January 3, 1895
Wm. Kelley is enjoying a visit in California with his daughter, Mrs. Siginr... Jas. Stevenson is not expected to live. He is one of the first settlers of Clarke county and a good citizen... Mr. Nugent who was arrested a few weeks ago, went back to Henry county and married the girl he played off on. He has learned a lesson. Hope it will do him good.
January 10, 1895
Mrs. John Switzer and children visited relatives at Truro last week... Mrs. Mary Wilson has been quite sick, but is reported better... Mr. James Stephenson, who has been sick for some time, died Monday. Funeral at his residence on Wednesday at 10 a.m. and buried at Ridge cemetery... Mr. John Stephenson, of Murray, has been with his brother, James, the past week.
February 28, 1895
Mr. Hale's family is getting along all right now...Charley Cardiff will move to Murray this week. He goes in a meat market there...Grant Switzer thinks he is all right now. We wish him success...Vira and Nora Griffin are home for a short time. Vira goes to Osceola soon to learn dress making..George Robinson's family writes from Cullison, Kansas, that winter is over and some are sowing oats....
May 9, 1895
During the storm Friday night the old brick church was blown to pieces. Some of the timbers were carried a quarter of a mile away...Mr. and Mrs. John Wilson have a girl baby now, by adoption. They are proud of it, and we can say the little one will have a good home with kind parents...The quarterly meeting here Sunday was largely attended...Six people were baptized in J. D. Smith's pond Sunday...The cyclone did great damage to J.E. O'Hair, Friday evening; unroofed part of his house and tore several large apple trees up by the roots. His cow barn was mov'd about a foot from its foundation and fences were laid flat...Mr. and Mrs. matt Orr's two married daughters visited them Sunday...Mrs. Reed's health is improving.
September 5, 1895
Miss Emma Piper is still in Des Moines taking medical treatment...Floy Kendall's health is improving...Homer Tillotson has sold the Robinson farm to a Mr. Campbell from Illinois...John Switzer will move to Osceola next week. His brother Charles will move on his farm...There will be a basket meeting at the church next Sunday...Don't think Man Marler has lost his mind, for its only a streak of good luck...
November 14, 1895
Emma Piper has returned to Des Moines where she is taking medical treatment, her sister Ona is here. She was called here from West Virginia by the serious accident of her brother, Billy Piper...Mrs. A. M. Griffin has been suffering quite severely for six weeks with rheumatism...Will Switzer had quite a reunion of his brothers and their families Sunday...
December 12, 1895
Mr. J. E. O'hare has returned from Burlington, where he was called by the death of his aged father...A. K. Bowlsby has lost over forty head of hogs by cholera...There was a box supper at Rocky Dell school house last Friday night, conducted by Ollie Reeves...Mrs. Matt Dowell returned to her home in Sioux City last week after a two month's visit with her mother, Mrs. Cox.
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March 24, 1904
Chas. Jones made a business trip to Chariton and Lucas last week...Miss Cora Squier closed a very successful term of school at No. two last Friday...Addie Williams came out home Monday to stay awhile...Mrs. Wm. Kelley who fell and sprained her ankle is improving...June White, from Madison township, is in this vicinity sawing wood... T. J. Barber sold his driiving team to some horse buyers Saturday...Miss Elsie Bierma spent a few days at the parental home the first of the week...Mrs. Ad White was called to Truro Monday to see her mother who is very sick...The Washington Center phone line is now on the switch board in Osceola...Rev Carson filled his appointment Sunday at three o'clock.
April 21, 1904
Mr. John Richey spent last week with his son Will, on the farm...Miss Esther Hazelett has returned to her work in Osceola...Miss Nellie Davis of Afton is teaching at No. 2. She is boarding at Mr. Winter's...Several from this neighborhood attended the funeral of Mrs. Sam Saddoris at Fremont church Sunday...Miss Laura Williamson is staying with her aunt, Mrs. Geo.Dare who is quite sick...Mr. Holden came out home Saturday...Ebert Paul is moving his engine and saw to the logging camp on Mr. Bierma's farm where he will have about six weeks' sawing to do...John Stansell and Charles Harsh of New Virginia were in this vicinity recently hunting...
May 5, 1904
John Stevenson planted thirty-five acres of corn last week...Arthur Jenks had his new house painted recently...Miss Daisy White came home Sunday. She has been staying with Mrs. Archer near Truro...Mr. Turk came out Friday and papered two rooms for Mrs. Teller, and one room for Mrs. Ray, Saturday...T. E. Barnard and Press Trumbo, of Jamison, were in this vicinity thursday. They remained over night at A. M. Kelley's...Some of our young folks attended a party at Ollie Archer's Saturday evening...Rev. White preached at the Frame church Sunday evening...Mrs. Wm. Hazelett was called to Guthrie Center last week by the death of her sister-in-law...Ebert Paul's have finished their sawing and will move this week.
June 23, 1904
G. W. Carder's house is ready for plastering...Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Smith are entertaining a ten pound baby boy at their home since Monday morning...J. J. McDaniels is having a new foundation put under his barn...Rev. Geddes preached at Frame church last Sunday at 3 o'clock...Phebe Petrie will close a very successful term of school at Sunny Side Friday...The church will give an ice cream social at George Griffin's Friday evening for the benefit of the church. Every body come...Messrs. Kelso and Baysinger are putting new roofs on their barns.
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