Allamakee co. IAGenWeb
updated 08/11/2024

Cemetery Index

Woodmansee Notes - Postville Cemetery

Area A (May 2020)
Area B (August 2024)
Area C (May 2020)
Area D (May 2020)
Area E (October '12)
Area F (May 2020)
Area G (May 2020)
Other areas (November '15)

As with any undertaking of the magnitude of Dale Woodmansee's book "Allamakee County, Iowa Burial Grounds 1845-1988 ", there may be errors, omitted or conflicting information, or descrepancies. The information on this page has been researchers. The intent is to assist others by alerting them to possible errors, omissions or descrepancies in the book; as well as providing additional notes from the submitter.

  • Postville Cemetery - Area A notes
    page 586-595

    Bareis, Wilhelmina
    - Steve Bareis called Dave Schutte and he went looking for this stone and could not find one. -from
    Phyllis Peterson

    Brunits?, Mathilda
    - This is Matilda Brandt (nee Larson) and she's already in the book under Area B, pg. 598, with the exact same dates but a different spelling of her first name.
    -from Phyllis Peterson

    Clark, Quentin A
    - He's buried in Gunder, Clayton co. and not in Postville
    -from Phyllis Peterson

    Diederichs, Albertina (1877-1936) & Wilke, Albertina Thies (1877 Jan 02-1936 Jul 25)
    Diederichs, Anna (1875-1895)
    Diederichs, Fritz (1863-1936) & Wilke, Fred (1862 Sep 20-1936 Feb 27)
    Diederichs, Lorenz K. (1902- 1971) & Wilke, Lorenz K. (1903-1971 Jan 29)
    Correct surname for all is Wilke and all have gravestones near the Wilke family monument. Anna's stone is engraved 'Mother Anna Diederichs'
    Albertina (Thies) Wilke was the 2nd w/o Fritz 'Fred' Wilke and mother of Lorenz. Anna (Diederichs) Wilke was Fritz's 1st wife. Lorenz Karl Wilke, 01/29/1902 - 01/29/1971 died at Soldiers' Home, Marshalltown, IA. WWII Veteran, U.S. Army. (R.O.)

    Ehde, Reuben (1891-1921 Aug 13)
    Correct surname is Ihde. Death Certificate ( - Died of 'tubercular kidnies' at the Postville hospital, but is buried in the Garnavillo City cemetery, Clayton co. IA, (where his parents John & Anna (Thoma) Ihde are buried). Dates: 8/1/1891 - 8/13/1921. (R.O.) Gravestone spells his first name Rueben.

    Gordon, Clara Thomas

    - Her maiden name was Thoma and not Thomas -from Phyllis Peterson

    Herman, Fred
    - This is Fred Heusman. I think he's already in the book under Area B, but with just the years (1891-1932) rather than the full dates. See page 603 -from
    Phyllis Peterson

    Lenth, Fred (
    1866 Mar 13-1940 Dec 09)
    Lenth, Louise (1872 Jun 30-1959 Oct 1)
    - The correct names are Fred & Louise Charlotte (Lenth) Schultz, incorrectly listed in Woodmansee with surname Lenth. Fred was s/o Carl Heinrich Johan Schultz and Elizabeth Lucia Dahse. Fred died near Castalia, Iowa. Louise was d/o Carl L. Lenth and Charlotte Schmalfeldt. -from Richard O'Brien

    Lenth, Louise A. Linderbaum (1889 May 29-1975 May 3)
    - This is Louise A. (Linderbaum) Schultz Lenth. Her 2nd husband was a Lenth. Allamakee co. Death Records show her as Louise Lenth because that was her name at time of death. She is not buried in Area A, rather she is buried in Area F with her 1st husband Henry Fred Schultz. Woodmansee also records her in Area F as
    Schultz, Louise A. Lenth (1889-1975) -from Richard O'Brien

    Meyer, Lena (1872-1957 Feb 03)
    - The correct dates for Lena Meyer, from the Winneshiek County Death Records, are 07/23/1872 - 04/02/1958. Lena (Nolte) Meyer was wife of John O. Meyer. They are buried in Postville Area A. The dates given in Woodmansee are for a different Lena Meyer - ie: Lena Hulverson Meyer, wife of August C. Meyer. She is buried in Pleasant View cemetery, Castalia, Winneshiek county. -from Richard O'Brien

    Oldag, Mathildah Foels (1884-1964)
    - This is Mathilda (Foels) Oldag Heins, born June 21,1884 & died October 12, 1964. She is buried with her 1st husband George Fred Oldag (1878-1920). Her gravestone is inscribed "Matilda H. 1884-1964". The Woodmansee book also lists her as Mathilda Heins in Postville Cemetery Section F. Her 2nd husband was Frederick John Heins (1884-1955) and he is buried in Section F with his first wife Anna M.C. Nuehring Heins. -from Richard O'Brien

    Oldag, Mildred A. Kamp (1909-1981)
    - Mildred A. Oldag married Emil Kamp. Her maiden and married name appear to be reversed. She's listed again with same dates in Postville Area F as Mildred Kamp. -from
    Phyllis Peterson

    Palas, Vera M (1890-1968) (Ms. Arthur J.)
    - Vera Palas never married. -from Phyllis Peterson

    Saueressig, Helen
    - The obituary spells her name Saueressig rather than the way the Woodmansee book spells it. She was a single 25 year old woman who suffered from epilepsy for 15 years. Therefore the "mother" remark is probably not correct -from Phyllis Peterson

    Schultz, Dorothea
    - She spelled her first name Dorthea, rather than Dorothea. On her gravestone, her name is correctly inscribed as 'Dorthea'. -from Lynnae Lathrop, great-granddaughter of Dorthea

    Weihe, ? (23 July 1913-23 July 1918)
    -note: According to a death notice in the Postville paper, the birth year should also be 1918: "Twin boys arrived Tuesday morning at the Postville Hospital for Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Weihe, but it was not decreed that both were long for this world and during Wednesday night one of them passed away. The little one was laid to rest the same day...". -from Reid R. Johnson

    Wilke - Albertina, Fred & Lorenz - see notes above for Dietrich

  • Postville Cemetery - Area B notes
    page 596-617

    Ammons, Cyrus A. (1870-1/24/1901)
    Ammons, Lucretia (1870-1/24/1901)
    - Their dates are incorrect in the Woodmansee book. Cyrus Arlington Ammons was born Dec 02, 1860 and died April 16, 1939. Their gravestone has his name, but no dates inscribed for him. January 24, 1901 is the date his wife Lucretia died. The dates inscribed on the gravestone for Lucretia Ammons are 1866-1901. - Richard O'Brien

    Bloxham, Charles
    (1840 Feb 03-1929 Dec 26)
    - He is buried in the Hardin cemetery, not in Postville - from Richard O'Brien

    Bowman, Mabel S
    (1876-1898) (Mrs. E. L.)
    - Mabel Dresser's husband was Frank L. Bowman - initals should be F.L. -from Phyllis Peterson

    Bowman, Mabel S (1876-1898) (Mrs. E. L.)
    - Mabel Dresser Bowman was the wife of Frank Lester Bowman. They were married 23 December 1897. They had one daughter, Mabel Elnora Bowman (born 21 April 1899), was 5 weeks old when her mother died. My birth and death record information for Mabel Dresser does not match the information that Dale Woodmansee has. I have that Mabel was born 20 October 1878 (not 1876) & died 29 May 1899 (not 1898). Mabel was the daughter of Alonzo Harvey Dresser and Sarah Samantha Smith. According to Frank's obituary, the baby, also named Mabel, was 5 weeks old when her mother (Mabel died). I do not have the CONCLUSIVE PROOF other than the fact that these were in the original Dresser materials that I got back in the 1970's from my Grandmother and Esther Chamberlain. I have found their records to be pretty accurate since this was done all before the internet. I think they must have had some good contacts with other Dresser relatives and the fact that they were based in Postville -from Connie Ellis

    Cole, Savella (?-1915) (Mrs. George?)
    - Savella Clough (1831-1915) was Mrs. Joel Cole -from Phyllis Peterson

    Collon, Adelade M.
    Collon, Sarah A.
    Collon, Wesley
    Collon, Wesley O.
    - Surname is Cotton not Collon. Wesley Cotton's death date in Woodmansee & inscribed on his gravestone is 1880, but his death occurred in 1881. I double-checked the date on the newspaper and it is definitely Feb 19, 1881 and not 1880. Obituary & Gravestone photo
    Adelade M., Sarah A. & Wesley O. Cotton were all children of Wesley & Marietta Cotton. The children died in a 1877 diphtheria epidemic. The correct death dates for the children are:
    Nov. 4th, 1877, Adalaide May, aged 10 years 11 months and 17 days. Obituary
    Nov. 7th, 1877, Sarah Amelia, aged 12 years, 9 months and 18 days. Obituary
    Nov. 14, 1877, Wesley Ottman, aged 9 years, 1 month and 7 days. Obituary
    -from S. Ferrall

    Dahms, William L. (1886 Jun 01-1910 Dec 12)
    Correct DOD was 01/12/1910. - from Richard O'Brien

    Douglas, Reuben N (? -?)
    - His dates are 16 Aug 1849 - 24 Dec 1924 -from Phyllis Peterson

    Dresser, Ira M. 1886 June 02 - 1961 May 09
    - This is Iva Margaret Dresser, daughter of John Smith Dresser and Margaret Eunice (Eaton) Dresser. Iva never married. Obituary
    -from Connie Ellis

    Durno, Blanche Bell (1870-1921) (Mrs. Joseph)
    - Blanche Durno never married, neither did her sister Josephine. They are both buried in Area B. -from Phyllis Peterson
    - an affirmation that Phyllis Peterson is correct, neither Blanche Bell Durno nor her sister, Josephine Sofia Durno, ever married.  They were my great-grandmother's (Eva Jane Durno Tuller) sisters. The last time I was at the cemetery was in 1957 for Josephine's burial. -from John Tuller

    Fangmeier, Chalmer
    (1914-1929 Jan --)
    - Iowa WPA records, Bremer county, Washington twp., Harlington cemetery: "placed in vault, later moved to Postville, Allamakee, IA". His dates are 06/13/1904-01/6/1929. - Richard O'Brien

    Garms, Henry (1861-1942)
    - His dates in Woodmansee are incorrect. His gravestone is inscribed 1856-1936. His wife Wilhelmine (Senholz) Garms 1861-1942 is not listed in Woodmansee, but her inscription is on the same stone as Henry. -from Richard O'Brien

    Goetz, father
    Goetz, mother
    Goetz, Sidney Gordon
    (1885 May 08-1889 Nov 22)
    - Father & Mother Goetz are George Washington Goetz (d. 1914) and his wife Ella C. nee Dymond Goetz (1858-1930). They are the parents of Sidney Gordon Goetz who died Nov. 22, 1898, rather than in 1889. All have obits posted on the Allamakee co. Obituary Board. -from Richard O'Brien

    Gruel, Carl
    - The obituary in the Postville Herald in 1937 stated that he died in an automobile accident in Harvard, Illinois and that a lot of local relatives were driving to Harvard to attend the services. There's no mention of his body being brought back to Postville for burial. -from Phyllis Peterson

    Harris, Gerald (30 Mar 1881 - 07 Sep 1928)
    - Gerald Elisha Harris is buried at Minert Cemetery, Post Twp. in a family plot with his father George Harris, mother Ella Laughlin Harris, and brother Rodger Harris. The book has omitted George, Ella, and Roger from Minert Cemetery and incorrectly lists Gerald as "Gunhild E. Harris".
    -from Phyllis Peterson

    Hawkins, Lorenzo D. R. (1838-1928)
    - The initials should be D.B. rather than D.R. His obituary gives his full name as Lorenzo Dan Blodget Hawkins. -from Reid R. Johnson

    Heins, Goldie May Pollman (1896 May 06-1956 Mar 20)
    - She is buried in the Eno cemetery, Clayton county (sources: Allamakee County Death Records, her obituary). Her maiden name is Follman, not Pollman (sources: her obit, census records) - Richard O'Brien

    Henderson, Agnes d. 1875
    Henderson, Cassius d. 1860
    Henderson, Dosette d. 1875
    Henderson, Georgina d. 1859
    Henderson, Hugh d. 1866
    - all have inscriptions on the same gravestone in Area B, all were omitted from the Woodmansee book -from Richard O'Brien

    Huesman, Ada May (1894-1964)
    - This is Ada Mae Hinzman,1894-1964. She has a metal funeral home marker in the George Oldag plot in Area A Postville cemetery. -from Richard O'Brien

    Jacobia, David (1835 Dec 01-1908 Jun 23)
    - He is buried in Eno Cemetery, Clayton County, Iowa. Sources: Clayton co. IAGenWeb, Eno Cemetery Records. - Richard O'Brien

    Kamp, Margaret H (1913-1983) Marge
    Kamp, Martha H (1913-1983) Mrs. Vernon C.
    - Margaret H. Snitker married Vernon C. Kamp 13 Dec 1939. Both entries are partially correct. -from Phyllis Peterson

    Krogmann, Elizabeth (1837-1904)
    - This is Catharina Maria "Elisabeth" Schroeder Krogmann. Her birth month should be July instead of June.
    -from Karen Muchow

    McDonald, Mary E.
    1868 Dec 29
    - This is actually Mary McDaneld and her birth year was 1858.
    -from Phyllis Peterson

    McKay, George W. (1832-1903 Dec 22)
    -Obits in the Allamakee Journal & Waukon Republican-Standard, and an application for military headstone ( record) give DOD on Dec 19, 1902, not Dec 22, 1903.
    -from Richard O'Brien

    Mead, Amy Liza (1857-1921 Jul 12)
    - According to her entry in the Allamakee Death Records and her obituary, she is buried in the Minert (Post twp.) cemetery rather than the Postville cemetery. Her maiden name was Allman - from Richard O'Brien

    Meyer, Elizabeth Schroeder (1847 Jul 30 -1920 Apr 09) (Mrs. August)
    - Elizabeth Moetsch who married Jacob Meyer on 26 Dec 1869 has these dates. Wrong maiden name - wrong husband? -from Phyllis Peterson

    Meyer, Marie M. Schultz (1922- ) Mrs. Williard
    - This is Marie Minna Clara Meyer, younger sister to Willard who was born 19 Jul 1922 and never married. Willard's wife is Marie A. born 1918. There is a stone for her in Area F with her husband. -from Phyllis Peterson

    Meyer, Marie M. (1891-1948)
    Meyer, Minnie (1891 Sep14-1948 Mar 01)
    - Marie M. Meyer & Minnie M. Meyer are the same person. The dates given for the Minnie Meyer entry in Woodmansee are in error. According to her obituary, she was born Wilhelmina Maria Kuhse, March 1, 1891 and died November 25, 1948 in a car accident. Her son Arthur R. and daughter Marie F. Meyer died in the same accident. The gravestone, with husband Alvin D., is inscribed Minnie M. Meyer. Arthur R. & Marie F. have a gravestone next to their parents. -from Richard O'Brien

    Mott, Augustus D. (1844-1863)
    - from the Postville Review, November 22, 1879: "On the 6th Inst, the remains of Augustus D. Mott were removed from Luana Cemetery and reinterred by the side of his Father, Henry Mott, the work being skillfuly done by John Cole." Researchers will note that the father, Henry Mott, died in August 1879. -from S. Ferrall

    Nuehring, Edith A. Warnholtz (1887 Feb 1-1973 Nov 14)
    - Her correct birthdate is date is Feb1, 1886. Her gravestone also has 1886. The published obituary also had the wrong birthyear. -from Robert Nuehring

    Nuehring, Lucy E. (1904 Sep 23 - 1925 Oct 26)
    - Lucy was married to Milo Kalke and died as a Kalke. She is buried with her parents and her stone shows both names. Milo died 1984 and is buried Clayton Center Cemetery, Clayton County. There is a photo of the gravestone on Find A The stone is easy to misinterpret. Dale Woodmansee notes that she was buried in the same lot as her mother. - from Richard O'Brien

    Ohloff, Carl (1867 Apr 15 - 1914 Aug 13)
    Ohloff, Charles (1858-1914 Aug 13)
    - Both of the entries are for the same man and both are partially correct. His gravestone is inscribed Carl 1868-1914. His wife, Mary (nee Krogman) name & dates are also on the stone. Charles/Chas/Charley Ohloff has an obit that gives his dates as 4/15/1867-8/13/1914 – note that the birth year in the obit is also in conflict with the inscription on the gravestone. The 1858 date may be a typo, transcription error, or error in reading the stone.- R. O'Brien & S. Ferrall

    Oldag, Gretchen F. Schlitte (1917-1969 Jan 02)
    Schlitter, Gretchen F (1917-1969)
    - This is the same woman. Gretchen Freida Wolter was married twice. 1st to Leslie Schlitter and 2nd to Leonard Oldag. Woodmansee lists her 3 times - under both surnames in Area B and under Oldag in Area F. She is buried with her first husband in Area B, as a Schlitter.-from Richard O'Brien

    Pearson, Julia (1850-1941)
    - Julia Hunt Pearson (Mrs. George Pearson) is not buried in the Postville cemetery. She is buried in Grand Meadow cemetery, Clayton co. Iowa. Her husband, his parents and their son Chester Pearson are also buried in Grand Meadow. -from S. Ferrall

    Pliester, Olga (04 May 1905-28 Dec 1984)
    - This is Olga Isabel (nee Baker) Pfister. Her funeral was held in Postville and her obit appeared in the Postville newspaper, but it clearly states that she was buried in East Clermont Cemetery, which is in Clayton co. Iowa. She was the wife of Frederick Pfister whom she married 09 Mar 1930 at Decorah. -from Phyllis Peterson

    Renzman, Frederick
    Tangeman, Frederick
    - these men have exact same birth and death dates listed; based on the obituary of Frederick Renzman, his entry is the correct one -from Phyllis Peterson

    Root, Abner (1852 Apr 30-1880 Jun 08)
    - The obit of Abner Root was published in January 1880, indicating a death date of January 8, 1880 rather than June 8, 1880. - Reid R. Johnson

    Sanders, Margaret (1837-1913)
    - This is Margaret (Holmes) Coyle, listed in Allamakee County Death Records 06/26/1837-04/25/1913. It is her daughter Jessie, who was the wife of John Sanders. Margaret's grave is in the Sanders family plot, thus the confusion over her surname, although her gravestone is clearly inscribed Margaret Coyle. Margaret's husband was unknown Coyle. - Richard O'Brien

    Sawvelle, Myoth? (1895 Feb 12 - 1935 Feb 17)
    - This is Myrtle (Hendricks) Sawvell. She is buried in Pleasant Grove Cemetery, McGregor, Clayton co. IA and not in the Postville cemetery. Myrtle was married to Jay Albert Sawvell (1895-1973). Sources: Allamakee County Death Records & Waukon Democrat & Waukon Republican-Standard obituaries. - Richard O'Brien

    Schmidt, Emelia (nee Gassman)
    - She was the wife of Rev. Eugene Schmidt of St. Paul's Lutheran church and had lived in Postville from about 1913 until her death in 1923. There was a large service in Postville after which her remains were taken to Lena, Illinois (her home town) for burial.
    -from Phyllis Peterson

    Schroeder, Bertha Meyer (1881 Apr 15-? Jun 02)
    Schroeder, Carl C.

    - Carl's entry is correct, but his wife and daughter were omitted from the book. Mary (Mueller) Schroeder d. 1906, and Amanda Schroeder d. June 3, 1894. Another daughter Bertha Schroeder is listed without year of death. She died 1894. The Meyer included with her entry in Woodmansee should not be there and possibly is a typo because the name immediately preceding her entry is named Schroeder, Bertha Meyer but with different dates.
    -from Richard O'Brien

    Schroeder, Edward H (1863-1935)
    - Family members say that he is actually buried in Garnavillo. I can't verify this -from Phyllis Peterson
    - Edward Schroeder died in Postville but is buried in the New Garnavillo cemetery Block 2. Info from Sexton Burial and Lot record book (Clayton co. IAGenWeb website. Allamakee County Death Record is unclear about location of burial. There was a obit in Waukon Democrat that gives place of burial as Garnavillo. Wife was Mary Elizabeth Clair born 1860 Feb 10 Died 1929 Mar 12 in Postville, she is also in Garnavillo cemetery. There is an Edward C. Schroeder (1890-1963) & his wife Nora (1893-1960) who ARE buried in the Postville cemetery -from Richard O'Brienn

    Schroeder, Elizabeth Drahn (1858-1906)
    - Elisabeth (Drahn) Schroeder isn't buried in the Postville cemetery. She is buried at St. John's Lutheran Cemetery, Luana, Clayton County, Iowa with her husband Carl J. Schroeder. My information shows her dates as August 7,1847 - October 11,1925, which conflicts with the Woodmansee data too.
    -from Karen Muchow

    Schroeder, Mary Jahnke (1853-1898)
    - Mary Janke Schroeder died 07 Dec 1922 at Hardin, Iowa. Her birth date may be 05 Dec 1851, rather than 1853.
    -from Phyllis Peterson

    Schroeder, Rosina (1874-1928) Mrs. W.
    - Rosina Rabe was the second wife of John C. Schroeder.
    -from Phyllis Peterson

    Schroeder, Sophia (1883-1955) (Mrs. Henry)
    - Her maiden name was Dahl
    -from Phyllis Peterson

    Schroeder, Sophia Dahl (1886-1925) (Dau. of Ludwig, Mrs.)
    - Dahl should be dropped; she was the unmarried daughter of Ludwig Schroeder. She was a sister to Henry Schroeder who married Sophia Dahl (above)
    -from Phyllis Peterson

    Staadt, Anton (1821 Jan 07-1903 Jan 07)
    - Correct DOD is December 7, 1902. His gravestone is also inscribed with the wrong year of death. His obituary was published in the Dec. 12, 1902 issue of the Postville Herald, there was an obit in the Waukon Standard, and Allamakee Death Records give DOD 12/7/1902. Also, the notation in the Woodmansee record that he was a WWI veteran is obviously incorrect.
    -from Richard O'Brien

    Thiese, ? (?- 1911 Nov 10)
    - This is Clara Anna Amelia (Spoo) Thiese McGhee. First married to Henry Thiese, second to L.H. McGhee, she is buried with Henry in the Postville cemetery area B. Death cert ( DOB: 1/19/1866, DOD: 11/10/1911, cause: cancer of breast, d/o Anton Spoo & Mary Nagel. She is not shown in 'Woodmansee' as Clara McGhee. - S.Ferrall

    Tripp, O.N. (no dates)
    - This is D.M. Tripp. David Mortimer Tripp's obit states that he was in Company A, 16th Regiment, 15th Iowa Infantry. His wife was Frances A. Tripp. - Reid R. Johnson

    Tuller, Edward (1822 Jul 06-1892 Sep 02)
    Tuller, Johanna (1841 Mar 04-1883 Jul 21)
    - The listings for Edward Tuller and Johanna Tuller are actually for Edward Staadt and Johanna Staadt.  Woodmansee also correctly lists them as Staadts.  Edward Staadt married Johanna (family called her Hannah or Hainey) Michels, and when she passed, he married her widowed sister, Mary Michels Tuller (my great-great grandmother).  So a Tuller (Mary) became a Staadt, two Staadts (Edward & Johanna) did not become Tullers. -from John Tuller

    Tuller, Mary (no dates)
    - this is more than likely Mary Michels Tuller Staadt 1830-1912, wife of Warren Tuller and Edward Staadt. Woodmansee does not list her under Michels or Staadt - Richard O'Brien
    - Mr. O'Brien is correct that Mary Tuller was first married to Warden Tuller (my great-great grandfather) and then later to Edward Staadt (per the transcribed 9 Feb 1912 Postville Review obit). And the correct spelling of her first husband is Warden, not Warren. Their son was my great-grandfather, Frank Warden Tuller, who begat my grandfather, Ralph Warden Tuller, who begat my father, Ralph Warden Tuller, Jr. 
    -from John Tuller

    Tuller, Rive M. (1894-1913)
    - Her birth record lists her as Olive - may be a transcription error.
    -from Phyllis Peterson
    - an affirmation that Phyllis Peterson is correct that there is a transcription error in the birth record for Rive M. Tuller. Her first name was Rive (pronounced Riva) and her middle name was Marjory. Someone must have misconstrued Rive to "Olive." She was my grandfather's sister.  Her obit has been posted to the Allamakee co. Obituary Board
    -from John Tuller

    Weihe, Elizabeth Marie (06/28/1879-05/27/1921)
    - This is Elizabeth Marie (Weihe) Schutte. She was married to Louis Schutte (1877-1968). The Woodmansee book also has her correctly listed in Section B.
    -from Richard O'Brien

    Wichmann, Frederick (1843 Feb 17-1909 Dec 21)
    - The DOD inscribed on his gravestone (12/21/1910) is in conflict with the Woodmansee entry, his obituary & Allamakee co. Death Records. The 1909 date is correct.
    -from Richard O'Brien

  • Postville Cemetery - Area C notes
    page 618-624

    Beucher, Mathew Joseph
    (1840 May 10 - 1901 Aug 01) (Obit)
    - This is a duplicate of a similar entry in Area B: Beucher, Mathias J. (1830 - 1901 Aug 01) Based on other sources, I believe that his correct birth date is 10 May 1830.
    -from Phyllis Peterson

    Dewitte, Little Ray 1866-1870 son of WL and L Chas
    - This record should be under the surname Chase. Ray DeWitte Chase was the son of Washington Irving Chase and Lydia Dresser, who are also buried in Area C of the Postville Cemetery.
    -from Phyllis Peterson

    Dow, Meritabel 1844 Oct 15-1874 Jan 20
    - Her first name does not match the headstone and the birthdate does not match the information on the headstone (Aged 79 yrs, 3 mths, 17 days). The entry should read: Dow, Mehitabel 1794 Oct 3 - 1874 Jan 20. Census records also support this correction.
    -from Phil Frey

    Gordon, Christine Willman (1868 Sep 08-1957 May 01)
    Christine (Willman) Harris Gordon is buried in Section D with her 1st husband Herman H. Harris. Her 2nd husband was John Gordon. -from Richard O'Brien

    Gordon, Nancy Hardin (1840-1917) Mrs. Angus Gordon
    - Her maiden name was either Nancy Jane Stiles or Nancy Jennie Stiles. She was the wife of James Gordon, married 28 Jun 1860.
    -from Phyllis Peterson

    Hawkins, Hartwell (1837 Nov 09-1861 May 21)
    Hawkins, John S.
    1812 Jul -- 1873 Feb 03)
    - Hartwell Hawkins' year of death on his gravestone is 1864, not 1861. Year of death on John Smith Hawkins' gravestone & in his obit is 1875, not 1873.
    Obit also gives 1815 as year of birth, rather than 1812. DOB is not on his gravestone.
    -from Richard O'Brien

    McGhee, Sophia Jennewine (1861-1883) (Mrs. James H)
    - Death year is wrong. Sophia and James were married 17 May 1885 in Jefferson Twp. She died 09 Mar 1893 in Waukon from perintonitis and was buried on 11 Mar 1893.
    -from Phyllis Peterson

    Nichols, Adeline (1816 Jul 15-1873 Jan 03)
    - Death year is 1879 (sources: obits of Adeline, her husband Charles D. Nichols and her gravestone inscription)

    Reif, Anna Fischer (1868-1941) (Mrs. John)
    - Anna Reif was born 28 Feb 1860 and died 15 Jul 1941. She never married; however, her mother's maiden name was Fischer. Her father was John and an unmarried brother John is reported to be in the same area of the cemetery.
    -from Phyllis Peterson

    Stiles, Elbert H. (1848 Sep 07-1925 Jul 02)
    -The middle initial is incorrect, his full name is Elbert Darwin Stiles. Woodmansee also indicates that he has no marker, which is incorrect - he shares a gravestone with his wife, it is ingraved E.D. Stiles 1848-1925.
    -from Reid R. Johnson

    Swenson, Swen (1869 Aug 13-1955 Feb 09)
    - correct burial place is God's Acres Cemetery, Clermont, Fayette co. IA
    -from Richard O'Brien

    Taylor, Hiller Bennett (1807 Jun 20-1894 Nov 11)
    Taylor, Lee M (1859 Dec 08-1876 Oct 16)
    - This is Hiram Bennett Taylor and his son Lee M. Taylor. Hiram's obituary gives birth year as 1827 (not 1807). Woodmansee annotates Lee's entry with "Son of WB & ET" - this should be Son of HB & ET
    -from Reid R. Johnson

    Waters, ? (1901 - 1901) (Dau. of Howard)
    - She was the daughter of Edward Waters and his wife Anna K. Redhead. The dates match those given in county birth/death records. She was a premature child who lived only 4 days. Her younger
    brother Howard is buried in the same area of the cemetery - he died in 1915 at age 12 and is probably buried in the same plot.
    -from Phyllis Peterson

    Waters, Maggi M.U. (11/2/1934-12/11/1934)
    - This is actually Margie M.V. Martens, buried in Section D. Her gravestone is inscribed "Margie M. Martens 1934-1934". Her parents were John C. & Florence M. Martens. Woodmansee also correctly lists Margie in the Section D burials.
    -from Richard O'Brien

    Wilder, Nora B.  1887-1968  (SLA FN Beedy)  
    - I believe her name should be listed as Norma instead of Nora.
      Allamakee County birth records list a Norma Beedy born 03 Jun 1887 at Postville to Frederick N. Beedy and his wife Frances Allen.    The social security death index lists a Norma Wilder (03 Jun 1887 - Mar 1968), last residence was Grants Pass, Josephine, Oregon.
    -from Phyllis Peterson

  • Postville Cemetery - Area D notes
    page 625-632

    Baltz, Minnie Zuchow
    - My records show her maiden name to be Beulow.
    -from Phyllis Peterson

    Bollman, Henry Thomas
    - He's buried at Minert Cemetetry in rural Post Twp.
    -from Phyllis Peterson

    Burdick, Lenora E. (1863-1920)
    - correct dates from gravestone and her obituary are 4/30/1873 - 11/29/1929
    -from Richard O'Brien

    Clark, ? (1815-1888) (Mrs. John T.)
    - County death records list her as Elizabeth Balkeslee Clark.
    -from Phyllis Peterson
    - her obit gives maiden name Blakeslee
    -from S. Ferrall

    Everman, Pauline (1915-1915)
    - She was still alive (and single) and living in Postville in 1999.
    -from Phyllis Peterson

    Flack, Mary Bray (1898-1978)
    - The book lists her in both Area D and Area G
    -from Phyllis Peterson

    Freidag burials
    - There are four burials in Postville cemetery Area D with surname Freidag. The surname is actually Freitag.
    -from Reid R. Johnson

    Gordon, Hattie H.
    - Hattie is not listed in Woodmansee. Her grave is next to her parents, Angus and Nancy Gordon and her sister Cynthia. Died Mar 26 1877, aged 6 yrs 11 mos 9 dys. Her tombstone is difficult to read.
    -from LA

    Gordon, Nancy E.
    (1841-1901) (Mrs. Angus Gordon)
    - Her maiden name was Nancy E. Hardin. She was the wife of Angus Gordon, married 29 Jul 1860.
    -from Phyllis Peterson

    Hardin, R. (07/19/1864-12/22/1890)
    - This may be Wilber Don Hardin. His dates given in his obit match the dates in Woodmansee. The inscription on his gravestone is too worn to read his first & middle name. All that can be made out is "son of G & E Hardin and his dates", but it is certainly possible that R. Hardin is actually Wilber Don Hardin and his gravestone is inscribed D. Hardin rather than R. Hardin.
    -from Reid R. Johnson

    Harris, C (1869-1957) (SLA Wm)
    - This is Christina Willman Harris Gordon b. 08 Sep 1868, d. 01 May 1957, buried 03 May 1957.
    She m1. Herman Harris and m2. John Gordon. Her obit didn't mention her 1st husband, so I doubt she's with his family. She is buried in Area C with her second husband. She is not in the same lot as Wm - Charity Harris is in the same lot as Wm.
    -from Phyllis Peterson

    Harris, Charity McDonald (1848-1920) (Mrs. Obert)
    - She was Mrs. William Harris and not Mrs. Obert Harris
    -from Phyllis Peterson

    Harris, Clara Klein (1893-1972)
    - Clara Klein was Mrs. Obert Harris
    -from Phyllis Peterson

    Huff, Bert E. (1877-1893)
    - According to his obit, this is Bert E. Hopp, son of Mary Hopp
    -from Richard O'Brien

    Mathis, Morris
    Mathis, Vila C. Schnuelle (1917 Apr 13 - 1981 Jun 15)
    Morris Mathis is buried in Oakland cemetery, Waukon. He was Villa's 2nd husband. She first married Arthur Herrmann, who died 1951. Vila & Arthur share a gravestone in Area A. -from Richard O'Brien

    McGhee, Leta (1879 Jun 30-1880 Jan 25)
    -Year of death on gravestone is 1886, not 1880 -from Richard O'Brien

    Miller, Lottie E. Gress (1896 Aug 16-1978 Mar 21)
    - Although Woodmansee correctly lists her, this note clarifies who she is: Lottie Elizabeth (Gress) Carwick Miller. She is buried with her 1st husband Edward Charles Carwick in the Carwick plot Area D. Her stone is inscribed "Lottie Carwick Miller 1896-1978". Lottie's 2nd husband, Frank David Miller (d. 1965) is buried in Oakland-Main, Waukon with his 1st wife Maude (d. 1917). -from Richard O'Brien

    Welch - John E., Mable E. & Maude Esther
    -note: surname spelling on their shared gravestone is Welsch. Mable's DOD is 1990.
    -from Richard O'Brien

  • Postville Cemetery - Area E notes
    page 633-638

    Groth, Ernest (Oct 16, 1862 - June 13, 1937)
    - Ernest Groth is buried in the Frankville cemetery, Winneshiek co.
    - Richard O'Brien

    Nyberg, Allard S.

    - Allard was my uncle and his birth date was 3/22/1917.
    -from Sandy Shores

  • Postville Cemetery - Area F notes
    page 639-656

    Ames, Clara Tilda Erickson
    - This is Clara (Erickson) Aanes, who is buried in Gods Acre cemetery Fayette county. Clara (Erickson) Aanes was married to Lloyd M. Aanes (1894-1986), also buried in Gods Acre. They have a gravestone in Gods Acre with both of their names on the stone. Clara's obit from the Postville Herald (posted on the Fayette co. Obituary board) gives place of burial as the Clermont cemetery. Allamakee County Death Records correctly spell her surname as Aanes, but list place of burial as Postville Cemetery with Schutte Funeral Home handling the burial.
    - Richard O'Brien

    Deering, Charles I. (1936 May 16 - 1939 Dec 24)
    Correct DOD is 01/27/2017. The DOD shown by Woodmansee is the birth date of his wife. - Stacy (Deering) Tharp, his daughter

    Deering, Leone (1916 May 24 - ?)
    Correct spelling of her first name is Leeone. She died 10/12/2002. Her gravestone is incorrectly inscribed 10/10/2002. - from Stacy (Deering) Tharp, her grand-daughter

    Dennison, Horace (1900-1951 Aug 04)
    -See note below, Area F, for Hazel Olson

    Doerring, Rita L.

    - Woodmansee incorrectly shows that she was wife of Charles W. Doerring. She was married to Eugene A. Doerring, who is buried in Colorado.
    -from Dwight Doerring (son of Eugene A. Doerring)

    Dunning, Leslie
    - He is not buried in the Postville cemetery, he is buried in Monona City cemetery, Clayton co. IA. Leslie was born: 1917 Oct 12 & died: 1983 Sep 28 in Postville Hospital. Funeral handled by Schultz Funeral Home. (source: Allamakee Death Record) His parents, Roy & Abbie are in the Postville cemetery.
    -from Richard O'Brien

    Heins, Mathilda Foels (6/21/1884-10/12/1964)
    -Mathilda (Foels) Oldag Heins was born June 21,1884 & died October 12, 1964. The Woodmansee book lists her as in Section F, which is an error. Her 2nd husband Frederick John Heins (1884-1955), is buried with his first wife Anna M.C. Nuehring Heins in Section F. Mathilda is buried in Section A with her 1st husband George Fred Oldag (1878-1920). Her gravestone is inscribed "Matilda H. 1884-1964".
    -from Richard O'Brien

    Kruse, Virgil Henry (1923 Jan 26-1923 Feb 10)
    - He is buried in St. John's Lutheran cemetery, Luana. The Feb 7th, 1923 Postville Herald had his birth announcement, giving DOB 1/27/1923). His parents LeRoy & Eda (Genz) Kruse are also buried in St. John's.
    -from S. Ferrall

    Larson, Henry C. (1869-1960)
    - This should be Henry Charles Lawson, 04/15/1860-11/15/1960. His parents were John & Sally Lawson, butied in Cleveland cemetery (aka Lawson cemetery). Source: Allamakee co. Death Records.
    -from Richard O'Brien

    Levenhagen, John (1849-1932)
    - John Levenhagen died in Linton twp. & the Alamakee County Death Records list him, but are not clear as to place of burial. I have not found an obit for him. He was married to Albertine Gipp (1851 Oct 20 -Jun 02 1927) who is buried St. Paul Lutheran cemetery, Monona, Clayton co. Iowa. He may be buried with his wife, rather than in the Postville cemetery.
    -from Richard O'Brien

    Meyer, Ora Marie (1896-1985) (Mrs. Victor)
    - She never married, Victor Meyer is her brother, he never married either.
    -from Phyllis Peterson

    Meyers, Theresa (1892-1970)
    - Her name should be spelled Myers - she was Mrs. Judson Myers, married 1917
    -from Phyllis Peterson

    Moritz, ? 1930 Oct 11-1930 Oct 11
    - This grave is the stillborn child of William August Moritz & Theresa Martin Moritz.
    -from Paul Moritz (deceased), grand nephew of William August Moritz

    Myers, Gretchen (1924- ) (Mrs. Judson)
    - She is actually a daughter of Judson
    -from Phyllis Peterson

    Oldag, Gretchen Frieda (1918-1969 Jan 02)
    - Gretchen Freida Wolter was married twice. 1st to Leslie Schlitter and 2nd to Leonard Oldag. Woodmansee lists her 3 times - under both surnames in Area B and under Oldag in Area F. She is buried with her first husband in Area B. Her gravestone gives birth year 1917. Leonard Oldag (1912 Aug 30-1993 Aug 01) is buried beside his first wife Velva Irene (Gilson) Oldag in Area F. -from Richard O'Brien

    Olson, Hazel Ewing (1917 Feb 02 - 1987 Dec 29)
    - Hazel was married twice, first to Horace Dennison died 1951. Her 2nd marriage was to Ole Olson whose DOD & burial place unknown to the contributor. Hazel died in Anamosa, Jones co. Iowa as Hazel Olson. Her obit has her surname as Olson and the Schutte Funeral Home handled her as a Olson. However Hazel is buried beside Horace as a Dennison. -from Richard O'Brien

    Peters, Lena Hofer (1873 Feb 28-1956 Oct 15)
    - Correct burial place is the Elgin cemetery, Elgin, Fayette co. IA. souces: gravestone & Allamakee co. Death Records. -from Richard O'Brien

    Price, Arthur
    Price, Jean Marie

    - I think they are buried in Smith Cemetery and not in Postville Cemetery -from Phyllis Peterson

    Schultz, Louise A. Lenth (1889-1975)
    - see above in Area A notes for Lenth, Louise A. Linderbaum

    Segrist, Louis
    Segrist, Mary Ann
    - They are both buried at Minert Cemetery. Louis Segrist's dates are wrong. These are the dates for Louis and Mary Ann's daughter Etta Segrist who married Conrad Hangartner. Etta is buried in Area B, Postville -from Phyllis Peterson

  • Postville Cemetery - Area G notes
    page 657-661

    Brainard, Jennie McWilliams

    - She is buried at Minert Cem and not at Postville -from Phyllis Peterson

    Ihde, Reuben (1891-1921 Aug 13)
    Death Certificate ( - Died of 'tubercular kidnies' at the Postville hospital, but is buried in the Garnavillo City cemetery, Clayton co. IA, (where his parents John & Anna (Thoma) Ihde are buried). Dates: 8/1/1891 - 8/13/1921. (R.O.) Gravestone spells his first name Rueben.

  • Postville Cemetery - Other Area notes
    page 662

    Chevalier, Ruth (1970 Apr 06-1970 Apr 06)
    - Ruth is buried at Strawberry Point Cemetery -from Richard O'Brien


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