IAGenWeb Project - Clayton co.

Clayton Co. Justice & Court Proceedings
... as reported in the 1926 newspapers

~compiled & transcribed by Reid R. Johnson for Clayton Co. IAGenWeb

State of Iowa vs. Baptist Beck and Carl Beck. Malicious mischief.
State of Iowa vs. Allen Milcks. Bootlegging.
State of Iowa vs. One Certain Automobile. Forfeiture.

The first two are hold over cases from a previous term (of court). The last is the question of the confiscation of the Maxwell sedan captured with booze recently. The two young men, J. E. Berthing and Frank Zoller, who had the machine, plead guilty last week.
~Elkader Register, Thur., 11 Feb. 1926


State of Iowa vs. Roy Gallagher. Defendant plead guilty to the charge of "illegally transporting intoxicating liquors." Sentenced to pay a fine of $500.00 and costs and to serve six months in jail at hard labor. Bond on appeal $1,000.00.

State of Iowa vs. James Kelly. Defendant plead guilty to "illegal possession of intoxicating liquor." Fined $700.00 and costs and four months in jail. Bond on appeal $1,000.00.

State of Iowa vs. Grover Bills. Defendant plead guilty to "illegal possession of intoxicating liquor." Fined $500.00 and costs and three months in jail. Bond on appeal $1,000.00.

State of Iowa vs. Ernest Boller. Plead guilty to charge of desertion.

G. W. Hunt, County Attorney vs. Miss Woods. Ordered that stepfather and mother of Miss Woods appear before this court March 11th at 10:00 a.m. for examination as to her treatment. Sheriff ordered to take charge of Miss Woods.
~Elkader Register, Thur., 25 Feb. 1926.


Allen Milcks of McGregor, charged with "bootlegging" plead guilty and was fined six months in jail and a fine of $300.

C. T. Muller plead guilty to the charge of desertion and was placed under bonds to support his wife.
~Elkader Register, Thur., 11 Mar. 1926.


State of Iowa vs Allen Milcks. Defendant plead guilty to charge of bootlegging and given a sentence of six months in jail and a fine of $300. A judgement of $500 was also entered against him on account of the forfeiture of his bail bond.

State of Iowa vs One certain automobile. Default as to defendant Ray Gallagher. Automobile adjudged forfeited and ordered sold by sheriff. Claim of Mary Rudnick established as a lien for the sum of $50.

State of Iowa vs. Ernest Boller. Defendant released under bond to pay alimony and to support his wife and child.

State of Iowa vs. C. T. Muller. Defendant plead guilty to charge of desertion. Released upon filing bond for $1,000.

State of Iowa vs. Leola Wood. adjudged that Leola Wood is neglected child, and that her care and custody be given to L. P. Larson, with the right to adopt her if he wishes.

~Elkader Register, Thur., 18 Mar. 1926.


Monday Judge Eichendorf of McGregor received the plea of C. W. Colfelt, who plead guilty to the charge of cheating by false pretenses. Colfelt was sentenced to the county jail for one year but as it was a first offense and restitution had been made the sentence was suspended and he was paroled to G. P. Yohe of Clayton. Colfelt seems to have made a favorable impression among those who had sought his prosecution and at their request the other indictments were withdrawn.

State of Iowa vs. One certain automobile. Adjudged that the automobile in question is the property of Mrs. John Zoller and that it be delivered to her upon payment of storage charges and costs.

State of Iowa vs. Wm. Lewis. Defendant plead guilty to charge of liquor nuisance. Sentenced to pay a fine of $300 and costs and also to serve three monthes in the county jail. Defendant was then paroled to sheriff of Clayton county until further orders of the court.
~Elkader Register, Thur., 22 Apr. 1926.


State of Iowa vs. Paul Krause. Defendant plead guilty to the charge of illegal possession of intoxicating liquor. Sentenced to the county jail for six months and to pay a fine of $500. It being a first offense the court remitted $400 of the fine and suspended five months of the sentence, to take effect after one month of the jail sentence had been served and continue during good behavior.

State of Iowa vs. Wray Krohn, charged with illegal possession of intoxicating liquor. Defendant having been committed to a state inebriate institution the case is dismissed.
~Elkader Register, Thur., 20 May 1926.


Al Bates, moonshiner, who is serving a sentence to our county jail is A.W.O.L., having skipped from a gang in charge of Pete Brill that was working on the road near the Downey school house yesterday forenoon. Officers are on his trail however, and it is likely that he will be caught. This is the second time Bates has skipped from custody and if caught again he will probably work with a ball and chain until his term expires.
~Elkader Register, Thur., 8 July 1926. Local News Notes column.


Tuesday Sheriff Chris P. Larson arrested Fred and George Clinton of Cox Creek township, charged with stealing belts from a threshing machine at Strawberry Point. A search was made and the belts found on the premises occupied by one of the Clintons.
~Elkader Register, Thur., 29 July 1926.


Al Bates, the moonshiner who escaped from custody while working on the county roads on July 7th has been picked up at La Crosse, Wis. Sheriff Chris Larson was notified by La Crosse authorities yesterday and left yesterday afternoon to bring Bates back.
~Elkader Register, Thur., 26 Aug. 1926.


State of Iowa vs. Albert Bates. Defendant pleads guilty to the charge of escaping from an officer and is sentenced to three months in the county jail and fined $100. Sentence to begin at expiration of sentence he is now serving.
~Clayton County Register, Thur., 7 Oct. 1926.


State of Iowa vs Wallace Cassutt. Defendant plead guilty to charge of maintaining a liquor nuisance. Sentenced to serve six months in county jail and pay $300 fine. Sentence suspended during good behavior and paroled to G. W. Hunt.

State of Iowa vs. Larry Kohler. Defendant plead guilty to charge of bootlegging. Sentenced to county jail for three months and fined $400. Jail sentence suspended on payment of fine and during good behavior. Paroled to G. W. Hunt.
~Clayton County Register, Thur., 14 Oct. 1926.


State of Iowa vs. Will Monty. Defendant plead guilty to charge of possession of intoxicating liquor. Sentenced to pay fine of $500 and costs and three months in county jail.
~Clayton County Register, Thur., 21 Oct. 1926.


State of Iowa vs Clifford Sparks. Defendant plead guilty to the charge of illegal possession of intoxicating liquor and he was fined $300 and costs and was sentenced to the county jail for three months.
~Clayton County Register, Thur., 9 Dec. 1926


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