1905 - Clayton County Directory &
Gazetteer - 1905
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Littleport Post Office
Situated on the Volga River and on the C., M. & St. P. R.R., fifty-one miles from Dubuque, and nine miles south of Elkader, the county seat and nearest banking point. Population 165. W.U. Telegraph. U.S. Express. Telephone connections.
Clayton county residents receiving mail through the Littleport post office:
Alloway, Arthur Anton, Nicholas Athen, D. Barber, G.W. Battleman, Henry Beal, Frank Beatty, E.R. Beatty, John D. Becker, Charles Becker, H.F. Beckman, Fred. Beckman, Louis Behrens, Christian Behrens, Fritz Behrens, Henry Behrens, Wm. Behrns, Christian Bendschneider, August Benschneider, Charles Brick, J.J. Buechel, Anton Clark, H.S. Clinton, John Clinton, Wm. Conley, Patrick Conley, W.W. Conway, Daniel Conway, Maurice Coolidge, George Cornelius, Henry Curran, Philip Dahling, Henry Dill, Elmer E. Dinan, Lawrence Dinan, Michael Donke, Fred Eggerth, Albert Enderes, Ernest Enderes, John W. Enderes, Wm. Finkenkiller, Christ Fritz, Ludwig Fullman, Michael Gifford, Elmer Gifford, H.L. Gotschalk, John Gould, George Gusta, Otto Hakert, Charles Hathaway, Guy |
Hildebrandt, Christ. Hildebrandt, Wm Hochhaus, F.W. Hughes, A.M. Hughes, Burrows Hughes, Warren Kafer, Anton Kane, H.A. Kellogg, Alf. Krieg, Adolph Krieg, Louisa Krouse, Henry Krouse, John Lenhart, John Liddy, F.J. Lillibridge, O.S. Lucy, Daniel Lucy, John Lucy, Michael McDonough, M. McKinnis, John Madden, Thomas Maler, Emil Meese, Edward Meese, Fred Meese, W.C. Meier, John Meyer, George Meyer, Jacob Meyer, Joseph Meyer, Rudolph Meyer, Wm. E. Mierson, John Miller, Charles Miller, Wm. E. Murphy, Timothy Musfeldt, H.H. Musfeldt, John Nading, A.J. Nading, Flore. Nading, Forest Nading, James Nading, Jasper Nading, John Nading, M.M. Nading, W.H.H. O'Connor, E.F. O'Dea, Michael O'Laughlin, Patrick Olinger, George |
Ortmann, Henry Osborne, John Parsons, Thomas Piehl, Charles Piehl, Wm. Pilkington, F.T. Porter, G.W. Pust, Christian Pust, Henry Reffle, Joseph Reichart, Henry Reichart, Wm. Reichert, Charles Reichert, Fred Reick, Charles Reick, Wm. Reimer, F.C.H. Reimer, George Reimer, Paul Reimer, Wm. Robbins, John Rodas, Henry Rodas, John Rodas, John, Jr. Rumbaugh, A.L. Schlie, Herman Schlie, Otto Schuldt, Frank Schuldt, Wm. Scovel, Walter Shepard, W.F. Shine, Daniel Shine, Timothy Stalnaker, S.M. Steminer, W.J. Sullivan, James Tate, B.F. Towle, W.C. Wach, Anton Warnecke, Henry Warnecke, John Wegner, Charles A. Wenkstern, Henry Wenkstern, Henry, Jr. White, George E. White, Thomas Whipple, Darwin Whittle, John Wiley, John Wiley, Michael Winch, Louis |
Luana Post Office
On the C., M. & St. P. R. R., eighteen miles north of Elkader, the county seat, and three west of Monona, the nearest banking point. Has a church, good schools, large cheese factory, creamery, grain elevator, etc. Here can be seen on the farm of Burgess and Hansen, the largest herd of buffalo in captivity in the world. Population 200. U. S. Express. W. U. Telegraph. Telephone connections.
Clayton county residents receiving mail through the Luana post office:
Ames, Frank W. Anderson, Gilbert Backhaus, J.H. Becker, Henry Biegler, Ernest Bigler, Louis Brandt, Charles Brandtman, Wm. Bray, Charles Buckman, Wm. F. Bugenhagen, Wm. Burdick, E.E. Burgess, Helen Burgess, T.W. Candee, J.F. Candee, Selden Chapman, James W. - Postmaster Chapman, Mrs. J.W. - Asst. postmaster Coon, A.P. Daubenberger, Fred Daubenberger, George Doerring, Charles, RRI Doerring, Wm. Dohms, J.R. Engelhardt, Louis Engelhardt, Otto English, Thomas Eno, John L. Ernst, A. Ernst, J.M. Ernst, Lloyd Evans, Willis Farnham, F.F. Frey, H. Fuller, F.E. Funk, Fred Garms, Albert Gentz, Henry Glawe, George Gruel, Herman Hanson, John Haslip, Clara M. Heins, George Heins, Henry Heins, Herman Heins, Julius Heins, J.H. Henderson, Frank Henkes, Henry Hines, C.F. Hinman, C.A. Hinman, W.E. Houn, H.C. Hubacher, John F. Hupfer, Edward Johanningmeier, Chas. |
Kamia, Lewis Kamin, Henry Kamin, John Kamous, Henry Kishman, Alfred Kishman, George Kishman, Henry Kliefoth, Fred J. Kliefoth, Henry Kliefoth, John F. Knuth, H.L. Koss, John Krambier, Jno. Krambler, William Krueger, H.D. Kugel, August Lambert, G.M. Landt, Charles Landt, Charles, Jr. Landt, Wm. Lange, August League, T.M. Lein, John H. Lemke, Wm. Lenth, J.P. Lenth, J.W. Lindroth, Frank Lindroth, G.F. Looney, Edward Looney, Thomas Lubbers, Enno Lytle, John McNally, Lewis McNally, Richard Marting, H.G. Martins, John Meyer, Wm. Miller, Ed. Miller, Robert Montour, Ed. Montour, E.L. Moritz, Herman Mueller, Ferdinand Oathout, G.W. Oathout, Lee Oldag, George Oldag, Henry Oldag, L.J. Oldag, Wm. Oldag, Wm. H. Overbeck, August Overbeck, C.H. Palas, Fred Palas, Henry Palas, John F. Paulsen, John |
Pauncke, Fred Perkins, Henry Pries, Joachim Pufahl, G.F. Radloff, Charles F. Raymond, Stephen Roberts, Wm. Rupp, J.Q. Ryan, Edward Sauger, Philip Sauerssig, Henry Sauerssig, John Scheffert, Edward Schrader, August Schrader, Henry E. Schrader, John Schroeder, Carl Schroeder, Henry Schultz, Charles Schultz, Henry Schutte, Charles Schutte, Fred Sheffert, E.H. Shepperd, Eli Smith, Horace Splies, Fred Splies, Wm. Stackpole, Henry Stadtmiller, Ed. Steglich, August Stettler, W.W. Thies, George Thiese, Charles Turner, E.L. Turner, H.N. Uebelhoer, Lewis Vaughn, Jess Von Berg, Rosa A. Waalk, Henry Walch, Edward Walch, John Walch, Joseph Walch, Sebastian Walter, D.P. Walter, Ernest Walter, Fred Walter, George Walter, George, Jr. Walter, Henry Walter, Philip Walter, Wm. F. Waskow, Ed. Zeigler, Henry Ziegler, George Zieman, Albert |
Mederville Post Office
In Clayton County on the C., M. & St. P. R. R., seven miles from Elkader, the county seat and bank location, and fifty-five miles from Dubuque by rail. U. S. Express. W. U. Telegraph. Telephone connections. Population 100.
Clayton county residents receiving mail through the Mederville post office:
Adams, Fred Albrecht, A.B. Behrens, August Bente, Wm. G. Brinkhous, John Brinkhous, Wm. Carnicle, T.G. Childers, David Childers, Hannah Conerton, Joseph Coonfare, Daniel Coonfare, David Coonfare, Wm. Donath, Edward Dunn, Peter Farmer, Francis Farmer, Henry Gens or Geno, A.J. Gorkow, Charles Handel, Paul Handel, Wm. Helgerman, Charles Hines, Henry Hines, Hiram Hines, John Kahrs, John Kellogg, Mary J. Kellogg, Wm. Kellogg, Wm. H. King, Henry Klahr, Charles Klahr, Henry Koestre, Theodore |
Kramer, Harry Kramer, Valmah Landis, A.J. Lane, Frank Lange, Charles Leonard, Michael Leonard, Richard Leonard, William McCarron, Thomas Marshall, Miles - Postmaster Meder, Albert Meder, Barney Meder, Charles - Asst. postmaster Meder, Henry Nugent, Henry Parker, W.H. Patrick, F.E. Patrick, Leodiey Peake, C.E. Pugh, Wayne Schuldt, Wm. Scott, Wm. Sturm, Henry Thurber, J.W. Thuber, Wm. Vohs, John Vohs, Mary Wacker, Christ Wacker, Fred Wenzell, J.F. Wiesner, Oscar Wilberg, August Zahrndt, F.W. |
Millville Post Office
On the C., M. & St. P. R. R., and on the Little Turkey River in the southeastern part of Clayton County, six miles from Guttenbsrg, the nearest banking point, and thirty southeast of Elkader, the county seat. Mail daily. Population 100. U. S. Express. W. U. Telegraph. Telephone connections.
Clayton county residents receiving mail through the Millville post office:
Ayers, Len. Beatty, Bert Becker, J.H. Berger, Henry Blume, Charles Blume, Karl Bolsinger, George Brockman, August De Sotel, James Donnan, E.C. Farris, Alex Ferris, Charles Ferris, Joseph Fisher, Amel Friedlein, Henry Friedlein, Louis Friend, E.E. Friend, W.A. Gibbons, George Graybill, Charles Graybill, George Graybill, Herman Graybill, Joseph Grose, Joseph Hall, John Heckel, F.E. - Postmaster Heckel, Ch. J. - Asst. postmaster Henkels, John Kaufman, J.E. Kenyon, Edward Kickbush, Charles Kickbush, H. |
Marshall, J.C. Marshall, W.B. Martin, S.A. Meyer, Benjamin Meyers, Fred Minger, Albert Minger, Benjamin Minger, Charles Minger, Frank Minger, John Palmer, Henry Patrick, W.W. Penhollow, Ansel Peyton, Martha Smith, C.E. Smith, John Smith, Leeson Smith, Leeson, Jr. Sprague, C.C. Thatcher, W.M. Thompson, E.C. Torrey, Edward Torrey, Henry Troester, Louis Troester, Paul Truesdell, Daniel Ward, J.P. Ward, W.H. White, F.P. White, W.A. |
~source citation: Clayton County Directory - 1905. Comprising a Complete and Alphabetically Arranged List of Heads of all Families, Business and Professional Firms Residing in Clayton County and Receiving mail through the Various Post Offices in this and Parts of Adjoining Counties; pages 285- 338. Compiled by the Dubuque Telegraph-Herald for the use and benefit of subscribers, 1905.
~transcribed by Sharyl Ferrall for Clayton co. IAGenWeb