IAGenWeb Project - Clayton co.

Court Records Index

Clayton Co. Justice & Court Proceedings

... as reported in the 1942 newspapers

~compiled & transcribed by Reid R. Johnson for Clayton Co. IAGenWeb

George Wick of Dubuque was fined $40 and costs of $7 here in Justice George Ehrhardt's court Monday afternoon after he had pled guilty to illegal parking on the highway and drunkedness. Wick had been arrested by Deputies Arnold Mueller and John Farrell that same morning, south of Elkader.

D. L. Wood of West Union, former superintendent of schools here, pled guilty to a charge of larceny by embezzlement by agent before Judge T. H. Goheen of Calmar in district court here late this afternoon and returned to the school's activity fund the sum of $2,277.03 which he admitted using for his own and private purposes. Judge Goheen sentenced Wood to five years in the penitentiary at Fort Madison but paroled him to the sheriff of Fayette county under terms and conditions prescribed by the State Board of Parole.

~Clayton County Register, 08 Jan. 1941

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Marcellus Meyer of Elkader pled guilty to a charge of drunkenness in Justice Ehrhardt's court Monday and was fined $50 and costs.

~Clayton County Register, 15 Jan. 1941

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Illegally hunting with a ferret cost three Littleport men $25 and costs in the Justice George Ehrhardt's court yesterday. The three men were Howard Reick, Henry Reick, Jr., and Ed. Harms. The men had the choice of paying the fine or serving 15 days in the jail, where they are now confined.

Art Germar of Volga City pled guilty to a reckless giving charge before Justice George Ehrhardt last Monday. Germar paid $25 and costs.

Willis Carrier and his mother, Mrs. Elma Carrier, both of Guttenberg, pled guilty to a charge of larceny of electric current in the court of Justice George Ehrhardt yesterday afternoon. Mr. Carrier was fined $100 and costs or 30 days in the county jail and he is now serving this time in the jail. The mother was sentenced to 30 days in jail but paroled during good behavior. (See entry from 09 Apr. 1941)

~Clayton County Register, 29 Jan. 1941

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Orlando Fascher and Marvin Kricke, both of Farmersburg, were arrested for speeding in Guttenberg and both were fined $3 and costs.

~Clayton County Register, 05 Feb. 1941

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Carl Gossman, of Farmersburg, was fined $5 and costs, or two days in the county jail, for failing to report a motor vehicle accident where the damage exceeded $25, in Justice Ehrhardt's court.

~Clayton County Register, 05 Feb. 1941

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Ed. Coon of Maquette pled guilty to a charge of keeping intoxicating liquor in a place of a class B permitee. Coon was fined $300 and costs.

Frank Burke and Melvin Wareham, both of Strawberry Point, pled guilty to charges of operating a gambling house. The former was fined $75 and costs; the latter, $50 and costs.

Ralph Schneider of Des Moines pled guilty to a charge of operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated and he was fined $300 and sentenced to 30 days in the county jail, all of which however, was suspended upon the payment of $150 and costs and during good behavior.

Willis Carrier, Guttenberg, in an appeal from Justice court, pled guilty to a charge of larceny of electric current and he was fined $100 with $50 suspended during good behavior.

C. A. Nelson, Garber, pled guilty to a charge of operating a gambling house and his fine was assessed $100.

~Clayton County Register, 09 Apr. 1941

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Three men pled guilty to operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated and in each case were fined $300. and costs or 30 days in the county jail. Upon payment of $150, and costs the balance of the fine was suspended, but in each case the drivers license was revoked for a period of one year. The three men are: Gordon Bernhard, Donald Ryan and Herbert Strien.

~Clayton County Register, 16 Apr. 1941

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Disposed of this week in District Court.

Walter Meyers and Joseph Dunlea, both of McGregor, pled guilty to a charge of selling beer without a license. The were fined $100. or 30 days in the county jail.

Gene Alvin, Dubuque, pled guilty to a charge of being an accessory to a gambling house and he was fined $100. and costs.

Harold Wolters, Guttenberg, pled guilty to larceny of domestic fowls and he was sentenced to one year in the county jail.

~Clayton County Register,04 June 1941

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Wm Innes of Guttenberg received a jail sentence of three months and was fined $300. on a drunken driving charge in District Court.

Vernon Clinton of Littleport received a sentence of three months in jail and a fine of $300. on a charge of illegal sale of liquor in District Court.

Wilbur Frye, 23, of Luana, has been bound over to the grand jury on a charge of breaking and entering in a Luana barbershop. He is being held in the county jail here in default of bonds but county officials have permitted him to volunteer for a year's training in the Army. He took his physical examination here Tuesday and it is expected that he will be sent to Fort Des Moines for induction into the Army, soon.

~Clayton County Register, 25 June 1941

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August Kadlec, who was arrested in McGregor on a charge of drunkenness, is serving a ten-day jail sentence in the county jail, according to Sheriff E. W. Carlsen.

~Clayton County Register, 02 July 1941

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Yvo Scheffert, living between Luana and Monona, pled guilty to a charge of operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated in the court of Judge W. L. Eichendorf here Monday. He was fined $300 and costs and was sentenced to serve three months in the county jail.

~Clayton County Register, 16 July 1941

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Lawrence Miller of Giard, was fined $3. and costs in the court of Justice George Ehrhardt, Monday, because he allowed his son, who is only 13 years of age, to drive his car on the highway. No person without a driver's license or a learner's permit is allowed by Iowa law, to drive a motor vehicle on the highway.

Parking in a "No Parking" zone near the Clarence Maggart establishment south of Elkader cost Henry Hartman of this place $5. and costs, in the court of Justice George Ehrhardt, yesterday.

~Clayton County Register, 23 July 1941

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Two Buena Vista men were fined by Justice George Ehrhardt here for violation of the State's game laws. Joe Skoleck was charged with the illegal sale of game fish and his fine was for $25 and costs. Adolph Wackendorf was charged with selling catfish under size and his fine was $35 and costs.

~Clayton County Register, 06 Sept. 1941

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Two out-of-county men pled guilty to charges of operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated in Justice W. L. Eichendorf's court here Monday and both were fined $300 and costs. The men are: Elnor Johnson who gave his home as Chicago, and Ray C. Adams, who gave his address as Dubuque.

~Clayton County Register, 13 Sept. 1941

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George Hesse, 29, and his brother, Clarence Hesse, 22, both of Prairie du Chien, Wis., pled guilty before Judge W. L. Eichendorf here on Monday to a charge of larceny and both were sentenced to serve one year in the county jail. Both men had previous prison records. The elder brother served time in the penitentiary at Waupon, Wis., and the younger brother served 22 months in connection with the robbery of the Marquette public school.

~Clayton County Register, 20 Aug. 1941

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Frank Krumnacker of Guttenberg was charged with intoxication and taken before Justice George Ehrhardt who sentenced him to serve 80 days in the county jail.

~Clayton County Register, 27 Aug. 1941

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Wilson Barker, Dubuque, pled guilty Tuesday before Judge W. L. Eichendorf, of McGregor, to a charge of drunken driving. He was fined $300 and costs and was sentenced to three months in the county jail. Alden Haun, a companion, also of Dubuque, pled guilty to a drunkenness charge before Justice Ray Barton and he was fined $2 and costs. Both arrests were made in front of the Court House in Elkader by Sheriff E. W. Carlsen.

~Clayton County Register, 03 Sept. 1941

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William D. Hutchens, employed on a river dredge near Guttenberg was fined $25 and costs in Justice Ray Barton's court Monday, when he pled guilty to a charge of assault and battery. Hutchens was given his choice of a jail sentence or the cash fine and he arranged for the latter.

~Clayton County Register, 10 Sept. 1941

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Leland Hulverson, St. Olaf, was fined $10 and costs in the office of Justice Ray Barton on a charge of drunk and disorderly conduct.

Three men pled guilty to charges of driving a motor vehicle while intoxicated during the recent term of the District Court. The men were: Lloyd Easton, Wilson Barker and Rudolph Jordan. All three were fined $300 and costs by Judge W. L. Eichendorf of McGregor, who was presiding.

~Clayton County Register, 01 Oct. 1941

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Three criminal cases were disposed of just before the official close of the July term of the District Court by Judge W. L. Eichendorf, they were: George Meyer, Boardman township farmer, pled guilty to a charge of illegal transportation of intoxicating liquor and he was fined $100 and costs and the liquor confiscated. Wayne Preston pled guilty to a charge of reckless driving. He was fined $100 and costs. Francis Stence pled guilty to a charge of embezzlement and was sentenced to one year in the county jail. The jail sentence, however, was suspended during good behavior and he was paroled to the county sheriff provided restitution is made.

~Clayton County Register, 08 Oct. 1941

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Joseph R. Sullivan, Luana, pled guilty to a drunken driving charge in District Court and was fined $300 and costs.

~Clayton County Register, 05 Nov. 1941

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Milo Murray, Lamont, pled guilty to a charge of operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated and was fined $300 and costs.

~Clayton County Register, 03 Dec. 1941

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Two Guttenberg men were fined for trapping law violations. Wm. Randall was fined $25 and costs for using traps without tags. He is now serving out his fine in the county jail. Dave Tinkey paid a fine of $10 and costs for illegal trapping.

~Clayton County Register, 10 Dec. 1941

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Frank Schoenauer of Guttenberg was fined $25 and costs by Justice Ray Barton here Tuesday on a charge of trapping with untagged traps. A bushel basket of traps and three muskrat pelts were also confiscated.

~Clayton County Register, 31 Dec. 1941


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