new content added 06/28/2021
St. Mary's Catholic
Guttenberg, Clayton co. Iowa
Photo of the origional interior of St. Mary's
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A Memento
1927 - St. Ann's Society Officers
At a meeting of St. Ann's Society of St. Mary's Catholic church the following officers were elected for the coming year:
President - Mrs. Elizabeth Harter
Vice President - Mrs. Catherine Kuempel
Secretary - Mrs. Helena Lake
Treasurer - Mrs. Anna Fest
Marshal - Mrs. Elizabeth Leitgen
Collectors - Mrs. Emma Pink, Mrs. Nellie Kuempel
Solicitors - Mrs. Sus Stoeffler, Mrs. Louise Schute
~Clayton County Register, Thur., 9 Dec. 1926. Guttenberg News column ~contributed by Reid R. Johnson
1927 - Sacred Heart Society Officers
At a meeting of the Sacred Heart Society of St. Mary's church the following officers were elected for the coming year:
President - Henry Heitman
Cor. Secretary - Albert Felder
Treasurer - Theo. Berns
Financial Secretary - Ed. Huene
Marshal - Anton Willie, Jr.
Executive Committee - Henry Buchel, Frank Harter, Wm. Miller
Finance Committee - John Fest, Henry Schute
Collectors - Albert Lelifeld, Joseph Felder, John Saeugling
Solicitors - Frank Junk, Chas. Miller, Alois Junk
Sick Committee - Nick Junk, Andrew Petsche, John Junk
~Clayton County Register, Thur., 23 Dec. 1926. Guttenberg News column ~contributed by Reid R. Johnson
1927 Confirmation Class
A class of 33 young people were admitted to Solemn Holy Communion at St. Mary's Catholic church here on last Sunday. Those in the class were:
Verdus Burr
Delos Beutel
Albert Weber
Elmer Eilers
Anthony Felder
Edwin Frommelt
Lynn Garner
Charles Herman
Gregor Hoeger
Leon Krunnacker
Robert KuehlAnthony Luther
Arnold Pfiffner
Marvin Schute
Wilbert Stoeffler
Eldon Vorwald
Bernard Walsh
Eunice Buechel
Lorraine Dwark
Florence Felder
Leonette Felder
Helen GarnerIrene Garner
Bernice Kloser
Delores Uriell
Helen Lake
Marie Link
Bertha McQuade
Rita Miller
Katherine Nieland
Dorothy Roth
Anna May Sassen
Armelia Stoffler
~Clayton County Register, Thur., 05 May 1927. Guttenberg column ~contributed by Reid R. Johnson
1934 Holy Name Society
Guttenberg: At a meeting of the Holy Name Society of St. Mary's Catholic church, held at St. Mary's auditorium here on Sunday evening, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year:
President - Henry F. Buechel
Vice President - William Link
Secretary - Gregor Junk
Treasurer - Christ Frommelt
Collectors - P. J. Meier, John Degnan
~Clayton County Register, Thur., 18 Jan. 1934 ~contributed by Reid R. Johnson
Also on this website:
St. Mary's Graduation