IAGenWeb Project - Clayton co.

1882 Biographies Index

Casper A. Werges
Clayton Twp.

Casper A. Werges is a native of Hanover, Germany, born Oct. 14, 1817. In 1842 he left the land of his birth for America, and landed at Baltimore, Md., on Oct. 27, of that year. From there he went to Pittsburg, Penn, thence to Cincinnati, Ohio, and six months later located in Sciotaville, that State, where he worked in the iron foundry nine years, then came to Clayton County.

He settled on section 30, Clayton Township on a farm which he had previously purchased. He owns 240 acres of excellent land and has one of the finest farms in this section.

He was married Sept. 1, 1855, to Lucy W. Bruns, a native of Hanover, Germany. They have nine children, viz.: Sophia Margaret, born July 24, 1856; Frederick W., Feb. 10, 1858; Henry L., Dec. 14, 1861; Anna Mary, March 13, 1863; Justina Sophia, Dec. 3, 1866; Mary Anna, April 15, 1868; William Herman, Dec. 31, 1871; John C., July 16, 1873; and J. Ludwig, July 28, 1878.

In religious faith Mr. Werges is a Lutheran,and in his political views is a Democrat.

source: History of Clayton County, Iowa, 1882, p. 728
Transcribed by Sally Scarff and Marlene Chaney


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