IAGenWeb Project - Clayton co.

1905 - Clayton County Directory & Gazetteer - 1905

Guttenberg Post Office
Town residents - Rural residents


Names of the heads of families, business & professional firms who receive mail through Clayton county and adjoining county post offices. Brief descriptions of the towns and villages in Clayton county.

Full source citation at bottom of the page.


Guttenberg Post office
This flourishing, incorporated town is pleasantly situated on the west bank of the Mississippi River, and on the C., M. & St. P. R. R., and this with the steamers running regularly on the Mississippi, affords unusually good shipping facilities. It is thirty-five miles from Dubuque, twenty-two southeast of Elkader, the county seat, and nineteen south of McGregor. It contains German-Lutheran, German-Catholic and Methodist churches, public and Catholic schools. The manufacturing industries are represented as follows: A sawmill with a cutting capacity of 125,000 feet of lumber per day and which employs about 175 men from early in Spring till late in the Fall, a hardwood lumber mill, a steam roller flouring mill with a capacity of 100 barrels of flour per day, two grain elevators, planing mill, lumber yards, soda water factory, brewery, pearl button and excelsior factories, fine water works, and a number of special and general stores, and supports two weekly newspapers, the News and Press. It maintains two banks, one state and one private, the latter being one of the strongest in Iowa. The location of the town is on a handsome prairie, extending from the base of the bluffs one-half mile eastward to the river and about three miles in length. Has a fine public park and first class hotel. Principal shipments, grain, flour, lumber and live stock. U. S. Express. W. U. Telegraph. Telephone connections. Mail daily. Population, 2,000.

Town residents receiving mail through the Guttenberg post office:

Abitz, Fred
Adam, Peter
Amann, Henry
Amann, John
Andregg, John
Ary, Levi D.
Aulwes, Fred W.
Aulwes, John
Aulwes, Louis
Ball, Carl
Ball, Ludwig
Baltes, Constance
Balzer, Fred
Barbknecht, Charles
Bartlett, Rev. E.C.
Barton, Henry
Baumgartner, Joel
Bechler, Jacob
Beck, Baptiste
Beerman, Benjamin
Beermann, Louis H.
Beerman, Wm.
Beerman, Wm. J.
Behm, Adolph
Behrens, Elizabeth
Behrens, Helmuth H.
Behrnd, Wilhelmina
Beutel, Bros.
Beutel, Charles
Beutel, Charlotte
Beutel, Gustav
Beyer, Arthur E.
Bierbaum, Albert L.
Biederman, John F.
Block, Fred H.
Bock, Francisca
Boder, Elizabeth
Borcherding, Wm.
Borcherding, Wm. Jr.
Borman, August H.
Bosecker, Fred
Brandtman, Lizzie
Braun, Lena
Brinkmann, Rev. J.H.
Brock, John
Bruening, Wm.
Buechel, Henry
Bunke, Lena
Burns, Mrs. Alice
Burr, Elizabeth
Burr, Mathias
Carter, Miss Lizzie
Casanova, John
Casanova, Joseph
Caspar, Mathias
Cassutt, Emma
Cassutt, John
Cassutt, Thomas
Central House Hotel
Chase, Edwin W.
Cherne, Charles
Class, Gustav A.
Class, Mrs. Louisa
Clayton County Bank
Clayton County Journal (newspaper)
Coleman, Eliza
Coleman, Robert H.
Colett, Fred
Commercial House Hotel
Connors, John
Cooper, Harry
Daacke, Henry
Daacke, Henry W.
David, Fred
Dent, Fred J.
De Sotel, John C.
De Sotel, J.M.
De Sotel, Louis
Dietrich, Cal
Dittmer, Gustav
Dittmer, Martin
Doerweller, Anton
Doney, Alfred
Dortland, Joseph
Drenkhahn, Charles
Drenikahn, Wm.
Drollmann, Walburga
Dubbels, John
Duffin Bros., M.D.
Duffin, Charles W.
Duffin, Earl J.
Duffin, William L.
Duwe, Dietrich
Duwe, Edward
Eberhard, Edward P.
Eberhardt, Catherine
Eckart, Henry
Eckart, Miss Ida
Eckart, John P.
Eggerth, Casper
Eilers, Bernard H.
Eilers, Hermann G.
Eilers, Henry
Eilers, Margaret
Einch, Nicholas
Ennen, Edmund
Eppens, Margaret
Erdmann, Wm.
Erhardt, Fred
Erie, Ferdinand
Esser, Amelia
Fahlling, Henry
Fahling, Wm. F.
Falkenhainer, Charles C.
Fassbinder, Gottfried
Fassbinder, Henry
Fehlhafer, Fred A.
Felder, August
Felder, Joseph
Felder, Julia
Felder, Margaret
Felsch, Otto
Fest, John
Fister, Lena
Fiechsig, Miss Christina
Flenkje, Wilhelmina
Floeder, B. Henry
Follmann, Jacob
Follman, Wm.
Franks, Wiley W.
Fredelake, Henry
French, George
Frey, Emil
Frey, Mrs. Tillie
Friedlein, Fred
Friedlein, Fred N.
Friedlein, George
Friedlein, George F.
Friedlein, Harriett
Friedlein, Nicholas
Friedlein, Wiley E.
Friedlein, Wm. L.
Fricke, August
Fricke, Henry
Fricke, Jessie
Fritsche, Andreas
Frommelt, Frank
Frommelt, Louis
Fry, Hannah
Fry, Theodore
Fueliemann, Agatha
Fuerste, Charles
Fuerste, Mrs. Louise
Garretson, J.W.
Gelof, Mary
Geuder, Ernest
Geuder, Helena
Geuder, Leonard
Geuder, Louis
Geuger, Henry
Giencka, Carl
Gilbertz, Michael
Gobell, Henry
Gobell, Miss Mattie E.
Goers, Mrs. Annie
Goers, Dora
Goetz, Edward L.
Gossard, Albert A.
Gossard & Wolford
Gray, Otis E.
Greenley, Frank
Greenwaldt, Henry
Guss, George
Gussmann, Johanna
Guttenberg Excelsior Mfg. Co.
Guttenberg Pearl Button Co.
Guttenberg Printing Co.
Guttenberg State Bank
Hagen, Fred
Hagen, Ule.
Hagensick, Mathias
Harris, Elwyn
Harter, Edward
Harter, Frank J.
Harvey, Charles S.
Haubach, Wm.
Hausier, Joseph
Heiden, August
Heiller, August
Heine, Wm. H.
Heitmann, Henry J.
Heitmann, J.H.
Herboldsheimer, B.
Herboldsheimer, John S.
Hermann, George
Hesse, Ella
Hilstob, Jacob
Hinners, Frank
Hirschbuchler, John
Hodges, Thomas J.
Holtz, Henry
Homann, August
Homann, August Jr.
Horsch, Emma G.
Horsch, Jacob H.
Horsch, Louisa
Horsch, Robert
Horsch, Wm. F.
Howe, Louisa
Huene, August
Huene, John E.
Huene, Mary
Ihm, Emil
Ihm, Herman
Ingwersen, David
Ingwersen, John
Ives, Thomas S.
Jacobs, George M.
Jacobs, Henry
Jaeger, Joseph
James, Benj. W.
Janzig, Rev. John
Jenkins, Charles B.
Jenkins, Charles W.
Jenkins, Horace G.
Johnson, Charles P.
Johnson, George H.
Johnson, Wm.
Jost, Fred
Jungblut, Wm. J.
Jungk, Mary
Jungk, Mathias
Jungk, Nick.
Junk, Charles
Junk, Mathias
Junk, Peter P.
Junk, Vincent
Junk, Wm.
Junk, W.H.
Kaiser, Joseph
Kampmeyer, Henry
Kann, Anna M.
Kann, Wm. H.
Kappen, Albert
Kappen, Clemens
Kappen, Henry
Kappen, Hubert
Kellett, Thomas A.
Kennicker, Joseph
Kennicker, Mrs. Mary
Kickbush, Wm.
Kipper, Frank Jr.
Kirch, Philip
Klinkenberg, Carl
Kloser, George
Kluth, George F.
Kluth, John
Knoch, Emil
Kohler, Anna
Kohler, Conrad
Kohler, George
Kohler, Innick
Kords, Margaret
Kords, Wm. L.
Kramer, Jacob
Kregel, Henry
Kregel, John
Kregel, Wm.
Kriebs, Lena
Kriese, Christina
Kriesler, Catharine
Kriesler, John
Kruse, Edward
Kruse, Fritz
Kruse, John
Kruse, Louis
Kuempel Bros.
Kuempel, Edward
Kuempel, John
Kuempel, John C.
Kuhl, Bernard
Kurtz, Charles
Lake, Benjamin
Lake, Frederica
Lake, Otto H.
Lancaster, Grant
Langmann, Wm.
Leigh, Wm.
Leitgen, Fred C.
Leliefeld, Gerhardt
Leliefeld, Henry
Lewis, John A.
Lindroth, Wm.
Link, John Jr.
Litchfield, J., D.D.S.
Loeseke, Wm.
Lorenz, Anton
Lueck, Annie
Lueck, Henry
Luther, Calvin P.
Luther, John
McErlain, J.A., D.D.S.
McGuire, Catharine
Madden, Edward
Maier, Maria
Maier, Nicholas
Marmann, Henry
Marmann, Nicholas
Matt, Henry
Meisser, Andrew
Mell, John
Merz, Balthasar
Meyer, Adollph G.
Meyer, Alfred
Meyer, A. & Bro.
Meyer, Martini
Miller, Diederich
Miller, Henry
Miller, John H.
Miller, John R.
Miller, Sumner
Minger, Ann
Minger, Benjamin
Minkel, Louis
Mitrucker, Christian
Mohrhauser, George
Mohrmann, Herman
Monaghan, Cornelius
Montgomery, Pearl Button Co.
Morris, Harvey E.
Mueller, Wm. H.
Needham, Mrs. Julia
Needham, Michael E.
Needham & Flechsig
Nieland, Mary
Niemeyer, Charles
Niemeyer, G.H.
Nigg, Joseph
Nolte, Mrs. Emma
Nolte, Wm.
Norton, Milton
Nute, Edward
Osius, Lorenz
Overbeck, Henry J.
Patcher, Alois
Patcher, Alois
Pauli, Thomas
Peicer, Charles
Pelcer, Magdaline
Perrott, Mrs. Augusta
Petters, Charles W.
Pfiffner, Gust
Pink, Andrew
Pins, Bernard H.
Pins, John
Pins, J. & Co.
Pins, Margaret
Pins, Peter
Pluemer, Minnie
Pohle, Ed. J., D.D.S.
Powers, John
Press (The Guttenberg)
Pufahl, Gottlieb
Purnhage, Henry
Purnhage, John
Purnhage, Mathias
Putzier, August
Pye, Charles E.
Radach, John
Radach, Wm.
Rademacher, George
Rademacher, Mary
Redemann, Wm.
Redemann, Wm. Jr.
Redwisch, Jetta
Reinhardt, Jacob
Riesselmann, Bernard
Riesselmann, Joseph
Riverview Hotel
Rodenberg, August
Rodenberg, Wm.
Rolfes, Frank
Roth, Andrew
Roth, Benjamin
Roth, Huber
Roth, Theodore
Runkel, Eva
Ruskaop, Henrietta
Ruthop, John
Sadawasser, Albert
Sadawasser, Herman
Sadawasser, Philip
Saeugling, Frank C.
Saeugling, Fred J.
Saeugling, Henry
Saeugling, John
St. Clair House
Scheidt, John J.
Scherling, Conrad
Scherman, Henry
Schmell, Wm.
Schmidt, Fred
Schmidt, Henry B.
Schnieder, Henry
Schoenauer, Edward
Schoenauer, John
Schoenauer, Theresa
Scholz, Chas. E.
Scholz, Helena
Scholz, Robert H.
Scholz, Wm. H.
Schord, Frank
Schroeder, August
Schroeder, Fred
Schroeder, Henry
Schroeder, James - Postmaster
Schroeder, Mrs. J. - Asst. postmaster
Schroeder, Louis
Schroeder, Mina
Schroeder, R.E.
Schulte, Katie
Schumacher, Charles
Schute, Bernard
Schute, Henry
Schute, Herman
Schutte, Eliza M.
Schutte, Henry B.
Seippel, Catharine
Seippel, Mary
Seippel, Wm.
Siege, Henry
Sieling, Christian
Smart, Frances
Smith, C.W.
Smith, Fred J.
Soltau, John
Stamm, Charles W.
Stamm, John W.
Standard Telephone Co.
Stoeffler, Andrew
Stoeffler, Frank
Stoeffler, John P.
Stoeffler, Joseph
Stoeffler, Louis
Stoeffler, Philip
Stoeffler & Siege
Studt, Amelia
Talley, Ambrose E.
Thamann, Elizabeth
Thiese, August
Thiese, Louis
Thomas, Frank
Thomas, John C.
Thorne, Charles
Thorp, Fred
Tieke, Bernard
Ticke, Mary
Timm, Mary
Tindell, Isaac N.
Tinkey, David
Tinkey, John M.
Tonnar, Peter
Tschohi, Emil
Tscholl, John B.
Tucke, Ernestine
Tujetsch, Julius
Uehle, Joseph
Ullrich, Gottfried
Valant, John
Voggenthaler, John
Vogt, Frank J.
Vogt, Joseph
Walke, Fred
Walke, Herman
Walke, John
Walke, Wilhelmina
Walter, Christina
Waltz, Victor
Wayside Inn
Weber, Peter J.
Weidemann, Fred
Werb, Harry
Werner, Richard
Wesemann, Wm.
Wick, Nancy A.
Wiesinger, Wilhelmina
Wiles, David H.
Williams, Joseph
Witte, Henry
Wock, Julius
Wolf, Fred
Wolford, Edward G.
Wolter, Benjamin O.
Wolter, Ernest
Wolter, Frank X.
Wolter, Henry
Wolter, John
Wolter, Matt
Wolter, Rudolph E.
Wooldridge, James E.
Wulfekuhle, Gerhardt
Wulfekuhle, Katharin
Yager, Joseph
Yunk, John P.
Yunk, John P. Jr.
Yunker, Charles
Zachmann, August
Zapf, Mrs. Anna B.
Zapf, Frank J.
Zengel, Frank C.
Zimmermann, Charles
Zimmermann, Joseph
Zimmermann & Ives

Rural residents receiving mail through the Guttenberg post office:

Anderegg, Alfred
Anderegg, C.G.
Anderegg, Edwin
Anderegg, John
Aulwes, Ben
Aulwes, Helmuth
Aulwes, Henry
Aulwes, Otto
Aulwes, Wm.
Backes, Charles
Backhous, A.G., RRI
Backhous, Carl, RRI
Backhous, H.C., RRI
Backhous, H.D., RRI
Ball, Charles H.
Ball, Samuel
Ball, Wm.
Bauer, Frank
Bauer, Joseph
Bauer, Wm.
Becker, Christ
Behrns, Max, RRI
Berns, Henry
Berns, Theodore
Bierbaum, G.H., RRI
Bierbaum, J.C., RRI
Bittner, Emanuel
Blietz, Wm.
Blume, Herman
Borcherding, C.W.
Borcherding, Fred
Borcherding, Henry
Borcherding, Henry C.
Brandenburg, Charle
Brase, Fred
Brase, Henry
Brase, Wm.
Brown, James
Bruening, Charles
Burr, Peter
Chettinger, John
Clefisch, Fred
Clefisch, John
Clefisch, J.J.
Coleman, Eliza
Dannenbring, Fred
De Sotel, Maxim
Dittmer, Gustav E.
Dorweiler, Henry
Dorweiler, John
Dorweiler, Paul
Dorweiler, Peter
Duwe, August
Duwe, Diederich
Duwe, Fred
Duwe, Herman
Duwe, John L.
Duwe, Wm.
Egelseder, Frank
Egelseder, John
Egelseder, John, Jr.
Eilers, Bernard
Eilers, John
Eilers, Peter
Essman, Arthur
Essman, Diederich
Frey, Peter
Friedlein, Emil
Friedlein, Harriett
Friedlein, John
Gerner, Lorenz
Groth, Fred
Groth, John
Haas, Paul
Hagen, Henry
Hagen, Joachim
Hagen, Theodore
Handke, Oswald, RRI
Harnisch, Charles
Harnisch, Wm.
Harter, Henry
Harter, John
Harris, Samuel
Heck, George
Heck, John
Hoeger, Clemens
Hoeger, John
Holtz, Henry
Jaeger, Jacob
Junk, John
Junk, Joseph
Junk, Peter
Kahle, Friederich
Kann, Arthur
Kann, Frank J.
Kann, G.H.
Kann, Gottfried M.
Kann, Henry
Kann, H.W.
Kann, John
Kann, Richard
Kipper, Frank
Kitto, Wm.
Klein, Jacob
Kottke, August
Kottke, Louis
Kregel, Fred
Kregel, Fred H., RRI
Kregel, Henry
Kregel, W.F.
Kriese, John
Kuehl, Wm.
Kuehner, Henry
Kuehner, Wm.
Lewin, John
Lewis, Lyman
Lieliefield, Ben
Loesicher, Henry
Mahowald, Frank
Mahowald, Peter
Mahowald, Wm.
Mardaus, Fred, Sr.
Matt, Albert
Matt, Peter
Meier, H.W., RRI
Meyer, Anton
Meyer, Charles
Meyer, Elizabeth
Meyer, Joseph
Meyer, Otto
Miller, Charles
Miller, W.H.
Mohrmem, Mathis
Morarend, August
Morarend, Diederich
Morarend, Wm.
Mueller, C.C.
Mueller, Fred
Mueller, Fred, Jr.
Mueller, Helmuth
Mueller, Henry
Mueller, John W.
Mueller, Louis
Needham, Patrick
Niehaus, Henry
Nieland, Bernhard
Nieland, Gerhard
Nieland, Henry
Nieland, Herman
Nieland, Herman, Jr.
Nieman, G.H.W.
Noack, James
Nuehring, John
Nuehring, Wm.
Ohlendorf, John
Overbeck, W.A.
Petchauer, Joseph
Petsche, John
Petsche, Joseph
Peuker, Charles
Peuker, John
Pufahl, Julius, RRI
Reimer, Charles
Reimer, Charles, Jr.
Reimer, Henry
Reinitz, Charles
Reinitz, Gustav
Reinitz, Henry
Reinitz, Louis
Rodenberg, John
Rodenberg, Wm.
Rodenberg, Wm., Jr.
Rohner, Matt
Rohwedder, Herman
Satran, Thomas
Schall, Carl
Schall, Fred
Schall, Joachim
Schaal, John
Schaefers, Joseph, RRI
Schloetzer, Hubert
Schloetzer, Wm., RRI
Schorg, Henry
Schrank, Franz
Schroeder, Calvin
Schroeder, F.R.
Schroeder, Henry
Schroeder, Herman
Schuette, Henry
Seeman, Gustav
Seldel, Joseph
Simmons, Mathias
Sodawasser, Frank
Sodawasser, Walter
Stoecker, George, RRI
Tackman, Fritz
Thiese, Ferdinand
Thiese, Fred
Thiese, Wm.
Tuecke, Henry
Tuecke, Herman
Tuecke, John
Tuecke, John H., RRI
Tuecke, Louis
Tujetsch, Christ
Vorwald, Edward
Vorwald, G.J.
Voss, Benjamin
Voss, Bernard
Voss, Bernard, Jr.
Voss, Gottfried
Voss, Henry
Voss, Herman
Waldinger, H.
Walke, August
Walke, Herman
Walker, David
Walter, John C.
Walter, Wm.
Waltz, Frank
Weber, Charles
Weber, C.W.
Weber, George
Welling, Henry
White, Edward
Wilker, H.J., RRI
Wilker, J.F., RRI
Wille, Anton
Willman, Joseph
Wittman, Fred
Wittman, John
Wittman, John, Jr.
Wolter, George
Wolter, John
Wulfekuhle, B.H.
Zapf, Joseph


~source citation: Clayton County Directory - 1905. Comprising a Complete and Alphabetically Arranged List of Heads of all Families, Business and Professional Firms Residing in Clayton County and Receiving mail through the Various Post Offices in this and Parts of Adjoining Counties; pages 285- 338. Compiled by the Dubuque Telegraph-Herald for the use and benefit of subscribers, 1905.

~transcribed by Sharyl Ferrall for Clayton co. IAGenWeb


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