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Spencer |
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Andrew & Constant. Dealers In Books, Stationery, Fancy Goods, Sewing Machines, and Musical Instruments. |
Albee, M. P. W. General Merchandise, Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, Dried and Green Fruits, |
Barnard Bros. (F. M. & E. G. Barnard). Editors and Proprietors of Spencer Reporter. |
Bemis, W. S. Attorney-at-Law. Collections made, and Loans negotiated. |
Bender Brothers. (T. P. & W. L.). General Dealers in Grain, Live Stock, and Coal. |
Biksen & Co. (S. Biksen & S. Gillespie), Manufacturers of and Dealers in Boots and Shoes, |
Bowman, A. H. M.D. Physician and Surgeon. |
Cardell, Harry. Dealer in Books, Stationery, Fancy Goods, Choice Confectionery, Cigars, etc. |
Clay County Bank. J. L. Nicodemus, President; H. N. Smith, Cashier. Special attention given to collections. |
Clopper, H. M. Real Estate, Loan, and Exchange Broker. Collections made, taxes paid. |
Chamberlain, Harry. Clerk of Courts for Clay County. |
Copper, John. Groceries. |
Crane & Bingham. General Agent for Singer Manufacturing Co., Kimball Organs, and Insurance. |
Commercial House |
Dolvin & Randall. (John Dolvin & P. E. Randall). Real Estate, Loan, and Collection Agents. |
Dunwell, C. A. Magistrate. |
Eureka Furniture Company. G. Thorine, Resident Manager. Dealers in Furniture, Undertaker's Goods, |
Fisher, J. E. Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Doors, Bash, Mouldings, and Building Paper, Wood, Stucco, Lime, and Cement. |
Floete, Franklin. Lumber, Lath, Doors, Sash, Blinds, Shingles, Wood, Building Paper, etc. etc. |
Gregory House. J. H. Lewis, Proprietor. Sample room in connection. Has recently been enlarged and re-fitted. |
Grider & Adams. Bankers. Dealers in Real Estate. Collections, Loans and Insurance. |
Hageman, A. Hardware, Stoves, Tinware, Sheet Iron, etc. etc. |
Hale, J. H. Postmaster. |
Hubbard, Ackley. Dealer in all kinds of Furniture. |
Hughes, E. C. Attorney-at-Law. Loans negotiated; Collections a specialty. |
Imlay, R. H. Real Estate, Loan and Insurance Agent. |
Lyons, C. N. Real Estate, Loan, Insurance, and Exchange Broker. Collections promptly attended to. |
Mann, G. S. Superintendent of Schools of Clay County. |
McAllister & Crary. (Charles McAllister, A.M., M.D., and H. C. Crary, M.D.). Physicians and Surgeons. |
Miller, G. W. & Co. Dealers in Clothing, Dry Goods, Notions, Ladies' and Gents' Furnishing Goods, etc. etc. |
Moffit, John. Livery, Sale, and Feed Stable. |
David Painter. Pharmacist. Dealer in Drugs, Paints, Oils, Books, and Stationery, Wall Paper, etc. |
Palmer & Koch. (H. S. Palmer and R. L. Koch). Dealers in Heavy and Shelf Hardware, Iron, Stoves, etc. etc. |
Parker & Richardson. (A. C. Parker and Frank Richardson). Attorneys-at-Law, Real Estate, Loan, and Collection Agents. |
Penfield, C. B. Dealer in Real Estate. Money to loan. |
Perine, A. C. Dealer in Lumber and Building Materials, Sash, Doors, Paper, |
Phelps & Verharen. Paint, Lime, Cement, etc. Yards at both Spencer and Ruthven. |
Randall, P. B. Treasurer of Clay County. Editor and Proprietor of Clay County News and Advocate. |
Rawson, C. A. Dealer in Clothing, Hats, Caps, Gents Furnishing Goods, etc. |
Snow Bros. (R. E. & S. S. Snow). Attorneys-at-Law, Real Estate bought and sold; |
Steele & Harman. Attorneys-at-Law. Collections promptly attended to. |
Squire, C. General Dealer in Agricultural Implements, Buggies, Wagons. |
Ward, W. P. Attorney-at-Law, Collection, Real Estate, Loan, and Insurance Agent. |
Wood, H. B. Auditor of Clay County. |