Osceola Sentinel, January 28, 1904


Alfred M. Haggard, A.M., Dean of the college of the Bible at Drake Univesity will fill the Christian church pulpit next Lord's day morning and evening. Rev. Haggard is well known among Christian people and comes highly recommended. There will be preaching services at Union Chapel next Lord's day at 2;30 p.m. conducted by Shirley Harlan. Subject, Not Ashamed of Jesus. Those interested in Rev. H. E. Van Horn's revival work at Lake City will be pleased to know he is having large crowds, there having been five additions and the outlook is for a large harvest of souls for Christ.



Sunday School at 9:45, P. L. Fowler, Supt. sermon to the children at 11; class meeting at 12, H. J. Kleckner, leader; Junior League 3 p.m. Miss Crego, Supt; Epworth League, 6, James Buffum leader; preaching at 7. Official board meeting at the Osceola National bank, Tuesday at 7 p.m. Prayer meeting Thursday at 7 p.m., Epworth League election at 8.


Osceola Sentinel, April 21, 1904


Prayer meeting thursday at 7:30, followed by the study of the Sunday School lesson for the following Sunday. We are glad to announce that enough has been subscribed to cover the entire debt of the church and we believe every dollar of the subscription is good. A committee has been appointed to make arrangements for a suitable celebration of the payment of the church debt. Mr. Wingfield of Vineland, N. J. who sang the Sabbath with Mr. Banta, sang a solo at each of the services last Sunday.



Elder Van Horn will organize a Bible-school at Union Chapel next Lord's day at 2 p.m. Preaching services at 3 p.m. A Bible school of sixty members was organized at Lewis church, April 17th. This school promises much for good to the young people of that vicinity. There was one confession at the evening service last Lord's day. The ordinance of baptism will be administered Thursday evening, April 28th, after the prayer meeting service. The pastor leaves today for two lectures at Maloy and Blockton, but will return Saturday morning. The regular services both morning and evening April 28th. Let there be a full attendance of members at the morning service as there will be important matters to consider.


April 28, 1904


A men's concert of patriotic songs and plantation melodies will be given on the evening of May 27th. There will be a chorus of 40 or more male voices. The concert will consist of solos, quartets, choruses, instrumental music, recitations &c. Rehearsal each Tuesday and Friday evening at the church. This promises to be a concert of real merit. R. C. Wilder, Charles Edwards, Charles Israel, Henry Stivers, Dr. Linder and the pastor constitute the committee on program and general arrangements.


Preaching services at Lewis church Lord's day, May 1st, by Elder Van Horn. Shirley Harlan will preach at Leslie both morning and evening. Mrs. Lucy will have charge of the Bible school in his absence.


Preaching at 11 a.m. Class at 12. Sabbath school at 2:30 p.m. Rev. L. T. Monical will preach at 7:30 p.m. the pastor being away at Chariton, Iowa. Wednesday evening prayer services...


May 5, 1904


At a meeting of the Sunday school board held on Monday evening Carl McLain was elected Sunday school treasurer, to succeed Harry Lash who has gone to Wyoming. Mrs. Dawson, Mrs. Currie and Mrs. Glenn Smith were elected teachers. Arrangements were begun for Children's day exercises...


May 19, 1904


Morning session 11 a.m..

Song - All Delegates

Invocation - Rev. Dillavou

Welcome address - Elder Pomeroy

Response - Pres. County Union

Song - Selected

General discussion limited to five minutes.

a. Our Duty to the stranger (2 Cor. 6:32-3) Lizza Haller, Murray

b. Lord's Day Descretion, Perry Fogle, Groveland.

c. Recitation...Mable Olm, Murray

d. Lost Opportunities (Jer. 8:20) Jennie Patterson, Osceola

e. Appointment of Committees. Nomination, place, etc., etc.

f. Song

Noon Recess

Song- Selected

Devotional service - Rev. Dillavou

Quartette - Groveland society

How to overcome hinderances - John Lewis

The endeavor message to the new century - H. E. Van Horn

How to use tact in dealing with men - Noah Miller

What is 5the endeavor mission - Walter Bonham

Song - Murray society

Limits of loyalty to the pledge - Mamie Garris

Every Christian a missionary - Fannie Willey

Recitation - Roy Frame

Gold or God - Rev. Leonard

Solo - Norma Campbell

Light ahead - Effie Hart

Report of committees



May 26, 1904

Program of Knox township Sunday school convention, to be held at Groveland, June 5, 1904

10:00 a.m. Song service and prayer

10:30 a.m. Talk on Sunday school lessons by Rev. Shirley Harlan.


11:00 "Would a small salary be an incentive to teachers to study more and teach better in the Sunday-school." Mr Jim Eddy, G. W. Gardner, A. Pound.


11:30 Recitation, Golda Yates.

Appointment of committees.

Adjournment for basket dinner

1:30 Song and prayer.

Talks to Children, Mrs. Barnett and Miss Effie Bechtel.

2:30 Song.

Duties of the superintendent, Mr O. E. Gowey, Rev. Tennett, Rev. Harlan.

3:00 Recitation, Nellie Horton.

"What ae some of the greatest hinderances of the modern Sunday school," Wm. Gardner, W. Hughes, mrs. Luch Johnson.

Recitation, Edna Emary.

3:30 "What is a community without a Sunday school," Rev. J. C. Leonard, Walter Bonham, Mrs. Frank Harless.

4:00 Home department, Mrs. Thomas Horton

Reports of schools and committees.

Recitation, Maud Johnson.

Rosa Linder, Pres.


June 2, 1904

Christian Church

Elder Van Horn will deliver the memorial address at Union Chapel Lord's day, June 5th, at 2 p.m. Let all attend. The morning theme for next Lord's day, will be "Christ touching the bier." The evening theme will be "Civil ideals" the fifth in the series upon civic reform.

The young lady who made the good confession at the Union church in Madison township last Friday evening, will be baptized at a special service, June 10th held at Union church.

Children's exercises at the Lewis church Saturday night, June 4th. All are invited to attend.

Prof. D. H. Veatch of Drake, will preach at both services June 12, in the pastor's absence at the dedication of a church near Lorimor.



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