Grist Mill

The stone and other material for the new steam grist mill, to be put up in the spring by Messrs. Johnson, McGrew & Nye, is already contracted for and in shape to commence work as early in the spring as the weather will permit. It is to be a frame building except the basement, 40x70 feet, and four stories high. The location, as yet, is unsettled. The citizens near the depot are offering inducements with a view of getting it down there, and the prospects in the northeast part of town are equally as flattering. One of the two places will undoubtedly be selected soon and it will be a fortunate corner of the town that gets it. A building of that kind and character will increase the value of property in its vicinity next to a north and south railroad, and it will be to the interest of property holders, pecuniarily as well as otherwise, to get it located around in the neighborhood of what corner lots they wish to put in the market.

The Sentinel - Feb. 11, 1870

Source: Osceola Centennial Issue 1851-1951, section 7, page 2.

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