IAGenWeb Project - Clayton co.

1905 - Clayton County Directory & Gazetteer - 1905

Osterdock & Postville


Names of the heads of families, business & professional firms who receive mail through Clayton county and adjoining county post offices. Brief descriptions of the towns and villages in Clayton county.

Full source citation at bottom of the page.


Osterdock Post Office
A prosperous village of 105 inhabitants, on the C., M. & St. P. R. R., twenty-one miles from Elkader, the county seat, and thirty-five miles from Dubuque. W. U. Telegraph. U. S. Express. Telephone connections.

Clayton county residents receiving mail through the Osterdock post office:

Balsinger, P.J.
Barnhart, Albert
Barnhart, Fred B.
Barnhart, George B.
Barhart, George T.
Barnhart, James F.
Barrett, D.A.
Barton, Frank
Barton, John
Benschneider, A.W.
Blaker, B.B.
Blaker, James G.
Bowman, Catharine
Bowman, Charles
Bowman, Harry
Bowman, S.W.
Bowman, W.W.
Brown, Bruce E.
Brown, Ben.
Brown, Charles
Brown, George W.
Brown, Harry
Brown, James W.
Brown, John H.
Brown, Milton S.
Brown, O.P.
Brown, Wm.
Burr, Frank
Burr, Peter M.
Bush, E.A.
Bush, Frank E.
Bush, Frank R.
Bush, H.D.
Bush, James
Bush, Joseph H.
Bush, R.H.
Bush, Warren
Butters, John W.
Cox, F.M.
Cox, S.I.
De Sotel, A.J.
Dodge, George A.
Elledge, D.B.
Elledge, Jasper
Elledge, J.E.
Elledge, J.R.
Every, Roscoe
Feidt, B.C.
Finnegan, John H.
Finnegan, Michael
Flaegel, John
Flagel, Louis
Flagel, Fred
Fogle, David M.
Friedlein, Charles
Friedlein, John G.
Funk, Ellwood
Funk, J.E.
Garkow, Gustave
Geick, Frank
Geick, Wm.
Geiselman, Joseph
Gore, Hannah
Gore, J.S.
Gray, W.A.
Guinn, Samuel R.
Guinn, Scott
Guinn, Thomas
Hall, H.W.
Hammond, J.H.
Hammond, Wm.
Hansel, Alex
Hansel, Edward
Hansel, George L.
Hansel, Jacob
Hansel, Jacob G.
Hansel, James E.
Hansel, James F.
Hansel, John F.
Hansel, John G.
Hansel, John W.
Hansel, P.E.
Hansel, P.L.
Hansel, Squire
Hansel, S.E.
Harbaugh, Charles
Harbaugh, F.T.
Harbaugh, Henry
Harbaugh, John
Harbaugh, J.B.
Harbaugh, J.J.
Harris, Fuller
Harris, Lucius
Harris, L.M.
Harris, Wm.
Harry, James M.
Harry, John T.
Haught, Ira F.
Haught, James E.
Hunt, D.J.
Hunt, Henry M.
Hunt, Miss M.C.
Hyde, George W.
Hyde, George W., Jr.
Hyde, Harriet
Hyde, James
Hyde, James A.
Hyde, John H.
Hyde, John P.
Hyde, Joseph
Hyde, V.A.
Jones, B.H.
Jones, Emeline
Jones, S.J.
Kauffman, D.J.
Kauffman, George J.
Kickbush, J.C.
Kulper, Henry
Kulper, Henry, Jr.
Kulper, John
Lee, Charles
Lee, George W.
Lee, James P.
Lee, J.W.
Livingston, Eli
Lovett, M.W.
Lundt, Fred
Lundt, Louis
Lundt, Wm.
McDowell, Delbert
McDowell, Scott
McDowell, Wm.
McMonigal, Frank
McMonigal, Josiah
Mallory, A.H.
Mallory, H.A.
Mallory, S.G.
Meyers, John
Meyers, Wm.
Miller, George H.
Miller, Leonard
Miller, M.C.
Mitzner, Ferdinand
Morarend, Henry
Morarend, John
Morley, B.F.
Moser, Alexander
Moser, A.J.
Moser, Fred
Moser, Fred Jr.
Moser, Fred H.
Moser, Henry
Moser, John - Postmaster
Moser, Lena
Moser, L.D.
Moser, Nick
Moser, Robert
Moser, Rudolph
Moser, Wm.
Noack, Garrison
Noack, Peter
Noack, P.S.
Noack, S.D.
Noack, Wm.
Oldham, C.G.
Oldham, O.B.
Oplinger, James
Palmer, A.B.
Palmer, C.W.
Palmer, David
Palmer, H.E.
Palmer, J.L.
Palmer, R.B.
Palmer, W.E.
Parkes, Wm. M.
Patrick, Joseph
Patrick, Wm.
Peacock, A.H.
Penhollow, E.M.
Pierce, Edward
Pierce, P.L.
Pischke, Gustav
Pischke, Louis
Porter, J.S.
Portwein, Edward
Rice, J.F.
Riegel, John F.
Riegel, Wiltse
Schrunk, G.S.
Schrunk, T.F.
Schrunk, Wm. R.
Smiley, John L.
Smith, Ale
Smith, John A.
Smith, John F.
Smith, John W.
Smith, George W.
Smith, Martin
Smith, Richard
Smith, R.S.
Smith, Wilbur
Starr, Sanford
Stewart, R.B.
Stone, F.A.
Sullivan, John
Sullivan, J.B.
Tinkey, Edward
Tomkins, H.P.
Tomkins, J.J.
Troester, George
Troester, George, Jr.
Troester, John
Walters, Marvin
Walters, T.J. - Asst. postmaster
Welsh, C.N.
White, Charles
White, C.W.
White, George W.
White, John
White, R.C.
Wildersmuth, J.B.


Clayton county residents receiving mail through the Postville, Allamakee co. post office:

Abernethy, Fred
Alt, Theodore
Anderson, Andrew, RR1
Anderson, Emil
Anderson, Eric
Anderson, Lars, RR1
Anderson, Nels
Bailey, Samuel C.
Baker, Ole, RR1
Bareiss, Fred
Bareiss, George
Bareiss, Wm.
Batchelder, B.S.
Bates, Henry
Bates, Wm.
Berg, Aksel, RR1
Berg, F.C., RR1
Bilden, E.E., RR1
Blietz, Joseph
Block, Henry
Block, Henry W.
Brandt, Fred H.
Brandt, Grub.
Buraas, H.H., RR1
Busacker, J.H.
Buttalph, Loren
Candee, A.M.
Casten, John
Cayton, A.B.
Cayton, J.C.
Christofferson, Walter
Clark, L.
Clark, W.G.
Clark, W.J.
Condon, Thomas
Cook, Charles
Cowles, Edward
Dahlstrom, Charles
Duwe, Joseph
Eberling, F.C.
Eberling, William
Erickson, Ben
Erickson, Henry, RR1
Erickson, Peter
Erickson, S.G., RR1
Everson, Ever O.
Fay, Frank
Fay, George W.
Fleming, B.C.
Fleming, Michael
Gass, Edward
Gass, Jacob
Gass, Walter
Gordon, Charles
Gordon, Edwin
Gordon, Elmer
Gordon, Howard
Gordon, Oscar
Gordon, Thomas
Groth, H.H.
Groth, K.H., RR1
Gulbronson, Andrew
Gulsvig, E.E., RR1
Hanson, L.
Harnack, Christ
Harnack, Joseph
Harnack, Louis
Heins, Wm.
Heins, Wm. H.
Helgerson, Austen
Helgerson, Nels L.
Henderson, E.T.
Hubener, Charles H.
Jacobia, David, RR1
Johncke, Christ
Johncke, Ed.
Johnson, Dorf, RR1
Johnson, Julius, RR1
Johnson, Lauritz, RR1
Klinkel, Casper
Knodt, Henry
Larson, Hans
Larson, Lars
Larson, Peter
Lein, E.O.
Lien, Thomas O.
Looney, John
Lyngaas, Engebert
Lyngaas, Nels M.
McNally, R.E.
McNeil, Daniel
McNeil, Ed.
McNeil, John
McGhee, Nelson
Madaus, August
Madaus, Charles
Marston, Bert
Martin, C.J.
Meyer, A.D.
Meyer, C.F.
Meyer, J.O.
Meyer, W.C.
Meyer, W.H.
Moon, Frank
Mosby, O.
Mosby, T.
Nehring, Detrich
Oleson, Gustav
Olson, Thomas, RR1
Patri, William
Pearson, Duane
Pearson, R.V.
Pixler, George W.
Pixler, J.M.
Reif, George
Reif, Henry
Reif, John
Reif, J.W.
Reineke, Charles F.
Reineke, Chas. F., Jr.
Reinhardt, Frank
Reinhardt, Harry
Reinhardt, Wm.
Reirson, Hulver
Reirson, Lars
Reirson, Ole
Reirson, Thomas
Renzeman, Fred
Rolfe, G.L.
Rounds, Frank
Rounds, Jesse
Rounds, M.M.
Rounds, Stephana, RR1
Rucktashel, Christ
Rucktashel, Fritz
Rucktashel, John
Sawyer, D.
Schlie, Henry
Schlie, Wm.
Schroeder, B.F.
Schroeder, Carl
Schroeder, Henry
Schroeder, John
Schroeder, Otto
Schulte, Henry
Schultz, F.H.
Schultz, Henry
Schultz, Louis
Schultz, Wm.
Schutte, Herman
Schutte, J.H.
Skain, Anton, RR1
Skarsbaug, I.H., RR1
Stake, Henry, RR1
Stinerson, N.G., RR1
Stray, N.E., RR1
Swenson, John
Swenson, Swen
Topel, August
Topel, Charles
Trudo, O.L.
Ugland, R.
Waters, R.B.
Weihe, Charles
Weihe, John C.
Welzel, Carl G.
Welzel, Conrad
Welzel, John
Welzel, J.P.
Wettleson, W.T.
Williams, F.L.
Williams, Lester
Willman, Wm.


~source citation: Clayton County Directory - 1905. Comprising a Complete and Alphabetically Arranged List of Heads of all Families, Business and Professional Firms Residing in Clayton County and Receiving mail through the Various Post Offices in this and Parts of Adjoining Counties; pages 285- 338. Compiled by the Dubuque Telegraph-Herald for the use and benefit of subscribers, 1905.

~transcribed by Sharyl Ferrall for Clayton co. IAGenWeb


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