1905 - Clayton County Directory &
Gazetteer - 1905
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Garnavillo Post Office
An inland village six miles west of Clayton, and about twelve miles east of Elkader, the county seat and nearest banking place. The nearest railroad is the C., M. & St. P. R. R., which has stations six miles distant in every direction. The village is located on a beautiful and very productive prairie, and there is an abundant supply of timber in the vicinity. Has good public schools, convent, churches, milling company, etc., and enjoys a prosperous farm trade. Stages daily to Elkader and Clayton with mail; fare 50 cents to either place. Telephone connections. Population 300.
Clayton county residents receiving mail through the Garnavillo post office:
Allyn, Wm. M. Allyn, Wm. M. Jr Auer, Edward Auer, Frank Auer, Frank Jr. Auer, Joseph Bahls, Albert Bahls, Max Baier, George Bauer, Christ Beck, Otto Beckett, S.W. Berns, Frank Berns, Otto Berns, Peters Berns, Peter J. Biederman, George Biederman, Jacob Biederman, Joseph Biederman, Joseph Jr. Blunk, Herman Blunk, Wm. Brandt, Helmuth Brandt, Henry Braun, K.W. Bruns, F.H. Bruns, George L. Brideweser, W.J. Bunge, John G. Butts, G.W. Butts, Henry Carrier, Glint R. Clair, Charles H. Clair, D.B. Clefisch, Henry Cooper, Charles Crawford, A.N. Crosby, J.O. Day, F.L. Dehn, John Dettmann, C.A. Dettmer, Henry Dettmer, H.H. Dickman, C.W. Dickman, H.W. Duede, Chris Espolt, Louis Fallon, Sarah Fascher, Carl Felthafer, H.H. Fritz, M.W. Fry, John Georges, Carl Griemann, Herman Gruel, Henry Gruel, John Gruel, Wm. F. Gruetsmacher, J.H. Guth, Herman Hademan, Charles Hagensick, Frank Hains, John Hamann, Christ G. Hammann, August Hammann, John Hammann, John Jr. Hand, W.W. Harberg, Fred Harnack, Bernard Harnack, G.L. Harnack, John Harnack, John Jr. Harnack, M.F. Hartwig, L.C. Havill, Louis Havill, Martin Hedeman, C.G. Hempeler, C.H. Hempeler, Wm. Henning, Charles Henning, John Hildenbrandt, Carl Hill, George Hill, Wm. Hingman, Richard Hohman, Frank M. Hudson, J.W. Ihde, August Ihde, Fred Ihde, John F. Ihde, Joseph Ihde, Wm. H. |
Jahnke, Ferdinand Jahnke, Wm. Joels, E. Kainz, Joseph Kaiser, J.G. Kaiser, W.E. Kann, F.W. Keelmer, Gottlieb Kirschner, August Kister, Joseph Koehn, Ferdinand Koss, John Kranel, Edward Krasinsky, Theodore Kregel, Alvin J. Kregel, C.F. Kregel, Dietrich Kregel, E.W. Kregel, H.D. Kregel, J.D. Kregel, Wm. Kregel, W.A. Krouse, Fred Krueger, M.P. Kuenzel, H.C. Kuhlman, F.W. Kuhlman, George Kuhlman, H.H. Lembke, Fred Lembke, John Limbach, Henry Limbach, Joseph Lindman, W.F. Lockridge, W.C. Luehsen, Henry - Postmaster Luehsen, M.H. - Asst. postmaster Mach, Constantine Marting, C.J. Marting, L.J. Matt, Theresa Meier, Charles Meier, L.H. Meyer, Arthur Meyer, August, W. Meyer, Carl Meyer, Charles G. Meyer, Joseph Meyer, Joseph Jr. Meyer, Theodore L. Meyer, Wm. C. Meyer, Wm. F. Miller, C.F. Miller, Herman Milwesky, Frank Moellering, Wm. Mohrman, Wm. Mueller, F.D. Mueller, F.H. Mueller, H.J. Mueller, H.L. Neubauer, Otto Nieter, J.H. Oelkers, Frank A. Petersen, Albert Petersen, Peter Petersen, Peter, Jr. Petschauer, Andrew Petschauer, Ferdinand Possehl, Fred Possehl, Henry Possehl, John Preuse, Herman Putz, F.J. Rademacher, Ed. Rademacher, Wm. F. Raedler, Louis Rantzow, C.H. Rantzow, Paul O. Rehberg, Wm. Reimer, John Reinke, Louis Rhoda, Fred Roeben, Fritz Roebken, Abner Roebken, Fred. Roebken, Orville Roggman, Charles Rohde, Reimer Rohwedder, Frank Rohwedder, Henry Rohwedder, Herman |
Sack, Frank Schaefers, Henry Schaefers, Xavier Schaefersmeyer, H. Schaub, Fred Schaub, Traugott Siebertz, John Siebertz, Wm. H. Splies, Wm. J. Steemann, Matt Steinfadt, F.H. Stickford, A.H Stickfort, Benjamin Stickfort, C.G. Stickfort, Fritz Stickfort, P.J. Stiehl, J.H.H. Suckow, Fred Suckow, Herman Suelter, Henry Tackman, Henry Tackman, Louis Tackman, Wm. Tangeman, A.F. Tangeman, B.G. Tangeman, Edward Tangeman, Georg Tangeman, Henry Tangeman, H.H. Tangeman, J.H. Tangeman, Othmer Tangeman, W.A. Theodore, Wm. Thiese, Henry Thiese, Herman Thiese, John Thoma, Christ Thoma, Fred Thoma, C.J. Thompson, Peter Thorp, Fred Tuecke, J.G. Tuecke, Wm. Julius Wagner, Albert Walleser, Emil Walleser, J.H. Walter, A.J. Wendt, Fritz Werges, H.L. Werges, L.W. Werges, Wm. H. Wiedow, August Wilke, Henry Willmann, E.A. Wirkler, Alfred J. Wirkler, Erwin Wirkler, John Wirkler, Joseph Schenk, August Scherf, John Schlake, Henry Schmeizer, Otto Schmidt, A.A. Schmidt, Carl J. Schmidt, C.T. Schmidt, F.J. Schmidt, Michael Schroeder, E.C. Schroeder, Rudolph Schuldt, Henry Schulte, C.H. Schulte, Henry Schultz, F.A. Schumacher, C.W. Schumacher, H.C. Schumacher, J.F. Schumacher, Orlando Schumacher, R.O. Schumacher, Wm. Schumacher, Wm. F. Schumacher, Wm. H. Seidel, Fred Seidel, John Seidel, John Jr. Zaph, Christ |
Graham Post Office
A post office six miles southwest of Turkey River, its nearest railway and shipping point. Population 25. Telephone connections.
Clayton county residents receiving mail through the Graham post office:
Andregg, Robert Bolsinger, Norman Bowers, B.F. Bowers, Solomon Burgess, Clara L. - Asst. postmaster Burgess, Geo. P. - Postmaster Coon, L.M. Cornwell, John A. Cornwell, P.A. Cornwell, Thomas Craig, Miss Edna C. Funk, Elmer Goldsmith, Edward Graham, C.H. Graham, G.J. Haggard, Freeman Knickerbocker, Anna |
Livingston, Samuel Lockoff, John Lockoff, Peter Mast, Earl Mast, George W. Mast, Henry Parsons, Wm. Radabah, Charles Radabah, Jonathan Ray, Isaac Ricker, Melvin M. Rippey, Georg Schrunk, W.H.Sickels, Daniel Smith, A.J. Smothers, James Staebier, Charles Welch, G.W. |
Gunder Post Office
A post office about six miles east of Elgin (Fayette County) and twelve miles northwest of Elkader, the county seat. Population 95. Telephone connections.
Clayton county residents receiving mail through the Gunder post office:
Amundson, Adolph Amundson, Hans Amundson, H.J. Amundson, Louis Bergan, Margaret O. Christianson, Ole Jr. Erickson, Mrs. Andrew Frederick, A.H. Gulbranson, Halvor Gulsvig, Wm. E. Halvorson, Marie - Postmaster Halvorson, M.J. - Asst. postmaster Holm, Nels O. Holm, T.A. Jenson, Maren Johnson, August Johnson, Carl Johnson, Nic. Jurgenson, Jens. King, George H. Knudson, G. Koland, G.A. Lien, E.L. Mork, Thomas E. |
Nass, Mrs. G.G. Nelson, C.L. Nelson, N. Nelson, Ole Nelson, Ole G. Nelson, Ole L. Nyborg, A.O. Olson, Asgrim Olson, Halvor Olson, Olavus K. Olson, Ole K. Olson, T.J. Peterson, Henry Peterson, Kittel Reirson, R.L. Riser, Herman Rugland, Ben Rugland, Gunder Ruroden, A. Ruroden, T.C. Simpson, Knut Surby, Olaf Wellersven, P.P. Wettleson, Tov. |
~source citation: Clayton County Directory - 1905. Comprising a Complete and Alphabetically Arranged List of Heads of all Families, Business and Professional Firms Residing in Clayton County and Receiving mail through the Various Post Offices in this and Parts of Adjoining Counties; pages 285- 338. Compiled by the Dubuque Telegraph-Herald for the use and benefit of subscribers, 1905.
~transcribed by Sharyl Ferrall for Clayton co. IAGenWeb