IAGenWeb Project - Clayton co.

1905 - Clayton County Directory & Gazetteer - 1905

McGregor Post Office
Town residents - Rural residents


Names of the heads of families, business & professional firms who receive mail through Clayton county and adjoining county post offices. Brief descriptions of the towns and villages in Clayton county.

Full source citation at bottom of the page.


McGregor Post Office
A flourishing town, beautifully situated on the west bank of the Mississippi River and on the C., M. & St. P. R. R., fifty-four miles north of Dubuque, 229 from Chicago and 17 northeast of Elkader, the county seat. It is advantageously located, being one of the principal business centers on the railroad between Dubuque and La Crosse. It is best noted as a marketing and lumbering point; shipping large quantities of grain, hay, live stock, lumber, butter, poultry and other farm produce. It is just across the river from Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin, with which place and North McGregor it is connected by telephone and ferry boat, which makes regular trips daily. The leading religious denominations are represented by five church edifices; has a convent and an extra fine system of graded public schools, two banks, an opera house, two grain elevators, brick and lumber yards, a large creamery, two hotels, public hall, and electric light. The press is represented by two weekly newspapers—the News (Rep.) and North Iowa Times (Dem.) Population 1,450. U. S. Express. W. U. Telegraph. Telephone connections.

Town residents receiving mail through the McGregor post office:

Adams, George D.
Adams, John Q.
Adams, Leonard L.
Allen, Miss Fay - Asst. postmaster
Allen, John W.
Allen, Margaret
Andrews, Mary
Anderson, Gustavus A.
Anderson Hotel
Atwood, Friend
Bachtell, Charles A.
Bachtell, Ray D.
Bailey, Oliver W.
Baird, Josephine C.
Banze, Adam
Barnhart, Delia
Barron, Charles H.
Baylis, H. Covil
Beck, Andrew
Becker, Catharine
Bell, Fred G.
Bell, Henry
Benjamin, Dayton G.
Benton, Elmer E.
Bergemyer, Embert
Bergman, Albert
Bergman, Alfred F.
Bergman, A.F. & F.C.
Bergman Bros.
Bergman, Edward
Bergman, Edward L.
Bergman, Frank C.
Bergman, Fred.
Bergman, Henry J.
Beratz, Louis
Bernhard, August T.
Bickel, John D.
Bickel, J.D., Produce Co.
Bicknell, Martha M.
Billings, Augusta
Bird, Bernard
Bliss, George W.
Blodel, Sophia
Bonson, Leslie J.
Bowen, Charles
Bowen, Henry T.
Boyle, Alonzo C.
Boyle, Henry
Boyle, Homer N. - Postmaster
Boyle, Lee
Boyle, Milton
Boyle, Owen
Boyle, Robert
Bradley, David D.
Brennan, Michael J.
Brooks, Charles M.
Brooks, Henry P.
Brown, Hugh A.
Brown, Miss Jessie
Brown, J. Emmett
Bryan, George W.
Bryant, Charles
Buck, Charles L.
Buck, Fred
Buck, Olive E.
Buck, Orville M.
Buckman, H.H.
Burrows, George A.
Bush, Wm. E.
Chapin, Asahel
Church, Gill
Church, W.L.
Clark, Miss A.M., M.D.
Clark, Edward
Clark, Henry H., M.D.
Clark Hospital
Clark, H.H. & A.M., M.D.
Clarke, Sarah A.
Claudy, Wm.
Clemens, Albert
Clemens, August
Clemens, Emma S.
Clemens, Marguerite
Cleveland, Charles M.
Cleveland, James
Cleveland, Martha
Coffman, David B.
Cooper, Irvin E.
Cornish, Peter
Cotter, Daniel
Cox, George A.
Cox, Richard
Cowles, Anna H.
Crawford, James R.
Cronan, Daniel G.
Dahlman, Lena
Dalton, Anna
Darrow, Mary
Daubenberger Bros.
Daubenberger, Frank
Daubenberger, John F.
Daubenberger, Wm. F.
Davis, Charles F.
Davis, Daniel
Davis, James O.
Davis, Jane
Davies, Adam
Davies, John W.
Day, James E.
Dayton, Nellie A.
Dean, George P.
Derby, Wm. L.
Dewing, Frank A.
Donaldson, Gilbert
Donovan, Timothy L.
Doran, Patrick
Dornbach, Clara
Dornbach, Frank
Douglas, George F.
Durr, Arthur J.
Durr, John
Eckert, Leonard
Eckert, Philip H.
Eckert, Solomon J.
Edward, James
Eichendorf, John
Elbling, John
Elder, David W.
Ellis, Columbus C.
Ellsworth, Eugenia
Ellsworth, John H.
Elmore, Lizzie
Elwell, W.H.C.
Eno, charles
Eno, Louis
Eull, Gertrude
Evans, Martha
Evans, Miss Susan K.
Farnum, Louis C.
Fessman, Charles W.
Fessman & Allen
Fette, Catherine
Fette, Christian
Fiete, Evora
Filber, Magdaline
First National Bank
Fischer, Frank
Fitzsimmons, John J.
Flack, John N.
Flanders, Henry H.
Flanders, Henry M.
Fordney, Hiram
Foster, Margaretha
Foster, Stephen
Fox, Silas
Fox, Wm. C.
Francis, George A.
Freeman, George B.
Freeman, George F.
Frese, G.H.
Frese, G.H. & Bro.
Frese, John C.
Frese, Mary J.
Gallagher, Charles
Galland, Mrs. Elizabeth
Gardner, Eli
Gavan, Daniel
Gemmell, Eliza
Genz, Henry F.
Genz, Johanna
Gerich, Joseph C.
Gerndt, Charles T.
Geske, Henry
Geske, Marte
Geske, Martin X.
Giese, Wm. T.
Gilchrist, Miss Cath.
Gilchrist, Frank R.
Gilchrist, James N.
Gilchrist & Co.
Gile, Joshua K.
Gilman, Frank C.
Gilmartin, Wm.
Glennon, Miss Julia
Goddard, Herbert J.
Goddart, Bert.
Goedert, John
Gray, John K.
Griswold, Fred A.
Gutheil, Caroline
Hagensick, John L.
Hagensick, Wm. H.
Haight, Elizabeth L.
Haislet, John R.
Hall, Vernon E.
Hammond, John B.
Harned, Archie L.
Harran, Edward J.
Hasting, Charles
Hatch, Catharine
Hatch, Frank D.
Haven, James W.
Heberlein, Fred C.
Heberlein, John F.
Heberlein & Son
Heck, Philip
Heilmann, Henry F.
Hellberg, Frank
Hellberg, John H.
Hellberg, Rose
Hendrickson, Benjamin
Herbert, Elizabeth
Hescott, Philip
Holden, Edward D.
Horne, Henry B.
Horning, Alamando A.
House, Samuel
Hoxsie, Elial.
Huebsch, Anton
Hughes, Harriett A.
Huntting, Charles
Huntting, Elevator Co.
Huntting, Fred H.
Huntting, Harry S.
Ind, Walter G.
Jacobs, Edward H.
James, Olive
Jensen, Hans
Johnson, Anna
Jones, Benjamin
Jones, Richard T.
Jones, Wm. L.
Jones & Welder
Jordan, Charles A.
Jordan, Edwin B.
Jordan, Frank
Jordan, Mary A.
Kennedy, Marshall T.
Kennedy, M.T. & Co.
Kenyon, Ann A.
Kicherer, Mrs. Ida
Kicherer, John G.
Kiley, Julia
Kinsley, Benjamin A.
Kinsley, Guy
Kinnaird, Wm. R.
Kipp, Fred
Klein, George H.
Koop, Jennie
Korte, John G.
Korte, Wilhelmina
Kossack, Herman
Kramer, Charles F.
Kramer, Jacob
Kramer, Jacob C.
Kramer, John
Kramer, John F.
Kramer, Louis M.
Kramer, Miss Minnie
Kramer, Wm. F.
Kranert, August
Kranert, Wm.
Kurz, Charles
Kurz, Johanna
Kurgrock, Edward F.
Kurgrock, Sophia
Larrabee, Frank
Larson, Henry
Larson, John H.
Laufer, August
Leary, Ann
Leasure, Daniel
Leasure, Luther
Leasure, Mrs. Zula
Lee, Hans
Lewis (The)
Liebold, John
Lull, C.R. & Co.
Luthe, Catharine
Lyons, Mary
McDonnell, Michael
McGregor Cigar Co.
McGregor Electric Light and Power Co.
McGregor News
McHale, Cecella
McHose, Cordelia A.
McLanahan, George W.
McLaughlin, James
McMichael, F.
McMichael, Thomas
McWilliams, John
Manke, Wm. J.
Mann, Lucy
Marsh, Marshall L.
Mason, Martin L.
Matt Bros.
Matt, Joseph
Matt, Wm.
Matzeck, Joseph
Mehim, Miss Ella
Mehsling, Charles M.
Merritt, Wm. W.
Metzger, Christ
Miles, I.H., M.D.
Millard, Howard W.
Miller, Nancy
Miller, V.R.
Minchk, Mrs. Alice
Minchk, Jacob
Minney, George O.
Minney, John
Minney, Mathilda
Minney, Rose
Minney, Wm. T.
Moody, Samuel H.
Moore, Emma H.
Mossey, Clarence V.
Murray, Miss Mary
Neibrand, John W.
Nelson, Elizabeth
Nelson, Marien
Noble, Harriet C.
North Iowa Times
O'Brien, Edward J.
O'Brien, Patrick H.
O'Donnell, Ellen
O'Donnell, Rev. Thomas
O'Rourke, Thomas W.
Oehring Bros.
Oehring, Charles C.
Oehring, Fred
Oehring, Fred J.
Olson, Ben
Payne, George W.
Pearsall, Amelia
Pearsall, Charles
Peickert, Christian T.
Peikert, Joseph
Peterson, Samuel J.
Phillips, Jacob F.
Phillips, Jesse H.
Plumbe, Edwin P.
Pokorny, Anna
Prindle, Dorleski
Prindle, George E.
Quigley, Robert
Quigley, Wm.
Quinn, Samuel
Ramage, Joseph A.
Ramage, Mary J.
Reed, Emilie
Reynolds, Harry E.
Rice, Elbert N.
Richards, Fred F.
Riordan, Hanora
Robinson, Elizabeth
Rouser, Jeremiah
Ruegnitz, Max J.C.
Ryan, Jeremiah
Saacke, August
Schall, Mary
Scharfenstein, Mary
Scheffert, Charles
Scheffert, Ernest
Scherlin, Julius A.
Schnieder, Amalia
Schott, John
Schumacher, Mary K.
Schumaker, Peter
Scofield, Michael
Scott, Jennetta
Scott, Sarah
Seeley, Cyrus
Sharrow, Mary
Sherlin, Julius
Shrake, John E.
Siegele, Fred A.
Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Skeilinger, Henry
Skellinger, Samuel
Sloane, Frank C.
Sloane, Quincy A.
Sloane, Q.A. & Son
Smith, Frank A.
Smith, Wiley
Snyder, Anton
Somerville, David J.
Sparks, Edward D.
Spaulding, Clarence F.
Specht, Anna
Speers, Julia M.
Stafford, Otis J.
Scott, Mrs. Elizabeth
Standard Telephone Co.
State Bank of McGregor
Stevens, Theresa
Stone, Wm. S.
Stow, Edward
Sullivan, John
Sullivan, Timothy J.
Sweeny, Patrick
Sweet, Julius J.
Thier, Rev. Bernhard
Thomas, Mary
Thomas, Wm. H., M.D.
Thompson, Nellie
Townsend, Gideon
Troutfetter, Charles E.
Troutfetter, Wm.
Troutfetter, Wm. & Son
Trygg, John
Turner, George R.
Updegraff, Hon. Thos.
Van Sickle, A.L.
Walker, Charles S.
Walker, Charles W.
Walker, C.W. & Son
Wallis, Sarah
Walter, John A.
Walter, Margaret
Walter, Peter
Walter & Bro.
Warner, Benjamin R.
Washburn, Hiram P.
Watson, Joseph W.
Webb, John E.
Webb, Lemuel G.
Welter, Charles
Wentworth, Ernest
Wetzel, John
White, Caroline
Widman, John F.
Wilder, Orville E.
Williams, Charles M.
Williams, Thomas
Wilson, Elizabeth
Wilson, Charles H.
Winter, Rukard H.
Winterlin, Joseph A.
Wood, George N.
Wooden, Alfred
Yager, Oliver M.
Young, Margaret
Zeigler, Sarah


Rural residents receiving mail through the McGregor post office:

Adney, Alonzo
Adney, Alvin J.
Adney, Arthur
Adney, Austin
Adney, John
Adney, Johnson
Adney, Wm.
Albrecht, Robert
Allen, Andrew, RR2
Allen, Anna, RR3
Allen, H.O., RR3
Allen, Lemuel, RR3
Alert, George
Allert, Herman
Allert, John W., RR1
Allert, Wm., RR1
Anderson, Andrew, RR2
Anderson, H.H.
Anderson, Solon, RR3
Bachtell, Vernon, RR3
Balzel, C., RR1
Barnhard, John H., RR1
Barnhard, Wm., RR1
Barnhouse, Allen, RR3
Barnhouse, Samuel, RR3
Barker, Sarah
Barnett, Patrick
Barr, A.J.
Bass, George R., RR3
Bass, John
Becker, Fred S., RR1
Becker, Oscar, RR1
Beckett, Fred, RR3
Beckett, J.T., RR3
Bensing, J.H., RR1
Bentley, A.H.
Bernhard, William, RR1
Bertsinger, Edward
Beyer, Ferdinand, RR1
Bickel, D.F., RR1
Bickel, John S., RR1
Bickel, Ray S., RR1
Bierbaum, F.G., RR3
Blaha, Frank, RR1
Blaha, Frank V., RR1
Bonza, Edward
Bonzer, John, RR1
Bonzer, Joseph, RR1
Bovee, Myron
Boynton, Oscar
Bruckner, Lorenz, RR3
Bucholtz, Julia
Burghardt, G.H., RR3
Carlson, Carl
Carroll, Michael, RR1
Claudy, Daniel
Claudy, Wm.
Chase, Beecher
Connors, John
Cottrill, John
Crawford, Marshall, RR1
Cropp, E.D.
Dahm, J.N.
Danielson, M.
Davies, G.W.
Davies, James A., RR1
Davies, James G., RR1
Davies, Louise
Davies, Richard
Davies, W.L.
Davis, George, RR3
Davis, John
Debes, Adam
De Haven, Samuel
Demo, Abraham
Demo, Frank
Demo, John
Dettman, H.H., RR3
Dettman, J.F.W., RR3
Dettman, Julius
Dickens, Clayton
Diem, George
Douglass, Homer
Duer, Charles
Duer, M.L.
Duer, Washington
Eckle, George
Eckle, George, Jr.
Eckle, Jacob
Edgerton, L.
Eggen, Embret, RR3
Eggen, Ernest, RR3
Eggen, Ole E., RR3
Elet, Fred, RR1
Ellenbolt, Henry
Ellenholt, Retus, RR1
Ellenbolt, Stewart, RR1
Erbe, Adam
Erbe, Henry
Erickson, Erick, RR3
Erickson, Ole, RR3
Erickson, Peter
Faher, Mrs. Mary, RR3
Figgie, Henry, RR1
Figgie, Wm., RR1
Fischer, Henry, RR3
Flexman, Arthur
Flitsch, Richard
Flower, G.L., RR3
Flower, John, RR3
Forster, Ernest
Fox, Henry, RR1
Fox, Jacob, RR1
Fritz, John, RR1
Gardner, Eli
Gardner, Wm.
Gebhardt, Wm. C., RR1
Geraghty, James, RR1
Geraghty, John, RR1
Geraghty, John F., RR1
Geraghty, Michael, RR1
Gerloff, H.L.
Gronquist, Alfred
Gutheil, George
Guthrie, Wm.
Haefner, Chas., RR1
Haislett, B.W.
Hallberg, August
Hallberg, Charles, RR3
Haltmeyer, Herman
Halvorson, Erick, RR3
Halvorson, Gertrude, RR3
Hampshire, George
Hampshire, Wm., RR3
Hampton, Arthur
Hampton, Isaac
Hanson, Henry
Hanson, Peter
Harrington, James
Hartwick, John, RR1
Hartwick, Theodore, RR1
Hass, Herman, RR1
Hastings, Charles
Havilcek, Albert, RR1
Havilcek, John, RR1
Hedeman, Fred, RR3
Heilman, John
Heilman, J.J.
Heimbrodt, A.E., RR1
Heimbrodt, Charles, RR1
Heimbrodt, Fred, RR3
Heinrichs, John, RR3
Hendrickson, Joseph
Henry, A.D.
Henry, John
Henry, J.J.
Henry, Louis, RR3
Hirsch, John, RR3
Hirsch, Wm., RR3
Holtman, Frank
Holly, John, RR1
Howe, Frank
Hubacher, George
Hubacher, John
Hubacher, Wm.
Huebsch, John
Hultgren, Andrew, RR2
Huseby, Carl, RR2
Irwin, Wm., RR1
Jennings, Lawrence
Johnson, Erick, RR3
Johnson, Lester
Johnson, Ole, RR3
Johnson, S.J.
Jones, E.J.
Jones, John
Jones, L.R.
Kadlee, Frank, RR1
Kadlee, Joseph, RR1
Kahls, E.E.
Kahls, John
Kaiser, J.F.W.
Kelly, Dennis, RR1
Kersten, Fred
Klein, Michael
Klein, Otto
Klotzbach, H.J., RR1
Klotzbach, John, RR1
Klotzbach, Levi, RR1
Klotzbach, Nicholas, RR1
Klotzbach, Theodore, RR1
Knabel, Anton
Knapp, John
Knapp, Myron
Knight, Homer
Knowles, W.J.
Koether, George, RR1
Kruetter, Charles, RR2
Kurtzrock, George
Larson, Alfred, RR3
Larson, Carrie, RR3
Larson, Frank
Larson, Fred, RR2
Larson, L.J.
Larson, Matt, RR2
Larson, Ole
Laufer, August
Laufer, John
Laufer, Simon
Letbrand, George
Lenth, Alfred
Lenth, John
Lestina, Albert, RR1
Lestina, Albert, Jr., RR?
Lewis, C.H., RR3
Lewis, James, RR3
Liebner, Robert
Lindberg, Gustav, RR3
Lindquist, M., RR3
Lindquist, Oscar, RR3
Lindgrain, Wm., RR3
Long, Clara G.
Long, Henry, RR3
Long, Ole, RR3
Lorang, John
Love, Jacob
Lucas, Fred
Luckerman, Charles
Luther, E.B.
McGill, D.L.
McGuire, James, RR3
McMillan, A.S.
McMillan, Frank, RR1
McReynolds, H.M.
Macha, Mary, RR1
Mariett, Hiram, RR3
Marlett, John, RR3
Marlett, Wm., RR3
Matt, Theodore
Mene, Wm.
Merritt, Warren
Meyer, L.W., RR3
Meyer, Wm. A., RR1
Miene, H.W.
Miller, Charles, RR3
Miller, Henry
Miller, Louis
Miller, V.R.
Miller, W.A.
Mitchell, S.W., RR1
Mohning, F.J., RR3
Moody, A.D.
Moody, Charle
Moody, David
Moody, Ira
Moody, Riley
Moody, Ross
Moody, S.H.
Moore, Harvey
Moore, William, RR1
Mueller, John, RR2
Mueller, J.H., RR3
Neill, C.J., RR1
Nelson, A.J.
Nelson, Nels
Nichols, C.E., RR1
Nichols, C.F., RR1
Nichols, C.J., RR1
Noeding, Carl, RR1
Ormsby, R.J., RR1
Orr, Albert
Orr, Clarence
Orr, John
Olson, Gustav
Olson, Ole B.
Otting, H.F., RR3
Otting, J.F., RR3
Parker, Frank, RR1
Parker, James, RR1
Peck, Joseph
Peterson, Albert
Peterson, Peter
Peterson, Thron.
Pixler, Amos
Pixler, S.N.
Pixler, Wm.
Platt, Albert
Regal, Frank, RR3
Reidel, Charles, RR1
Reidel, John G., RR1
Rhoda, Alfred
Rieley, Daniel O.
Riley, M.J.
Ronquist, Betsey O.
Ronquist, F.C.
Ronquist, John
Russell, E.F.
Russell, H.S.
Sass, Fred, RR1
Sass, John, RR1
Sass, William
Suetter, Wm.
Sawvel, Charles
Sawvel, Hiram, RR3
Sawvel, John
Schelhamer, Chris., RR1
Schmieser, John, RR1
Schmidt, Frank, RR1
Schmidt, Henry, RR1
Schoulte, Frank, Jr.
Schoulte, G.H.H.
Schoulte, S.H.F.
Schoulte, Wm.
Schriver, C.W., RR1
Schriver, G.R.
Schroeder, Albert, RR1
Schuldt, Charles, RR1
Schulte, August, RR3
Schulte, J.H., RR3
Schulte, J.H., RR3
Schultz, Albert
Schwisow, C., RR1
Scott, J.H.
Shaw, David, RR3
Sheffert, John, RR1
Simpson, Ole, RR3
Smith, Ash
Sparks, J.W.
Straus, Charles
Subdal, Frank, RR1
Subdal, Jacob, RR1
Theviot, Albert
Tischler, John, RR3
Trappe, Charles, RR1
Troutfeter, Barbara
Troutfetter, Charles
Troutfetter, Frank
Trygg, Andrew, RR3
Trygg, A.A.
Trygg, Erick, RR3
Trygg, J.D., RR3
Ulisch, Philip, RR1
Verhott, John, RR1
Voss, Bernhard, RR1
Walters, Irving
Washburn, Charles
Washburn, George P., RR1
Washburn, Herbert
Waters, F.C.
Weigand, Henry
Weir, David H.
Weir, Ithiel
Welch, Charles H., RR1
Weller, Charles
Werges, E.C., RR2
Wickersheim, Ben, RR1
Wilson, Wm., RR1
Witter, B.S.
Wolfe, Charles J., RR3
Wright, John
Yearous, L.M., RR1
Youngberg, Ernest


~source citation: Clayton County Directory - 1905. Comprising a Complete and Alphabetically Arranged List of Heads of all Families, Business and Professional Firms Residing in Clayton County and Receiving mail through the Various Post Offices in this and Parts of Adjoining Counties; pages 285- 338. Compiled by the Dubuque Telegraph-Herald for the use and benefit of subscribers, 1905.

~transcribed by Sharyl Ferrall for Clayton co. IAGenWeb


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