Clayton co. IAGenWeb Obituary Index

Clayton Co. Obituary Index

'Pf - Pu' surnames

Most recent update to this page was 02/14/2025 Additional obits may have been posted in the meantime and will be added to the index as time permits.

* A * Ba * Be * Bi * Bl * Bo * Br-By * Ca-Cl * Co-Cz * Da-Di * Do-Dy * E * Fa-Fl * Fo-Fu *Ga-Gl * Gm-Gy * Ha * He * Hi-Hy * I * J * Ka-Ke * Ki-Kn * Ko-Ky * La-Le * Li-Ly * Ma-Mc * Me * Mi * Mo-My * N * O * Pa-Pe * Pf-Pu * Q * Ra-Rh * Ri-Ry * Sa * Sc * Se-Sm * Sn-Sz* Ta-Th * Ti-Ty * U (includes unkn. surnames) * V * Wa-We * Wh-Wy * Y * Z *

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Pfiffner, Alfred 1887-1938
Pfiffner, Augusta (Thammann)1865 - 1926
Pfiffner, Maria A, 1817 - 1897
Pfiffner, Monica R. 1917-2004
Pfranger, George 1845 - 1932
Pfrommer, Anna Maria (Rentschler) died 1926
Pfrommer, John 1878 - 1951
Pfrommer, John Jacob 1844-1933
Pfrommer, Sarah Bertha (Jopp) 1891 - 1947
Phalen, 3 y/o daughter died 1880
Phelan, infant died 1890
Phelan, infant died 1897
Phalen, Anna (Blanchaine) died 1895
Phelan, Betty J. (Aulwes) died 1993
Phelan, Dennis L. 1957-2009
Phelan, Julia 1869 - 1942
Phelan, Patrick Ambrose died 1932
Phelan, Sophia (Kregel) 1889 - 1928
Phelan, Steven died 1915
Phelan, Thomas T. died 1945
Phelps, Alpheus H. 1822-1906
Phelps, Amanda (McFall) 1841 - 1931
Phelps, Barbara A. (Nicholson) Cole 1822-1896
Phelps, Barna / Barney W. 1822-1901
Phelps, Charles D. died 1940
Phelps, Charles E. 1864-1939
Phelps, Delos G. died 1920
Phelps, Dorothy Berniece 1924-2001
Phelps, Electa Ann (Breed) 1850 - 1937
Phelps, John C. "Jack" 1883 - 1928
Phelps, Libbie M. (Carrier) 1854 - 1905
Phelps, Linda L. 1949-2013
Phelps, Lyle Edwin died 2008
Phelps, Marilyn Elizabeth 1935 - 1935
Phelps, Otto Archie 1896 - 1918
Phelps, Stella (Fishel) 1871-1936
Phelps, Wilbur 1857-1929
Phelps, William W. 1885 - 1938
Philipp, Eileen A.M. (Schroeder) 1916-2016
Phillips, Mrs. M.A. died 1893
Phillips, infant son died 1897
Phillips, Burrus died 1893
Phillips, Carlyle Brunson 1835 - 1910
Phillips, Charlotte A. (Butler) 1849-1916
Phillips, Chauncey G. died 1856
Phillips, Earl P. 1882 - 1915
Phillips, Eliza A. died 1855
Phillips, Emily J. 1852 - 1879
Phillips, Evelyn (Tindel) died 1987
Phillips, Fred 1895 - 1936
Phillips, Irving 1855 - 1933
Phillips, Jacob F. 1872-1933
Phillips, Keziah (Bissell) 1854 - 1934
Phillips, Lee died 1897
Phillips, Leon P. died 1948
Phillips, Losha Ann (Geer) 1813-1911
Phillips, Magdaline Loveday died 1900
Phillips, Marie Margaret 1901-1937
Phillips, Marion (Susie) 1887 - 1959
Phillips, Merlyn B. died 1944
Phillips, Orin A. 1838-1921
Phillips, Ruby died 1886
Phillips, Sally C. (Goodell) 1816 - 1885
Phillips, Viola (Smith) died 1932
Phillips, Welcome H. 1807 - 1891
Picha, Evelyn M. (Wachter) 1927-2009
Pichik, Erin Elizabeth 1973 - 1999
Pickart, Matthew Anthony 1978-1997
Pickle, Mrs. Leonard died 1861
Piehl, Charles 1859 - 1942
Piehl, Henry died 1897
Piehl, Louisa 1826 - 1885
Piehl, Mary (Musselt) 1861-1944
Piehl, William 1863 - 1935
Pieper, Doris Lucille died 1996
Pieper, Duluth L. 1886 - 1955
Pieper, Edward 1867 - 1955
Pierce, Christina Anette (Heins) 1964-2005
Pierce, Delsina died 1860
Pierce, Esther A. I. died 1995
Pierce, Ira Henry died 1895
Pierce, Maurice G. 1918 - 2006
Pierce, Perrin Duane 1925 - 1933
Pierson, Eugene J. died 1931
Pierstorff, Sophia (Buschhusen) 1864 - 1936
Pietrick, George died 1940
Pilgrim, Mary B. (Kramer) 1872 - 1939
Pilkington, Elizabeth 1832 - 1897
Pilkington, John 1825 - 1897
Pillard, Arnold Albert 1915 - 1944
Pimley, Richard died 1896
Pimley, Robert died 1884
Pink, Albert J. died 1984
Pink, Kenneth Henry died 1957
Pink, Mary (Tieke) 1857 - 1933
Pinley, Isabell died 1883
Pins, Wilma Louise died 1999
Pishcke, Louis died 1937
Piskey, Fred died 1887
Pittenger, William D. 1890-1917
Pittman, Keaton Christopher died 1996
Pixler, Alta M. (Brewer / Bruer) 1872-1937
Pixler, Charles 1906-1991
Pixler, Charles F. 1860-1941
Pixler, Eliza (Fry) 1824 - 1911
Pixler, George F. 1895-1962
Pixler, George Washington 1861-1925
Pixler, Glen Roy 1918-1990
Pixler, James M. 1822 - 1906
Pixler, Lorene (Gilster) 1902-1989
Pixler, Maie Eva (Harmon) 1864-1946
Pixler, Marie Mary (Mueller) 1902-1971
Pixler, Melissa J. 1851 - 1920
Pixler, Roy 1891-1950
Place, Lucius H. died 1913
Place, R. C. 1835 - 1887
Plaehn, Glenn R. 1910-1978
Plaehn, Harriet F. (Schmitt) died 2003
Plagman, Arnold ca1895 - 1963
Plagman, Augusta (Baars) 1884 - 1942
Plagman, Charles 1877-1945
Plagman, Christian 1836 - 1911
Plagman, Emma Mary (Ortman) 1873 - 1936
Plagman, Lillian (Wolfe) 1891 - 1936
Plagman, Sophie Dorothea Christiana (Lindermann) 1838 - 1913
Plagman, Wilhelmina died 1882
Plagman, William died 1937
Platt, Clara Adell (Bassett) 1861-1945
Platt, Nathan G. died 1894
Platten, Cyril 1938-2004
Platten, Peter John 1909-1991
Ploog, Annie C. 1816 - 1900
Ploog, Catherine Clara died 1916
Ploog, Hugh T. 1886-1919
Ploog, John Wilson 1918-1920
Ploog, Mary (Thompson) 1861-1912
Plozel, Doris Ann (Rubendall) McGuire 1948-2007
Plozel, Eugene J. 1932-1992
Plozel, Leonard F. 1912-1990
Plozel, Thomas 1837-1924
Plummer, newborn daughter died 1925
Poesch, Barbara 1811 - 1887
Poesh, John 1833 - 1883
Pohle, Gertrude (Prior) 1878 - 1927
Pohlman, Charlotte died 1904
Pohlman, Fred died 1899
Pohlman, John F. died 1880
Pohlman, Maggie (McGlynn) died 1898
Pohlman, Willie 1893-1897
Pohlmann, Sophia (Muller) Heiller 1824-1905
Polkow, Henry Dietrich 1880 - 1955
Polkow, Hilma died 1918
Polkow, Marie Catherina (Yahn / Jahn) 1841-1915
Polkow, Otto Carl 1869 - 1932
Polkow, Violet died 2000
Pollard, Diana (Lodon) 1830 - 1912
Pollard, Genie died 1905
Pollard, Grace died 1950
Pollard, Jay M. 1874 - 1937
Pollard, Sarah Eliza (Westfall) 1841 - 1923
Pollard, Walker 1830 - 1909
Pollock, Florence Smith died 1912
Pollock, Forrest died 1959
Pollock, Helen W. (Hood) 1826-1903
Pollock, Thomas 1832 - 1896
Ponsar, Elizabeth Floretta (Coleman) 1829 - 1910
Ponsar, Jacob 1819 - 1894
Ponsar, Julius 1854 - 1929
Ponsar, Lucy died 1927
Ponsar, Wm. died 1924
Pont, David 1936-2020
Ploog, 2 wk old daughter 1898-1898
Pope, Charlotte Kay died 1945
Popham, Rosina died 1927
Porter, Alex died 1947
Porter, Giles M. REV 1815-1901
Porter, Harriet Elizabeth (Beatty) 1837 - 1908
Porter, Hazel D. 1900 - 1916
Porter, John T. 1828-1912
Porter, Lucinda Hanna 1828 - 1900
Porter, Marcus died 1880
Porter, Mary (Barnum) died 1925
Porter, Mildred (Parkinson) 1903-1950
Porter, Robert 1856-1872
Porter, Van Alex 1885 - 1910
Portman, Janet Ann (Guyer) 1942-2021
Portwine, Edwin died 1908
Portwine, Eugene Lyle 1937 - 1939
Portwine, Luella Blanche (Hook) 1897 - 1946
Portwine, Margarite 1918 - 1919
Poshusta, Kathryn died 1910
Possehl, infant died 1920
Possehl, David John William died 1928
Possehl, Eleanor P. (Cole) Hyde 1916-1988
Possehl, Elizabeth (Kamps) 1860 - 1933
Possehl, Elmer Henry Christian 1910 - 1932
Possehl, Frank 1862-1945
Possehl, Frederick C.J. ca1813-1890
Possehl, Fredrich Joachim 1869 - 1943
Possehl, Helen Elizabeth 1916 - 1917
Possehl, Henry 1839 - 1908
Possehl, Henry Louis "Red" 1919-2010
Possehl, Ida died 1920
Possehl, Joachim Henry Christian "Christ." 1850 - 1911
Possehl, John H. 1876 - 1939
Possehl, Lenora Olive (Olson) 1914-2007
Possehl, Louise (Klink) 1872 - 1947
Possehl, Mary (Schave) 1843-1913
Possehl, Minnie (Stallbaum) died 1912
Possehl, Rosalyn Marie (Frieden) 1907-1989
Possehl, Rudolph died 1902
Possehl, Rudy William 1909-1993
Possehl, Sophia Eva Kathyrn (Hagensick) 1867 - 1959
Possehl, Wilhelmina 'Minnie' died 1903
Potter, Charles Zenda 1887 - 1953
Potter, James Leander 1852 - 1918
Potter, John 1824-1889
Potter, Linda Kay died 1957
Potter, Lois (Martin) 1825-1889
Potter, Maria died 1887
Potter, Mary A. died 1991
Potter, Mary Ione (Miller) 1892-1941
Potts, Emily (Bush) 1834-1919
Potts, Richard died 1928
Poull, John E. 'Eddie' 1915-2006
Poull, Joseph Daniel 1916 - 1938
Poull, Michael J. 1875 - 1941
Powell, Andrew died 1882
Powell, Bertha died 1963
Powell, Catherine (Drips) 1833 - 1908
Powell, Claude A. 1903-1981
Powell, Hannah died 1939
Powell, James W. died 1879
Powell, John C. 1856-1943
Powell, Kate Ella (Smith) 1861 - 1918
Powell, Laura Mabel Rosena (Honn) 1914 - 1993
Powell, Letitia A. (Farnsworth) 1835 - 1914
Powell, Sidney 1830 - 1908
Powers, Eugene J. 1929-2004
Powers, Henry J. died 1866
Powers, John 1866 - 1914
Powers, Rhoda (Hickox) 1794-1870
Powers, Robert James 1923-1923
Prakel, Friedericka Dora 'Martha' (Hoth) 1842-1908
Prakel, Louis 1842-1909
Prandy, Clara (Bittner) 1877-1929
Pratt, child died 1894
Pratt, Isaac. Newel died 1878
Pratt, Mary Jane (Scovel) 1836 - 1894
Pratt, Michael R. 'Mike' 1961-2009
Pratt, Minnie (Boettcher) 1863-1958
Pratt, Raymond Martin 1938-2010
Predmore, Moses died 1864
Preitauer, Henry Carl 1815-1899
Preitauer, John J. died 1896
Preitauer, Marie (Neidermeier) died unknown
Prentice, Jean (Brown) Moritz 1924-2010
Prentice, Lucy F. (Crary) 1869-1949
Presho, J. H. died 1907
Presho, Leo Lyle 1930-1986
Presho, William died 1862
Preston, infant son died 1933
Preston, Donna 1872 - 1892
Preston, Eddie & Ednie (twins) died 1885
Preston, Elizabeth Jane (Jewell) 1864 - 1938
Preston, Hazel Grace died 1897
Preston, Helen Louis died 2000
Preston, Joyce F. 1914-1984
Preston, Julia Lucinda (Carlton) 1848 - 1933
Preston, William A. 1839-1920
Pruess & Preuss (often interchangeable)
Pruess, in fant died 1882
Preuss, Edna (Trout) 1889 - 1940
Pruess, Fred 1837 - 1921
Preuss, Fred Jr. died 1902
Pruess, Frederica died 1934
Preuss, Mina died 1881
Preuss, Russell Duane 1936-2006
Preusse, Maxine 1924-1928
Price, Allie (Alderson) died 1924
Price, Augusta died 1932
Price, Avalo James 1844-1871
Price, Eliphalet died 1880
Price, Helen (Bollman) died 1974
Price, John died 1907
Price, Mary Ellen 1850 - 1914
Price, Nelly Peery 1868 - 1948
Price, Realto Exzeque 1840 - 1935
Price, Sarah Filetta (Stewart) 1844 - 1925
Price, Stewart Realto 1879 - 1932
Price, Trevious Glorina 1846 - 1922
Price, Valmah Tupelo Jr. 1910 - 1959
Prideaux, Ben 1884 - 1957
Prideaux, Larry Jay died 1940
Priem, Florence B. died 2002
Priem, Gloria Gayle (Decker) 1933-2020
Prindle, Margaret (Drummond) 1852-1916
Pritchard, Margaret E. (Monnahan) 1911-1994
Probert, infant died 1899
Probert, Mrs. James died 1895
Probert, Ernest Oscar 1886 - 1931
Probert, Euphamia (Muir) 1823 - 1901
Probert, Euphamia 1848 - 1912
Probert, Florence Byrl 1909 - 1918
Probert, Hulda A. 'Sally' (Wells) died 1990
Probert, James 1822 - 1908
Probert, James E. died 1904
Probert, James O. died 1984
Probert, John N. died 1951
Probert, Martha (Voss) 1884-1928
Probert, Mary 1843 - 1907
Probert, Mary (Grim) 1862 - 1927
Probert, Mellie 1891 - 1901
Probert, Nellie Hannah (Davis) 1868 - 1932
Probert, Ruth Davis 1907 - 1911
Probert, William 1858 - 1939
Protsman, Donna (Ames) 1929-1988
Prottingeier, Conrad 1803 - 1900
Prouty, Eva Gertrude (Gleason) 1887 - 1957
Prouty, James died 1941
Prouty, Marshall M. 1859 - 1936
Prouty, Martha I. (Ogle) 1861-1943
Prouty, Vernon 'Honey' 1927-2007
Pruess / Preuss often interchangeable, see above
Prussel, William 1870 - 1940
Pryslupski, Anna (Koblick) 1885 - 1948
Puelz, Anna M. died 1995
Puelz, Arlene died 1940
Pufahl, Edward died 1937
Pufahl, Elizabeth died 1950
Pufahl, Gottlieb 1831 - 1913
Pufahl, Gustav 1858-1949
Pufahl, Julius 1864 - 1910
Pufahl, Lydia died 1975
Pufahl, Otto W. died 1915
Pufahl, Wilhelmine (Kobs) 1838-1916
Puffett, Bernard Wayne died 2002
Puffett, Charles Edward 1866 - 1957
Puffett, Vern C. died 1957
Puffett, Yvonne died 1939
Pugh, Edna A. (Baker) 1888 - 1909
Pugh, Effie Gertrude (Sauerbry) 1882 - 1957
Pugh, Elizabeth A. (McLane) 1850-1932
Pugh, Fremont died 1921
Pugh, Gerald M. died 1992
Pugh, Hugh died 1887
Pugh, Hugh Milton 1894 - 1944
Pugh, Jerome died 1976
Pugh, Luther P. 1843 - 1914
Pugh, Mary A. (Brown) died 1906
Pugh, Nellie (Clinton) 1875 - 1943
Pugh, Noble Palmer 1905 - 2000
Pugh, Oren L. 1882 - 1949
Pugh, Wayne 1876-1958
Pulfer, Charles died 1936
Pulfer, Ernest died 1934
Pulfer, Fritz 1887-1926
Pulfer, Paul H. 1926-2009
Pullen, Emerson died 1940
Puls, Judy Margaret 1955 - 2021
Pupka, W. H. 1842 – 1904
Pupke, Andreas 1807-1890
Pupke, Fred 1829-1903
Pupke, Louisa (Russell) 1837 - 1924
Pupke, Maria Droge 1815-1889
Purdey, Charles A. died 1994
Purington, Oda died 1939
Purman, Cecil died 1947
Purman, Emmett Ellsworth 1918-1939
Purman, Lee A. 1896 - 1917
Purman, Martha A. died 1922
Purman, Miranda Mercy (Penhollow) 1857 - 1908
Purman, Raymond W. 1900-1902
Purnhage, Henry died 1940
Purnhage, Mathias 1834 - 1913
Purvis, Alva 1889 - 1931
Pust, Caroline (Armbuster) 1875 - 1955
Pust, Christian C. 1872 - 1936
Pust, Elizabeth died 1884
Pust, Henry 1844 - 1917
Pust, Sophia (Peick) 1852 - 1915
Putnam, Gilbert died 1928
Putnam, Dwight R. died 1890
Putz, 2 siblings died 1880
Putz, 2 children died 1881
Putz, infant died 1881
Putz, infant died 1895
Putz, infant died 1915
Putz, Anna (Gilligan) died 1891
Putz, Kayla R. died 1990
Putz, John died 1880
Putz, John died 1918
Putz, John 1859-1948
Putz, Joseph D. died 1897
Putz, Margaret 1836 - 1908
Putzier, Alma (Steinfadt) 1890 - 1932
Putzier, Berdina M. (Ludovissy) 1921-2014
Putzier, Carl died 1902
Putzier, Chas died 1924
Putzier, Christina "Mary" (Levin) 1822 - 1905
Putzier, Gusta (Ball) 1890 - 1940
Putzier, Ines died 1904
Putzier, John died 1950
Putzier, Louise died 1922
Putzier, William 1832 - 1899
Putzier, Wm. J. 1867 - 1933

If you encounter a non-working link to an obituary, please report it so it can be fixed!

