USGenWeb Cherokee County Iowa IAGenWeb

Cherokee County Cemeteries
Pleasant Hill Cemetery
Entrance to Pleasant Hill Cemetery
Photo submitted by Margaret Ford

A - C D - G H - L M - P Q - U V - Z

Last First Block Lot D.O.B. D.O.D. Other
Aitken Elda Dagger 9 16 1925 1/9/1985 Buried on Kenneth Dagger lot 
Akers Guy    9 23 1889 10/17/1970 Husband of Ruby Akers
Akers Ruby   M. 9 23 1897 2/26/1968 Wife of Guy Akers
Allen Connie K. Johnson 10 6 1946 2/20/1992 Wife of Robert B. Allen
Allen Dorance 10 54 11/6/1922 5/22/1999 Husband of Geraldine Allen
Allen Edgar D. 8 77 1923 Double marker with Viola L. Fierk Allen, Veteran WWII
Allen Geraldine L. 10 54 1/5/1933 8/15/1983 Wife of Dorance Allen
Allen Kathleen  5 8 1923 Wife of Russell Allen, parents of Sherri, Dale, Tammi, Cindy, Cathy
Allen Robert B. 10 6 1942 Husband of Connie Johnson Allen
Allen Russell   5 8 10/22/1920 6/28/2003 Husband of Kathleen Allen, double marker WWII Vet
Allen Viola L. (Fierk) 8 77 1923 Double marker with Edgar D. Allen, parents of Michael, Denise, David
Allison  Franklin 4 14 N/A N/A Unreadable marker, C.J. Allison lot owner
Alsgaard Karoline 5 118 5/22/1874 8/15/1917 Wife of A. Alsgaard
Amirsoltani Karen (Buttenob) 9 114 Owns 2 spaces
Ammons Carl 10 173 1902 5/11/1986 Husband of Viola Ammons
Ammons Chancey E. 6 59 1894 4/6/1970 Double marker with Rose, book shows spaces one & two as unmarked baby graves
Ammons Hazel Jeanne (Wilson) 10 174 12/10/1921 "Peggy J." wife of Max Carl Ammons
Ammons Max Carl 10 174 2/15/1925 10/26/2007 Husband of Hazel Jean Ammons, Vet CPL US Army WWII Korea
Ammons Rose 6 59 1895 1971 Double marker with Chancey E.
Ammons Viola 10 173 1907 10/10/1974 Wife of Carl Ammons
Ammons  Emmett W. 8 62 1891 4/29/1979 Double marker with Leona D. Ammons, Cliff Braley lot owner
Ammons  Leona D. 8 62 1894 1956 Double marker with Emmett W. Ammons
Andersen Agnes J. 9 73 1883 1972 Wife of Otto N. Andersen
Andersen Howard C. 10 172 4/11/1912 1/29/1995 Husband of Irene C. Andersen
Andersen Irene C. 10 172 1915 1998 Wife of Howard Andersen
Andersen Louis 9 122 1879 1961 Husband of Minnie Andersen
Andersen Martha M. 9 84 1898 12/8/1981 Wife of Quentin H. Andersen
Andersen Minnie 9 122 1882 1957 Wife of Louis Andersen
Andersen Oswald N. 9 73 1912 2004 Husband of Vera C. Nordstom Andersen
Andersen Otto N. 9 73 1875 1962 Husband of Agnes J. Andersen
Andersen Quentin H. 9 84 1903 3/1/1976 Husband of Martha M. Andersen, married 2/23/1928
Andersen Vera C.  9 73 5/8/1911 1/26/2001 Wife of Oswald N. Andersen
Anderson Angeline (Watts) 5 34 1859 1887
Anderson Arvid N. 9 199 1896 8/8/1961 Husband of Mary Anderson Hanson
Anderson August 9 158 11/17/1956 No marker
Anderson Betty (Grienke) 10 117W Wife of Gerald Anderson
Anderson Brooke Lynn 12 208 2/26/1980 9/16/2008 Daughter of Bruce & Carla Peterson
Anderson Donna L. 10 114W 11/13/1927 Wife of Laurence Anderson, married 4/23/1947
Anderson Elva    5 6 1913 7/18/1982 Double marker with Wayne Anderson, Earl Sauter lot owner
Anderson Florence L.  10 151W 1912 1995 Wife of Homer Anderson
Anderson Gerald 10 117W Husband of Betty Anderson
Anderson Harold "Yubby" 10 147E 1920 Husband of Melva Anderson, parents of Sandy, Tom, Paula
Anderson Harry  10 165 8/31/1913 12/18/1987 Husband of Nina Anderson, parents of Galen, Harriett, Terrell
Anderson Homer E. 10 151W 1911 1991 Husband of Florence Anderson
Anderson Lawrence R. 10 114W 8/26/1924 Husband of Donna Anderson, parents of Patricia, Katherine, Jacquelyn, Ronald, Randall, Angela
Anderson Melva M. 10 147E Wife of Harold Anderson
Anderson Merle B. 10 15 8/14/1922 Husband of Ruth E. Anderson, parents of Douglas, Janice, Mark
Anderson Nina 10 165 1918 11/10/1985 Wife of Harry Anderson
Anderson Ruth A. 9 200 1938 Wife of Thomas N. Anderson
Anderson Ruth E.  Busser 10 15 5/31/1924 Wife of Merle B. Anderson, married 12/27/1942
Anderson Terrell "Terry" 10 165 1957 7/20/1980 Son of Harry & Nina Anderson
Anderson Thomas N. 9 200 1931 1987 Husband of Ruth A. Anderson, Veteran Korea
Anderson Wayne 5 6 1916 3/4/1988 Double marker with Elva Anderson, Earl Sauter lot owner
Anderson William 5 83 N/A N/A Lot owner, book shows one adult and one child, in addition to Grant McManus on lot
Appleton Ella L. 2 14 11/30/1885 Age 17, daughter of S.W. & M.J. Appleton
Appleton Mary  J. 2 14 3/7/1893  Mother, wife of S.W. Appleon, age 54y,10m
Appleton Richard 2 14 N/A 11/7/1884 Age 82y,11m,8d "At Rest"
Appleton S. W. 2 14 1835 1912 Father
Arndt Charlene Rae 9 64 5/21/1965 Infant daughter of Lonnie & Dorthy Arndt - Buried South of Road
Arndt Lonnie Dean 9 42 4/1/1937 5/21/1968 Iowa PFC COD 317 Engineers, husband of Dorothy  Arndt-Winebrenner
Arndt Pauline 9 42 Daughter of Lonnie & Dorothy Arndt
Arneson Eileen C. 9 24 2/22/1923 9/2/2009 Sis. of John W.,dau of Leonard & Viola Becker Christensen, mother of Ann, Mark, Jim, Tom
Arneson Luke N. 8 73 9/5/1900 7/4/1976 Father, double marker with Olga Johnson Arneson
Arneson Olga Johnson 8 73 12/1/1894 10/2/1990 Wife, double marker with Luke N. Arneson
Atkinson Hattie Madge 2 21 1867 1933 "In Memory Of", William Fairfield lot owner
Atwood Jerial R. 2 41 4/15/1905 No Marker
Atwood Josephine Addie 2 41 5/6/1891 Wife of J. R. Atwood, age 32years, 4months,15days,  "not dead but sleepeth"
Axelsen John 9 111 1900 6/19/1964 Husband of Lola E. Axelsen
Axelsen Lola E. 9 111 1900 11/10/1970 Wife of John Axelsen
Backaus Carl A. 10 37E 10/31/1933 4/13/2002 Husband of Janet Backaus, Veteran
Backaus Janet L. 10 37E 10/28/1944 Wife of Carl Backaus
Bailey Lafayette A. 1 84 1896 1959 Mrs. W. B. Reeve lot owner
Baker ?Marvin 4 71 N/A N/A Unmarked grave
Baker George 4 71 9/9/1824 10/12/1914 Father
Baker Sarah 4 71 7/1/1833 8/19/1912 Mother
Ballantyne Megan Ann 11 181 1985 1985 Infant daughter of Craig & Carol Ballantyne
Ballantyne Nicole Marie "Nicki" 11 181 9/27/1989 11/25/1989 Infant daughter of Craig & Carol Ballantyne
Banister Leslie A. 10 28E 11/7/1916 Husband of Marcella E. Banister, parents of Bruce
Banister Marcella E. 10 28E 12/18/1919 3/27/2007 Wife of Leslie A. Banister
Bareis Katharina 4 30 8/20/1895 Age 26y 4m 4 d, wife of Louis Bareis
Bareis Rosie 4 30 9/3/1895 Age 18d, daughter of Louis & K. Bareis
Barkley John J. 3 3 N/A N/A Can't read marker
Barnett Bonnie (Whiting) 2 3 7/7/1923 12/16/2003 Daughter of Robert & Myrtle Whiting
Barron James F. 3 37 8/12/1881 Age 9 months, 20 days, son of J& M Barron 
Bates Edith R.  8 87 1881 2/2/1968 Wife of Dr. Ernest G. Bates
Bates Ernest G., M.D. 8 87 1881 4/13/1967 Husband of Edith R. Bates
Batten E. Joan 10 123W 2/4/1934 12/8/1989 Wife of Harvey L. Batten
Batten Harvey L. 10 123W  1932 Husband of E. Joan Batten
Baumann John Herman 9 151 8/8/1889 1/30/1970 Husband of Mary Baumann, Iowa PVT COE 316 Infantry WWI
Baumann Henry A. 1 64 1891 10/21/1962 Son
Baumann John C. 1 64 1863 1920 Father
Baumann Mary Louise 9 151 9/6/1894 7/25/1986 Wife of John Herman Baumann
Baumann Sophie 1 64 1868 1918 Mother
Beatty Angie (Lockin) 3 72 1865 1941 Mrs. S. R. Beatty lot owner
Beatty Kathryn G. 3 72 1899 1922 Mrs. S. R. Beatty lot owner
Beatty Sinclair R. 3 72 1861 1922 Mrs. S. R. Beatty lot owner
Becker Ann (Nordstrom)  10 91 4/5/1913 5/9/2002 Wife of Vincent Becker
Becker Frank A.  9 138 1883 7/13/1973 Husband of Jessie G. Becker
Becker James   10 154E Owner of 2 spaces
Becker Jessie G. 9 138 1883 3/4/1974 Wife of Frank A. Becker
Becker Lawrence Adron 9 138 2/1/1910 3/13/1977 Y1 US Navy WWII, Frank Becker lot owner
Becker Vincent 10 91 11/14/1911 4/19/2005 Husband of Ann Becker
Beeghley Amelia 5 102 12/16/1886 4/10/1949 Beloved wife (of Burt R.)
Beeghley Burt R. 5 102 10/15/1884 6/18/1972 Beloved husband (of Amelia)
Beeghley C.C. 7 51 1860 1927 Father
Beeghley Clyde M. 9 155 1889 7/19/1960 Husband of Marie A. Beeghley, father
Beeghley Dale C. 7 51 1907 1929 Son
Beeghley Fern 9 155 Daughter of Clyde Beeghley 
Beeghley Glenn C. Jr. 3 91 11/14/1929 2/12/1965 Iowa SKSN US Navy Korea, husband of Joyce Beeghley Janning, C.C. Beeghley lot owner
Beeghley Glenn C. Sr. 3 91 1898 9/27/1930 Father, C.C. Beeghley lot owner
Beeghley L. Jennie 7 51 1864 11/10/1946 Mother
Beeghley M. S. 5 102 8/5/1830 8/25/1920 Husband of Sarah M.
Beeghley Marie A. 9 155 1892 6/6/1973 Wife of Clyde M. Beeghley Mother
Beeghley Myra A. 3 91 1902 12/17/1969 Mother, second husband last name Larson
Beeghley Ray  G. 9 155 1911 8/10/1975 Son on Clyde Beeghley lot
Beeghley Sarah M. 5 102 2/6/1833 11/26/1891 Wife of M.S.
Belew A.L. 5 16B 4/22/1852 6/10/1922
Bell Alvin 4 74 5/27/1912 3/18/1913
Bell Celia 7 54 1907 1/12/1989 Wife of Irvin
Bell Ethel B. 4 74 5/26/1893 6/25/1984 Mother
Bell Fannie F. 7 54 12/10/1884 11/1/1929
Bell Grover C. 4 74 5/27/1888 10/29/1973 Father
Bell Henry 5 100 1893 9/12/1974 Double marker with Mabel R.
Bell Irwin  7 54 1894 7/27/1979 US ARMY WWI
Bell Mabel R. 5 100 1903 4/30/1958 Double marker with Henry Bell
Bell Richard N. 7 54 3/23/1883 3/22/1958
Bendsen Nils M. 5 92 9/19/1882 Age 57y, Helen Bendsen lot owner, book shows unmarked baby grave also on lot
Bengtson Amandus M. 6 63 1881 1962 Father, double marker with Esther H.
Bengtson Esther H. 6 63 1889 2/12/1978 Mother, double marker with Amandus M.
Bengtson Lenora 6 63 1914 4/27/1929 Daughter
Bengtson Linda  10 152W Wife of Robert Bengtson
Bengtson Robert 10 152W Husband of Linda Bengtson
Benson Beret 2 7 6/10/1822 7/5/1920
Benson Michael 2 7 2/26/1829 1/12/1916
Berge Anna 10 40W 1/11/1930 Wife of Dr. Richard Berge
Berge Richard L. Dr. 10 40W 5/5/1926 4/2/2006 Husband of Anna J. Berge, parents of Steven, Beth, Eric, Joel, Rebecca, Jeannifer WWII Vet
Berry Francis Lee 10 75E 8/8/1925 5/25/2009 Husband of Velma Berry, married 2/14/1949,  Vet US Army WWII
Berry John C. 3 13 N/A 11/2/1880 Aged 52 years, C.L. Parson lot owner
Berry Velma Mae (Busch) 10 75E 5/20/1922 10/6/2009 Wife of Francis Berry, parents of Brent, Susan
Bethel Albert A. 3 60 6/10/1870 11/11/1881 Frank Bethel lot owner, book shows three burials on lot
Bethel Eunice A. 3 60 5/16/1851 2/17/1882 Frank Bethel lot owner, book shows three burials on lot
Betz Arlene L. 10 124W 10/10/1926 Wife of Leroy E. Betz & Gilbert Grienke
Betz Leroy E. 10 124W 4/19/1924 3/25/1989 Husband of Arlene L. Betz , WWII Vet
Bezoni Bonnie Jean 9 87   6/26/1963 Daughter of Jim & Karen Bezoni Sr.
Bezoni Harold A., Sr. 10 134 1/7/1910 10/12/1982
Bickel George A.  1 81    9/26/1878 Aged 13 years, son of G. J. P. Bickel
Bickford Harriet 3 82 11/5/1880 Age 56, wife of W. H. Bickford
Bickford William H.  3 82 12/7/1878 Age 81, lot owner
Bischel Alma E. 6 26 1888 2/23/1952 Mother
Bischel Anna 2 23 1851 1922 Mother
Bischel Arnold 2 23 1886 1901
Bischel August L. 6 25 1862 1916
Bischel Emma 5 121 6/2/1905 9/14/1908 Daughter of George C. & Sophie M.
Bischel George C. 5 121 1860 12/31/1938
Bischel Harry 2 23 1888 1918 And baby in same space
Bischel Henry 2 23 1851 1923 Father
Bischel Henry W. 6 26 1887 1918 Father
Bischel Inez C.  3 90 1881 11/16/1968
Bischel Kenneth H. 6 26 1918 1980 "A man of courage, strength, and determination"
Bischel Rosalie M. 6 26 1912 1931
Bischel Sophie M. 5 121 1867 5/24/1948
Bischel William H. 3 90 1879 7/23/1968 Lot owner
Black James L. 9 134 1902 6/4/1960 Lynus Morton lot owner
Blackburn John 4 47 1/5/1811 3/25/1903 Double marker with Susan Blackburn, James Hunter lot owner
Blackburn Susan E. 4 47 1/19/1821 6/5/1903 Double marker with John Blackburn, James Hunter lot owner
Blanch Dorthy D. 6 47 1915 1916 Daughter
Blanch Fredora D. 8 9 1880 1948 Mother
Blanch Gaius W. 3 40 10/9/1847 10/20/1914 Father
Blanch George E. 6 47 1875 1960 Father
Blanch Mary E. 3 40 1873 1925 Daughter
Blanch Sarah E. 3 40 4/28/1849 10/22/1901 Mother, wife of G. W. Blanch
Blanch Warren E. 8 9 1879 1942 Father
Blanch  Mabel G. 6 47 1878 1925 Mother
Blanchard Josephine 5 29 10/1/1920 3/12/1930 Daughter of Roy & Cora Blanchard, buried on Louis Dieterich lot
Bonnesen Deanna 10 42W 6/14/1941 7/12/2000 Wife of Richard Bonnesen
Bonnesen Richard 10 42W 3/15/1941 Husband of Deanna Bonnesen, parents of Suzanne, Bruce
Booth Charlene A. 8 85 1928 1/17/1987 Double marker with Robert W. Booth
Booth Gaylene 10 171 1935  Wife of Lyle Booth, daughter of Walter & Florence Matzdorff
Booth Gene Raymond 8 85 1933 1933 Son of William & Pearl Booth
Booth John  9 25 1889 8/18/1977 Husband of Margaret Booth
Booth Lyle 10 171 12/22/1920 10/2/1997 Husband of Gaylene Booth, married 9/12/1953, WWII Vet
Booth Margaret 9 25 1896 10/13/1960 Wife of John Booth
Booth Pearl C. 8 85 1902 12/6/1982 Wife of William M. Booth
Booth Robert W. 8 85 1923 1/14/2009 Double marker with Charlene A. Booth, son of William M. & Pearl C. Booth, WWII Vet
Booth William M.  8 85 1901 9/28/1983 Husband of Pearl C. Booth
Bowen Betty J. 12 215 5/5/1929 Wife of Gilbert Bowen, Married Oct 22, 1950, Children Craig , Jeff, Jan
Bowen Gilbert W. 12 215 1/22/1929 Husband of Betty Bowen, US Army
Bowers Hattie A. 6 58 1855 1917 Mother
Bowers Jennie M. 6 58 1879 1931
Bowers Orie C. 6 58 1876 1919 Photo on marker
Bowers Wilson 6 58 1847 1941 Father
Bowers Algy 2 37 10/19/1893 12/4/1978 On Lindsay Lot
Boylan Emma 5 53 N/A N/A Buried on C.S. Phelps lot, no marker
Boylan Howard 5 11 8/25/1885 Age 51y 29d, father, GAR, lot owner
Boylan Leone (Phelps) 5 53 1859 1944 Buried on C.S. Phelps lot
Boylan William Joseph 6 51 11/?/1952 Baby, John Murphy lot owner
Brady Leta Lewis 8 62 1904 1928 Mother, Cliff Braley lot owner 
Braley Ida E. 3 11 N/A 5/23/1884 John Brannen lot owner
Brannen Annetta A. 10 150E 8/11/1926
Braunschweig Gerhardt W. 10 131 4/7/1924 7/29/1997 Husband of Helen Brawnschweig WWII Vet
Braunschweig Helen M. 10 131 3/12/1925 7/16/2005 Wife of Gerhardt Braunschweig, married 6/5/1949
Braunschweig Wesley W. 10 131 1954 3/12/1981 Son of Gerhardt & Helen Brawnschweig
Brewster Frances R. 5 107 1877 1895
Brewster Jennie S. 5 107 1849 1912
Brewster Mamie E. 5 107 1890 7/18/1986 Mother, double marker with T. Irving
Brewster T. Irving 5 107 1883 2/20/1954 Father, double marker with Mamie E.
Brewster Willis F. 5 107 1849 1920
Briggs Oren 4 10 N/A N/A Unreadable marker, Susan Briggs lot owner, book shows second adult burial on lot
Brinkman Evelyn M. 6 66 1910 3/18/1993 Double marker with Richard J.
Brinkman Jim E. 7 53 4/7/1947 1/17/2006 Husband of Mary L. Brinkman
Brinkman Richard J. 6 66 1897 6/26/1978 Double marker with Evelyn M.
Brixen Anna M. 9 157 3/19/1884 4/1/1966 Wife of Christ N. Brixen
Brixen Christ N. 9 157 1/5/1875 4/20/1947 Husband of Anna M. Brixen
Brixen Fern Lela 9 139 1906 1959 Mother on Nels Brixen Lot
Brones Annie   5 18 10/29/1908 Wife of C.N.Brones (lot owner), born-Scott Co, IA, died Forest City, IA, children I.Neil & Lyle N. Foster
Brooks C. Helene 8 42 1917 1962 Mother
Brooks Caroline M. 1 104 1865 1924 Mother
Brooks Ellis G. 8 42 1914 1990
Brooks Genevieve R. 8 42 1915 1992
Brooks George W. 8 42 1891 1967
Brooks Harold C. 1 104 1887 1944
Brooks Lily Diercks 8 42 1889 1931
Brooks Omar H. 1 104 1861 1/21/1939 Father
Brooks Omar Kenneth 1 104     1/4/1898 10/23/1992 Private US Marine Corp WWI
Brooks Rose M.  1 104 1890 1980
Broveak Dyanne F. 9 78 1940 Wife of Marvin Broveak
Broveak Marvin L. 9 78 8/19/1936 6/15/2005 Husband of Dyanne F. Broveak
Brown Charles 3 79 2/14/1845 6/11/1887 Father, Susan Brown lot owner
Brown  Mary 7 48 1862 1923 Mother Wife of William Brown
Brown  William 7 48 1858 4/4/1945 Father Husband of Mary Brown
Brownmiller Harold, Jr. 10 149 Husband of Joan
Brownmiller Joan 10 149 Wife of Harold Brownmiller
Bruce Anna A. 4 34 1845 1920 Chris Bruce lot owner, book shows third adult burial on lot
Bruce C. L. (Chris?) 4 34 2/22/1819 9/7/1883 Age 64y 4m Co. C 9th Iowa Cavalry
Bruce Eleanor V. 10 70 3/30/1927 Wife of Kenneth D. Bruce
Bruce Kenneth D. 10 70 2/2/1919 11/1/1978 Husband of Eleanor V. Bruce, parents of Shirley, Sharlotte, Arthur, Jane, Tech4 US Army WWII
Brugman Karl John, Jr. 4 76 2/11/1933 3/3/2001 No marker, Veteran
Brugman Kevin 4 76
Brugman Marcy (Bell) 4 76
Brummer Edward L. 6 66 7/25/1902 1/13/1980 PFC US ARMY WWII
Brummer Henry 6 66 1864 6/2/1948 Double marker with Minnie C.
Brummer Minnie C.  6 66 1880 1962 Double marker with Henry
Brundage Minnie L. (James) 2 35 1/16/1877 Wife of H.B. Brundage, 26years, 9months,15days, on Seigniour C. James lot
Bryan Carlos 10 36W Husband of Helen Bryan
Bryan Helen 10 36W Wife of Carlos Bryan
Buckland James A. 4 5 N/A N/A Lot owner, one adult grave shown on lot, no name
Buddenhagen Anna L. 8 22 3/1/1877 4/22/1956
Buddenhagen Charles J. 8 22 10/21/1874 11/1/1938
Buddenhagen Edith 7 49 1843 1925 Mother
Buddenhagen Emma 7 49 1876 4/29/1972
Buddenhagen George 8 22 1902 1980
Buddenhagen Henry C. 7 50 1869 9/21/1938
Buddenhagen Henry F.  9 123 1900 1956 Husband of Martha D. Buddenhagen
Buddenhagen Ida 7 49 1886 1943
Buddenhagen Martha D.  9 123 1902 2000 Wife of Henry F. Buddenhagen
Buddenhagen Sophia M. 7 50 1871 1935 Mother
Buenger Bernhard C. "Ben" 10 163 1895 5/17/1983 Husband of Emma W Buenger
Buenger Elaine (Zinn) 10 110E 1926 Mother of Glenda, Marlene, Robert, Jeanette, Joel
Buenger Emma W.   10 163 1897 9/24/1979 Wife of Ben C. Buenger
Buenger Geneva E. 10 163 1/21/1924 Daughter of Ben & Emma Buenger
Buenger M. Darylene 10 140E 10/11/1933 Wife of Henry Otto Buenger
Buenger Raymond F. 10 163 7/25/1921 11/6/1989 Vet PFC US Army WWII
Buenger Robert W. 10 110E 1960 1988 Son of Elaine & Bernhardt Buenger, Veteran 
Buenger Ronald 10 141E Husband of Roxann Buenger
Buenger Roxann 10 141E Wife of Ronald Buenger
Buenger  Henry Otto 10 140E 12/5/1930 11/7/2000 Husband of M. Darylene Buenger, Vet US Army Korea
Buenger  Jennifer 10 140W Daughter of Henry & Darylene Buenger
Buenger  Robert H. 10 163 3/16/1926 8/25/1986 Vet SPC US Army Korea
Bugh Earl M. 9 28 1897 1968 Husband of Lulu O. Bugh
Bugh Edwin Dale 9 28 12/24/1928 10/5/2003 Husband of Etta Claudeen Bugh, US Army Korea
Bugh Etta Claudeen 9 28 2/8/1936 Wife of E. Dale Bugh
Bugh Gerald Lee 9 28 1958 1958 Son of E.D. & E. C. Bugh
Bugh  Lulu O. 9 28 1900 1983 Wife of Earl m. Bugh
Buma Andrew C. 9 82 8/22/1879 9/11/1958 Husband of Dora H. Buma
Buma Charles A. 9 171 1909 1994 Husband of Marie W. Buma, WWII Vet
Buma Dora H. 9 82 6/9/1874 5/24/1967 Wife of Andrew C. Buma
Buma Marie W.  9 171 1909 1975 Wife of Charles A Buma
Bumann Eugene L. 3 37 11/27/1936 5/16/2000 Major US Army, Eternity is God Given
Bumann Mardell A. 3 37 5/10/1937 Wife of Eugene Bumann "Time is man made"
Bundy Esther 2 37 1851 1940
Bundy William G. 2 37 1845 1920
Bunting Mariel 3 69 5/25/1890 Age 43 years, 3 months, 3 days, wife of W.J. Bunting
Bunting W. J.  3 69 10/29/1895 Age 56 years, 9 months, 1 day, husband of Mariel Bunting
Burdge Malinda 4 17 6/1/1878 Age 36y, daughter of Samuel W. Burdge, Lemurl Burdge lot owner, 
Burdick Chester   3 54 N/A N/A Lot owner, one adult grave shown on lot, no name
Burns Harry M. Rev. 9 89 1883 1962 Husband of Stella H. Burns
Burns Stella H. 9 89 1888 1967 Wife of Rev. Harry M. Burns
Bushnell Calvin 3 66 5/15/1809 10/3/1906 Lot owner
Bushnell Mary A. 3 66 6/18/1816 11/20/1891 Wife of Calvin
Butler W. J.  1 109  Second 4ft of 109 - No stone
Buttenob Christina R.  9 114 4/2/1928 10/31/2003 Wife of Duane Buttenob  Beloved Wife & Mother of Carole & Karen
Buttenob Duane   9 114 Husband of Christina R. Buttenob 
Butterfield Ben 4 60 1864 1932 Hans Nelson lot owner
Butterfield Bertha   4 60 1867 8/21/1933 Hans Nelson lot owner
Butterfield Vernon N.  9 34 1900 2/24/1958 Husband of Zelma F. Butterfield
Butterfield Zelma F. 9 34 1/3/1905 3/11/1994 Wife of Vernon  N. Butterfield
Calderwood Candace 9 131 Unmarked 6/23/1947  Infant daughter of Donald Calderwood lot owner
Calderwood Infant 7 50 4/18/1944 Henry Buddenhagen lot owner, no marker
Campbell Abel Hanes 2 38 1842 1923 Father, Co.I  72nd Ohio Vol Inf. "GAR" marker
Campbell Clara 2 38 1860 8/19/1939 Mother
Campbell Howard Elwood 2 38 1882 1884 Son of Abel & Clara Campbell
Campbell Sarah 4 6 N/A 7/7/1878 23 years old, Adam Lutz lot owner
Carlberg Amanda    5 13 1864 1936 Mother, Legion Aux
Carlberg August 5 13 1862 12/30/1944 Father, lot owner
Carlberg Helmer L. 9 204 11/17/1899 11/8/1995 Husband of Ruby E. Carlberg, parents of Virginia Daniels
Carlberg Hilma 5 13 N/A N/A
Carlberg Ruby E. (Ruth) 9 204 8/24/1894 9/10/1993 Wife of Helmer Carlberg
Carlson Bernice E. 9 173 4/15/1921 10/4/1993 Wife of Harry C. Carlson
Carlson Emil P. 1 45 1892 1968 Married 50 Years, A.S. Crabb lot owner
Carlson Eric A. 9 172 1902 11/26/1989 Husband of Esther Carlson
Carlson Esther N. 9 172 4/22/1908 4/27/1989 Wife of Eric A. Carlson, married 3/9/1931, mother of Edith B. Gustafson
Carlson Ethelyn 9 166 1909 1972 Wife of John V. Carlson, mother
Carlson Harry C. 9 173 5/24/1921 4/24/2002 Husband of Bernice E. Carlson
Carlson John V. 9 166 1901 1950 Husband of Ethelyn Carlson, father
Carlson Linnea 1 45 1899 1974 Married 50 Years, A.S. Crabb lot owner
Carlson Violet E. 1 45 1918 2000 A.S. Crabb lot owner
Carpenter George E. 9 57 1880 10/8/1958 Husband of Grace H. Carpenter
Carpenter Grace H. 9 57 1883 9/5/1959 Wife of George W. Carpenter
Carsten Gerald   10 108 1936 Husband of Laura Carsten
Carsten Laura 10 108 7/8/1938 2/5/1996 Wife of Gerald Carsten
Carstens Gordon 10 122E Husband of Joan Carsten
Carstens Joan 10 112E Wife of Gordon Carsten
Carstens Pamela Sue 10 123E 3/21/1953 4/21/2003 Daughter of Gordon & Joan Carsten
Chamberlin George W. 5 39 4/23/1866 6/8/1912 Knights of Pythius member, double marker with Zelda Chamberlin
Chamberlin Zelda (Fraser) 5 39 1/18/1935 Double marker with George Chamberlin
Christensen John W. 9 24 1920 Married 3/20/1941, husband of Lois A. Christensen, parents of Sue, John Jr., Jill
Christensen Lois A. Whitney 9 24 8/15/1921 6/19/2004 Wife of John W. Christensen Sr.
Christenson Andrew Edwin 6 12 3/3/1878 1/24/1939 Double marker with Selma, lot owner
Christenson Selma 6 12 10/4/1879  1/22/1974 Double marker with Andrew  
Cline Marie 10 180 12/17/1912 12/20/1989 Wife of Pat Cline
Cline Pat  10 180 12/3/1908 1/30/1998 Husband of Marie Cline
Clover Caroline 3 31 8/29/1881 Age 2years,16days, daughter of S.M. & J.N. Clover. "Suffer the children to come unto me"
Clover George M. 8 71 1873 7/27/1935 Husband of Nellie J. Clover
Clover Nellie J. 8 71 1876 1929 Wife of George M. Clover
Clover Percy V. 8 71 1902 1/11/1965 Son of George M. & Nellie J. Clover
Clover Solomon M.  3 31 3/6/1850 4/8/1913 "Resting and Waiting till we meet again"
Clymens John H. 1 87 1886 1958 E.N. Royer lot owner
Clymens Julia 1 87 1858 1920 E.N. Royer lot owner
Coker Faye E. 9 115 3/5/1902 4/30/1967 Wife of John Herman Coker
Coker John H. 9 115 9/4/1897 12/8/1973 Husband of Faye E. Coker
Coker Steve 1 109 Third 4 ft of 109 - No stone
Colby ? Amanda 3 42 N/A N/A Martin Colby lot owner no stone
Colby Alike C. 3 24 1877 1959
Colby Anna 3 24 12/28/1844 1/11/1935
Colby Annie 3 24 9/5/1845 9/9/1898 Picture on stone
Colby Christ 3 24 9/5/1845 4/14/1926
Colby Klara Josephine 3 26 2/18/1875 3/14/1882 Daughter of Ole & Anna Colby, O.J. Colby lot owner
Colby Ole Alfred 3 26 8/23/1876 10/?/1893 Swedish inscription on marker, O.J. Colby lot owner 
Conley Donald Lee 5 97 8/27/1939 7/18/2001 Double marker with Phyllis Jane, parents of Nancy, Donna, & Roger, owner of five space lot
Conley Freeman W. 10 109 2/11/1908 1/5/1990 Husband of Ruth Conley
Conley Phyllis Jane 5 97 8/11/1942 Double marker with Donald Lee Conley, Married 6/11/1961
Conley Ruth 10 109 1/11/1913 11/9/1984 Wife of Freeman Conley, married 3/11/1931
Converse Andrew M. 4 51 2/6/1830 2/26/1910 Double marker with Mary Converse, father
Converse Katherine 3 98 10/31/1884 7/18/1958 A. H. Waddell lot owner
Converse Mary J. 4 51 3/3/1842 5/16/1904 Wife of A.M. Converse
Coombs Alice  5 94 1/19/1888 Age 12y 2m 26d, daughter of Matilda J. & William M. Coombs
Coombs Clifford W. 10 135 2/2/1897 2/15/1983 Husband of Nota Caroline Coombs,  Vet PVT US Army WWI
Coombs Debra Jane 9 33 8/1/1955 8/1/1955 Daughter
Coombs Donald L. (Pete) 8 43 4/22/1910 2/2/1994
Coombs Doris   9 47 7/5/1925 Wife of Tom Coombs, parents of Peggy Jo, Tom Darla, Doreen
Coombs Dulice L.  2 27 4/23/1915 12/21/1915 Daughter of Z. & E. Coombs
Coombs Ella 2 27 1872 11/27/1931 Mother
Coombs Jane Carolyn 8 13 6/19/1932 10/8/1939 Daughter
Coombs Kevin A.  9 33 1952 5/8/1955 Son 
Coombs Marian 8 13 1925 Double marker with Oren Coombs
Coombs Matilda J. 5 94 3/17/1848 10/26/1919 Mother
Coombs Nota Caroline 10 135 7/23/1900 2/1/1977 Wife of Clifford Coombs
Coombs Oren 8 13 6/3/1904 11/26/1996 Double marker with Marian Coombs
Coombs Peggy Joann 9 47 12/9/1943 9/27/2006 Daughter of Tom & Doris Coombs 
Coombs Tom 9 47 7/7/1925 9/15/1998 Husband of Doris Coombs, WWII POW
Coombs William M. 5 94 11/26/1841 7/4/1914 Father
Coombs Zoma 2 27 3/18/1909 4/13/1910 Son of Z. & E. Coombs
Coombs Zoma 2 27 1873 1935 Father
Corkill Annie 3 84 1835 1884 Mother
Corkill Ida M. 3 84 1863 1878 Daughter
Corkill John 3 84 1830 1909 Father, lot owner
Corradin Freida J. 1 89 3/31/1990 Paul Cromwell lot owner, no marker
Cothingham Anthony 4 42 10/15/1828 4/14/1903
Cothingham Margaret 4 42 1/12/1833 6/19/1899 Wife of A. Cothingham
County Lot 1 80
Crabb Wilbur E. 1 45 1911 1911 Infant son of A.S. & J.M. Crabb
Cram Duane B. 9 44 1/29/1916 8/12/2003 Husband of Margery A. Cram, US Navy WWII
Cram Hazel  9 44 1888 5/6/1966 Wife of Ralph Cram
Cram Margery A.  9 44 1/13/1921 1/28/1989 Wife of Duane B. Cram
Cram Ralph 9 44 1888 3/?/1959 Husband of Hazel Cram
Crane Mildred E.  9 167 11/19/1919 2/17/1999
Crank E.W. 5 75 N/A N/A Broken marker says Mother, E.W. Crank lot owner
Crapser Frank V.  10 67E 9/28/1914 9/28/2001 Husband of Lois Nelson Crapser, married 3/25/1939 WWII Vet
Crapser Lois Nelson 10 67E 1918 7/1/1993 Wife of Frank V. Crapser
Crepps Frank F.  3 74 4/3/1875 9/11/1905 Son of T.C. & L.N. Crepps
Crepps Frederick H. 4 53 1845 1/22/1935 Father, GAR
Crepps Julia 4 53 1845 10/5/1930 Mother
Crepps Louise 3 74 1851 11/14/1931 Mother
Crepps Thomas C. 3 74 1848 11/6/1931 Father
Crippen Adaline H. 5 60 3/6/1889 Age 4mo 8d, daughter of D.G & S.A. Crippen
Crippen Betsy E. 5 52 12/10/1830 4/1/1913 Triple marker with Nelson & Ernest
Crippen Delbert E. 5 68 9/4/1853 3/6/1922 Lot owner
Crippen Ernest D. 5 52 6/21/1852 4/26/1896 Triple marker with Nelson & Betsy
Crippen Esther 5 68 1856 1938 Mother, wife of Delbert Crippen
Crippen Jerry A. 5 49 10/25/1829 4/20/1900 J.N. Crippen lot owner, book also shows one infant burial in north space of lot 
Crippen Nelson W. 5 52 7/4/1820 12/1/1910 Triple marker with Betsy & Ernest, also military marker Co. G. 4 Mich Cal, GAR
Crippen Walter G. 5 68 N/A N/A Son of Delbert & Esther Crippen
Culver  Colleen 5 120 12/13/1931 12/15/1931 Lydia Lewis lot owner
Custis Bertha  7 49 1880 1923
Custis Henry C. 7 44 9/26/1887 9/30/1983 Husband of Minnie Wallin Custis, PVT US Army WWI
Custis Minnie Albertina Wallin 7 44 4/9/1898 1/18/1994 Wife of Henry C. Custis

Link to Last Names A - Z  Are at Top of Page

  • Address: 401 Main Street, Aurelia, IA 51005
  • Located at V Avenue (M21) - Between 560th Street & 570th Street
  • Section 16 Township 91 Range 39
  • GPS Coordinates: Latitude: 42.703N Longitude: -95.446W 

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