Moyle, James Myers, Nicholas Neuenkirch, Adam Neuenkirch, Charles |
Neuenkirch, Frank Noble, Frank Nodurft, George Nodurft, Wm. Norris, J.B. O'Brien, Michael Opperman, H.A. Opperman, John Opperman, Wm. Pebler, John Peet, B.W. Peischen, Rudolph Phelps, Laura Phelps, O.D. Phillips, R.W. Phillips, S.G. Pilgrim, A.W. Pugh, E.A. Pugh, Fremont Pugh, L.P. Pugh, Orrin Pugh, Warren Putnam, Martin Quinn, J.M. Quinn, L.S. Quinn, P.H. Randall, G.A. Randall, Joseph Rankin, Ira P. Richardson, F.P. Riemath, August Riley, John Riley, Pratrick Robbins, C.H. Robbins, G.A. Roberts, Ernest Roberts, Nelson Roberts, Wm. Rose, Folkart Rosenkrans, Albert Ross, Ralph Rust, Albert Sargent, E.H. Sauerbry, C.H. Sauerbry, C.L. Sauerbry, James Sauerbry, Wm. Schaffer, George Schmidt, Albert Schmidt, Charles Schmidt, F.P. Schmidt, Jacob Schneider, Fred Schontag, Sigmund Schroeder, Fred Schuchman, Fred Schuchman, George J. Schuchman, Martin Scofield, G.D. Schick, A.R. Shick, Edwin Simek, charles Simek, John Smith, C.H. Smith, Frank Smith, G.W. Smith, Wm. F. Stalnaker, Earl Stalnaker, J.E. Stamp, J.B. Steward, George O. Struckman, John Struckman, Wm. Tarbox, P.F. Teed, O.A. Tinker, Jacob Tracy, F.E. Tracy, John Tracy, J.W. Tucker, George Tucker, Herman Tucker, John Tucker, Sophia M. Wagner, R.E. Walters, Lou Wandell, P. Warring, Herman Warring, L. Way, Arthur Way, Charles Way, Glen Way, Washington Weeks, B.F. Weeks, Lewis Weger, George Weger, John Weger, Michael Weig, F. Weisender, Christ Weisender, John Welch, O.E. Wenske, Ludwig Wessels, Hiram Whitlock, O.R. Wilder, Frank Wilder, J.A. Wiltse, H.O. Wiltsie, James Wiltsie, Leonard Wolcott, C.D. Wolf, S.P. Zwanziger, H. |
~source citation: Clayton County Directory - 1905. Comprising a Complete and Alphabetically Arranged List of Heads of all Families, Business and Professional Firms Residing in Clayton County and Receiving mail through the Various Post Offices in this and Parts of Adjoining Counties; pages 285- 338. Compiled by the Dubuque Telegraph-Herald for the use and benefit of subscribers, 1905.
~transcribed by Sharyl Ferrall for Clayton co. IAGenWeb