1905 - Clayton County Directory &
Gazetteer - 1905
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Elkader Post office
A flourishing town of 1,200 inhabitants situated on the C.M. & St. P. Railroad and on the Turkey River, which affords a good and reliable water power. It is eighty-three miles from Dubuque by rail, and nineteen from Beulah. It is the judicial seat of Clayton County. It is located near the center of the county and the scenery surrounding its location is possessed of much natural beauty. It contains three churches - Methodist, Catholic and Universalist; two banks, a fine system of schools, Catholic school, two hotels, an extensive flouring mill, an electric light plant, creamery, and four newspapers. The Argus, Clayton County Democrat and Register, are English weeklies, and the Nord Iowa Herold, a Geman weekly. The principal shipments are grain, live stock, flour and butter. Telephone connections. U.S. Express and W.U. Telegraph.
Town residents receiving mail through the Elkader post office:
Adams, Charles J. Adams, Nicholas Adams, Orin Alitz, Frederick Allen, Albert Allen Bros. Allen, Old Argus (newspaper) Atwood, Clara Bachtell, Marshall W. Bahr, John Baker, John R. Bandow, Carl Bandow, Godfried Barnard, Harrison H. Barth, Ludowika Barton, Thomas Bauer, Wm. Baxter, George W. Bayless Hotel Bayless & Oehring Bayless, Mrs. Harriett Bayless, John R. Becker Bros. Becker, John Becker, John F. Becker, Wm. Beer, Christian Bell & Chamberlain Benchneider, Henry Berg, Adam Bink, Leonard M. Bishop, Hiram C. Bock, John Boettcher, Minnie Boots, Samuel Borman, Mina Branch, John E. Breitsprecher, Edward Brown & Bahr Brown, Harrison D. Canada, James Carpenter, Arthur J. Carpenter, Homer R. Cassiday, Jeremiah Cassiday, Patrick J. Cassutt, Christina Cassutt, Miss Mary A. Chamberlain, Wm. Cheeseman, Absalom C. Clayton County Democrat (newspaper) Clift, Annetta M. Cjough, Harvey M. Collins, Joseph C. Connell, Miss Jane Cook, Almeron Cook, Marvin Cooper, Emma Cooper, Mary Cooper, Wm. G. Cords, Edward F. Corlett, James E. Corlett, John E. Curtis, Dorothea Costigan, James Crow, Wm Davidson, Thomas M. Davidson, Wm. W. Davis, Oakley F. Dinan, James W. Dinan, John J. Dinges, Sarah Dittmer, Martin Dohr, Henry Dohrer, Henry V. Donton, Joseph P. Downey, John Drallmeier, Louis H. Dunn, John Earhardt, George Eberhart, Adolph Eberhart, Lobidina Eberhart, Minnie Elkader Register (newspaper) Elkader State Bank Elvidge, Albert O. Elvidge Creamery Co. Ernst, Carolina Everall & Schulte Everall, John Everall, John C. Falkwenhainer, Benjamin F. Farrell, Michael Feldman, Charles Fennell, John First National Bank Fitzpatrick, Matthew Fitzpatrick, Patrick Flanagan, Martin Flavin, Michael J. Fletcher, George H. Floete Lumber Co. Foderberg, B.H. Foster, John Freund, John H. Gemmell, John W. Gifford, Gideon M. - Postmaster Gifford, Kit C. - Asst. postmaster Gilbert, Charles Gilje, Villis L. Gleason, Daniel E. Giesne Bros. Glesne, John O. Glesne, Nels E. Glesne, Riley Gmelin, Rudolph Goldberg, Max. Griffith, David G. Griffith, D.G. & Son Griffith, Harry L. Grube, Wm. E. Hadrick, Hannah Hadrick, John Hagensick, Miss Anna Hagensick, Christian |
Hagensick, Henry H. Hagnsick, John Hagensick, Miss Louise Hagensick Sisters Hale, De Witt C. Halstensen, Embert Hartmann, Caroline Hartman, Otto Harvey, Thos. L. Hasner, Rudolph Havens, Arthur Heckmaster, Miss A. Heiden, Fred L. Heitkamp, Wm. Hempel, John G. Hennes, John Hennes, Peter Hennes & Wacker Hertrick, Caroline Hill, John H. Himes, Marshall L. Hofer, Frank Hook, John Horan, David Hotel Bayless Howard, Miss A., MD Humke, George Humphrey, James Hyde, Catharine Hyde, Catharine Hyde, James T. Hyde, J.T. & Bro. Hyde, Patrick J. Hyde, Thomas F. Jack, S. Vernon Jeffers, W. J. Jensen, Michael J. Johnsen, Charles Johnson, John B. Johnson, Olavus Johnson, Ole Johnson, Ole & Son Jungblut, Frederick Jungblut, John H. Kaltenbach, Josephine Kann, Joseph Katschkowsky, Adolph Kauffman, John J. Kelleher, Celia A. Kelleher, Thomas Kister, Herbert Kister, Hubert & Sons Kister, Wm. Kleinpell, Otto Kleinpell, Wm. F. Klinkenberg, August Klutzbach, Edward Klutzbach & Gemmell Koehn, Henry Koehn, Wm. H. Kohn, Henry Kopp, Cornelius Kottmann, Henry C. Kramer, Anton Kramer, A. Fred Kramer, A.F. & L.J. Kramer, Fred A. Kramer, John A. Kramer, Joseph Kramer, Louis J. Krogman, Wm. Lambert, Edmund H. Lamm, Joseph Landon, Frank Landon, Mrs. R.M. Lange, Ray Layton, John D. Layton, Matilda Leach, Susan S. Leary, James (The Commission Co.) Leibrock, Frank G. Leibrock, Mrs. F.G. Lembke, Franz Lemke, Wm. Lenth, Fred Lenth, George J. Lenth, Henry J. Liddy, Frank Livingood, David Livingood, David E. Lloyd, Marlenne Long, Charles Losch, Geroge Losch, John Luers, Miss Dora Luers, Miss Sophia McGrath, Wm. J., MD McLaughlin, John W. McLaughlin & Humphrey McSperrin, Wm. Magnuson, John M. Maher, Patrick J. Mahr, Ella Maley, Kate Matthews, Thomas B. Mecklenberg, Charles Meckelberg, John Merchants Hotel Merritt, Mrs. Ella H. Merritt, Isaac H. Meyer, Elizabeth Miller, Wm., MD Miller, Wm. A. Molumby, John Moran, Wm. J. Morse, J.N. Muegge, Clara Muller, Chas. T. Munger, Ebon R. Munger, George W. Munger, Jane Munger, Milo E. Murdock, Louisa Murphy, Daniel D. |
Muschewake, Eliza Nehts, August C. Nichols, Robert D. Niemeyer, Anna Niemeyer, Frank A. Niemeyer, Michael Niemeyer, Theodore Nord Iowa Herold (newspaper) O'Brien, Wm. H. Oakley, Wm. H. Oehring, Charles C. Olsen, Hattie Opitz, Max Orr, Catharine Pahlas, Henry C. Partch, W.V. Patterson, H.S., MD Patterson, Ida Paul, Edward M. Perry, Charles W. Place, Luke H. Poull & Bink Poull, Michael J. Powell, John C. Powell, Sidney Preston & Fletcher Preston, Wm. A. Price, Realto E. Price, R.E. & V.T. Price, Valmah Procter, Harry Prouty, Marshall M. Pupke, Louise Quinn, Robert Quinn, Robert F. Radloff, Fred. Rathman, Fred. Regan, Michael Regan & Witt Reilly, Rev. John F. Reineke & Walser Reineke, Charles Reineke, Wm. F. Richardson, Ross Rinkie, Frank C. Riordan, Edward Roach, John Roach, Margaret Rogers, Michael Rohn, Minnie Rourke, Michael Russell, George Ruegnitz, Emma Russell, Edward Ryan, Hanora Ryan, Patrick J. Schecker, Charles Scheer, Frederick Schmidt Bros. & Co. Schmidt, Caroline Schmidt, Christ G. Schmidt, Fred Schmidt, Paulina Schmidt, Robert F. Schneider, John L. Schoch, Charles C. Schroeder, Victor H. Schulte, G. Henry Schumacher, Peter Scobel, Charles N. Sheckelton, Kate Shelhamer, Catherine Shellsmith, Otto Siebertz, Catherine Smith, Wm. Snediger, George M. Snediger, Miranda B. Soll, Fred H. Stanton, E.W. Stebor, John Steen, Fred Stemmer, Jacob C. Stemmer & Dittmer Stich, Theresa Stoops, John W. Switzer, Charles Switzer, Charles H. Talley, Grant Templeman, Thomas Tewes, Henry W. Thompson, Mrs. Laura Toutsch, John Tschudi, John H. Tyler, Lila Uecker, Albert Uecker, August Uriell, Francis J. Uriell, Sarah Wacker, Henry Wagner, Ernest Walser, Charles W. Walter, Adam Webb, J.E. Wells, Mrs. Myrtle Wertley, Gottlieb West, Wm. Westcott, Fred H. Whitcomb, Franklin H. White & Miller, MD White, Glenn G., MD White, Peter Wieland, Wm. Wilke, Gustav H. Wilke, Henry W. Wilke, H.W. & G.H. Wing, Matthew Witt, Wm. E. Witte, George F. Wolf, Fred L. Wolf, F.L. & Co. Wolf, George C. Wolff, Elizabeth Wolter, Wm. Zahrndt, Louis F. |
Rural residents receiving mail through the Elkader post office:
Adams, Henry Adams, James Ahrens, Carl Atwood, Alva Baars, Fred Baars, Wm. Baldwin, Thomas Barghahn, Frank Barghahn, Henry Barghahn, John Barske, Wm. Barthel, A.L. Bauer, Fred Behrens, Henry Behrens, Otto Bergan, Michael Benson, August Bente, Ernest Beente, Frank Bente, George Bente, Henry Bente, John Bente, Louis Bente, Louis, Jr. Bente, Michael Bente, Samuel Bente, William Berg, Henry Berg, Wm. Berse, Mary Best, Charles Best, William Beyer, Fred Boden, Henry, RR1 Boden, John, RR1 Boland, C.M. Boland, James Boland, J.J. Boland, J.L. Boland, T.A. Breitsprecher, Alf. Breitsprecher, Fred Breitsprecher, John Broel, John P. Broel, Peter Brust, Henry Brust, John Buchheim, August Buckman, A.C. Bunting, Herman Bunting, John Bunting, Wm. Cain, J.F. Cain, P.J. Cameron, Guy Cameron, James Cassidy, A.J. Cassidy, Margaret Cassidy, Thomas Cassutt, Joseph Cheeseman, Daniel Christelheit, Julius Clark, U.S. Connell, James Cook, A.J. Cook, J.D. Cook, F.A. Cook, Wm. Cords, Philip Crane, Ernest Crowe, W.H. Dahling, Wm. Dinse, Fred Doherer, August Dohrer, A.A. Dohrer, Charles Dohrer, Henry Dohrer, J. Donahue, James Donahue, Michael Donahue, Thomas Donlon, John F. Donlon, Wm. Dorwager, Charles Doty, Bert Downey, John Downey, John W. Downey, Michael Downey, Patrick Downey, Wm. Eggimann, Jacob Ehrhardt, Charles Ehrhardt, John Ehrhardt, John, Jr. Elfert, Henry Ellsworth, C. Erickson, A.J. Erickson, E.J. Erickson, John Fanbee, Ole Farrell, Frank Farrell, John Fasher, Wm. Feeney, Jermiah Feeney, John L. Feeney, Peter Feller, Charles Feller, Henry Feller & McKellar Finnegan, James Finnegan, Joseph Foran, James Frank, Maria Franke, Henry Freitag, Henry Freitag, Henry Funk, Carl Funk, John Geraghty, James Geraghty, John Geraghty, Thomas Gerdes, Jacob Glawe, Fred Glawe, Henry Glawe, Wm. Gossman, Charles Gossman, Fred Gossman, Henry Gottschalk, Charles Gottschalk, Wm. Gottschalk, Wm., Jr. Gregorson, L. Gusta, Gustaf Gusta, Hugo Hagensick, Wm. Halvorson, E.G. Hannon, Thomas Harding, Catharine Harding, Daniel Harnack, H. Hartman, Wm. Header, August Heiden, Barney Heiden, Fred Heiden, Friederick Heitkamp, George Heuer, Ludwig Hilchert, Christ, RRI Hill, Darwin |
Hochhaus, F.L. Hofer, Edward Hoover, M.W. Hopp, George Horstman, Henry Hoth, John Huebner, Wm. Hueekstadt, Albert Hulverson, C.O. Johnson, John Jungblut, Henry Jungblut, John Kaber, Nicholas Kahlbaum, Wm. Kalke, Fred Kalke, Henry Katschkowsky, George Katschkowsky, H.C. Kann, William Keleher, F.J. Kelcher, J.E. Kelcher, John L. Kelcher, Wm. Kelley, Wm. J. Kelly, Edward Kelly, John Kelpien, Charles Kelpien, George Kennedy, P.J. Kill, John F. Kill, Peter Kimball, Mrs. Laura Klink, Henry Klink, Louis Klink, Peter Klink, Walberg Koehn, August Koehn, Wm. Kramer, Vallie Kruse, John C. Kruse, Wm. Kuehl, Joseph Lahrs, Charles Lahrs, Christ Lahrs, Fred Laird, George Larson, Albert Larson, Albert, Jr. Larson, A.M., RR2 Larson, C. Larson, Ed. P. Larson, Halvor Larson, L.H. Larson, L.P. Larson, M.C., RR2 Larson, Peter Larson, R.C. Latteyer, Simon Lei, Carl Lei, Peter Lei, Wm. Lembke, Carl Lembke, Fred Lembke, George Lembke, John Lempke, Ludwig Leonard, Frank Leonard, Joseph T. Leonard, Richard Leonard, Wm. H. Liddy, Bridget Lindemann, Henry Lindemann, Wm. Lindenbauer, John Linnenberger, Fred Litchfield, James Losch, Allie Losch, David Losch, Henry Losch, Peter Lynch, Michael Lynch, M.J. McCormack, Joseph McCormick, Lyman McGee, James McGee, John McGee, Peter McKellar, L.W. McLain, A. Maggart, Clarence Maggart, Martin Mahnke, August Marti, Joseph Marxer, John Marxer, Oscar Mayville, Lena Mayville, Leonard Mecklenburg, Charles Meenen, John Meisner, Charles Meisner, Ed Meisner, Ed, Jr. Meisner, Frank Meisner, Fred Meisner, L.R. Meisner, Ranhalt. Meisner, Wm. Melary, Dennis Melary, John Mentzel, Richard Merkel, George Merkel, Henry Mertens, Fritz Mertens, Wm. Meyer, A.C. Meyer, Charles Meyer, C.J. Meyer, Edward Meyer, Ernest Meyer, F.E. Meyer, George Meyer, Henry Meyer, Herman Meyer, John Meyer, John F. Meyer, Joseph Meyer, Joseph, Jr. Meyer, J.P. Meyer, Max Meyers, Albert Meyers, Christ Meyers, Emma Meyers, H.K. Miller, Dominick Miller, George Miller, Joachim F. Miller, Nicholas Miller, Peter Miller, Peter, Jr. Miller, Phillip Minihan, Patrick Mueller, G.F.W. Mueller, Herman Mueller, Wm. Munch, Bernard Munch, Wm. Munch, Wm., Jr. Munger, Charles |
Neylon, John Nugent, Frank Nugent, Joseph O'Connor, Eugene O'Connor, Martin O'Niell, Michael Olson, O.G. Opitz, Fred Opitz, Max Opitz, Richard Paige, F.W. Paige, O.R. Patow, Wm. Peake, Elmer Peake, John Phelan, John Pieck, Charles Penneton, Patrick Perry, C.W. Peterson, Julius Peterson, P.M., RR3 Polkow, Godfried Polkow, Henry Polkow, Otto Possehl, Christian Possehl, Henry Pulfer, Charles Putzier, Charles Quinlan, Peter Radloff, Georgia Radloff, Herman Reinhardt, Jacob Rice, John Rieckhoff, Maria Riemer, Henry Roach, M.J. Roach, Wm. J. Robbins, F.K. Robbins, J.N. Roethlisberger, J. Roethlisberger, R. Rothmeyer, C. Rothmeyer, M. Rothmeyer, George J. Rourke, Morgan Russell, James A. Schiefelbien, A. Schmidt, Albert Schmidt, C.F. Schmidt, Julius Schmidt, Wm. Schneider, Fred Schoepf, Charles Schoepf, David Schrampfer, Christ Schulte, Edmond Schrampfer, George Schulte, Herman Schulte, Joseph Schwencke, J.H. Seifert, Fred Seifert, F.W. Seifert, Otto Shaw, Henry Shaw, Oscar Siege, Theodore Smith, Fred Smith, L.D. Spencer, James Stahl, Carl Stahl, Edward Stahl, George Stahl, Louis Stahl, Mary Stallbaum, John Staub, Louis Steckelberg, John Steen, J.F. Steen, J.W. Stence, John Stence, Martin Stendel, Godfried Stendel, Wm. Storbeck, August Storbeck, Henry Stromme, Charles Stromme, Olaf Summers, Christ Taake, August Taake, Fred Taake, George Taake, Henry Taake, Wm. Tait, Eliza Tangeman, A.F. Theodore, Wm. Thillen, Fred Thillen, Henry Thillen, Nick Tieden, Anna Tieden, Frank Tieden, George Tieden, Jans Tieden, Louis Tiffany, Mrs. Ella Tollefson, Anna, RR2 Torkelson, H.L. Torkelson, T.L. Toutch, Henry Tresch, John J. Tujetsch, Albert Tujetsch, Andrew Tujetsch, George Tujetsch, Thomas Uecker, John Upton, Charles Upton, John F. Uriell, Joseph Uriell, Wm. P. Vogt, F.W. Vulgraff, Dora Wagner, Charles Wagner, C.G. Wagner, Fred Wagner, John G. Wagner, L.E. Walters, James Wareham, George Wells, A.H. West, John West, Thomas West, Wm. West, W.E. Wilke, Arthur Wilke, Louis Williamson, H.C. Williamson, H.H. Willmes, Dominick Willmes, Nicholas Wilmes, Simon Wing, Ben Wing, Paul Wistrick, Fred Wistrick, Henry Woods, Al Woods, Forest Yearous, Andrew Yearous, W.F. |
~source citation: Clayton County Directory - 1905. Comprising a Complete and Alphabetically Arranged List of Heads of all Families, Business and Professional Firms Residing in Clayton County and Receiving mail through the Various Post Offices in this and Parts of Adjoining Counties; pages 285- 338. Compiled by the Dubuque Telegraph-Herald for the use and benefit of subscribers, 1905.
~transcribed by Sharyl Ferrall for Clayton co. IAGenWeb