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Cherokee County Schools

Afton Township Rural

School House News

Afton Township Rural School House News

The Myers School House
A very enjoyable time was participated in by as many as could get into the building, at Myers school house in Afton township, on Christmas eve.

A large evergreen tree was set up in one end of the room which was loaded with beautiful presents for the Sunday School scholars enrolled during the past year, there were also some very valuable gifts for the older ones, who had been instrumental in promoting the interests of the school. An interesting program consisting of music and declamations was carried out by the children, and after the distribution of the gifts, a happy company of God tearing men, women and children retired to their homes with the memory of a Merry Christmas cherished up in good and honest hearts. (Source: Aurelia Sentinel, Aurelia, IA, Thurs, Jan 3, 1889, pg. 9)

Lightning Strikes School House

During the Storm, Tuesday, the school house in Dist. No 8 better known as the McQuin school house was struck by lightning and considerable damage done to the building. School was in session at the time but fortunately the teacher and pupils were in the rear of the room and none of them were injured but all were badly scared. The stroke hit the steeple and followed the corner to the ground badly damaging the corner. (Source: Aurelia Sentinel, Aurelia, IA, Fri. June 4, 1909, pg. 3)

Afton School House

July 1920
The Afton school house controversy has been settled and the new building will be located at the Doan Mummert corner, instead of one mile north. (Aurelia Sentinel)


Afton No. 5 is the first rural school to report 100 per cent on dental corrections. Mrs. Eileen Adams is the teacher. The pupils are: Lorn Phipps, Lucille Dreyer, Raymond Zwick, Isabelle Swick, Fyrne Glow, Billie Mummert, Dale Mummert, Nels Nelson, Ruby Swanson, George Jones.

This is the second year that Afton No. 5 has been on the Dental Honor Roll. The parents of this district are deserving of much commendation for their ready appreciation of the value of the program and their prompt co-operation in their safe guarding the health of their children.
This re cord means that the teacher and each pupil have visited the dentist for inspection and such corrections as is necessary and are giving careful attention to diet and the hygiene of the teeth. The honor roll and a picture of the school have been filed with the county superintendent. A certificate of honor will be sent to the school from the Bureau of Dental Hygiene at Iowa City.

Lulu Rose Orr, County Superintendent of schools, is anxious that all parents of school children fully understand the purpose of the “yellow” dental card with which the children have been supplied. It is something which every parent should consider as a personal message. Through these chards, the State University and the local schools are urging that the children be given an opportunity for better health through healthier mouths.

This important healthy project has enlisted the support of hundreds of towns, city, consolidated, and some 8,000 rural schools throughout the state. The children are learning that it is not only important to brush their teeth but that the teeth must first be placed in a healthy condition and then be “fed” proper foods every day.

The parents therefore, may materially assist the school in its health program by taking the children to the family dentist for an inspection. All dentists of the county have agreed to be the means of saving many children from serious consequences of neglected teeth. A child with “gumboils” is in constant danger of ill health. Heart disease, rheumatism, infected tonsils, colds, and other diseases in children are frequently traceable to such infections according to medical authorities. Furthermore, the poor health induced in children by infected teeth often prevents them from being good students. Miss Orr is hopeful that all parents will cooperate with the school in its attempt to give the children the best of opportunities for good health. Lulu Rose Orr. Co. Supt. (Source: Aurelia Sentinel, Aurela, Oct. 15, 1931, pg. 1)


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