USGenWeb Cherokee County IAGenWeb

Cherokee County History

Cherokee County Ghost Towns
BAUM. In section 33, Sheridan Township. Post office, 1897.

BLAIRE CITY. About one mile northeast of the business section of the present city of Cherokee. Plattted in 1869 in expectation of the lllinois Central depot being located there.

CHEROKEE. The old town of Cherokee in section 22 and 23, Cherokee Township, about two miles northeast of the business section of the present city of

Cherokee. Platted in 1857. The post office was established in 1861 and a block house for protection against the Indians was erected in 1862.

CHEROKEE CENTER. In east part of section 28, Cherokee Township, in the western part of what is now the city of Cherokee. Platted in 1856. It became a town on paper only.

COULSON. In the center of Diamond Township. Post office, 1893-97.

DE LEON. In section 10, Silver Township. Post office, 1885.

EAST HAMPTON. In southern part of Silver Townsip. Post office, 1871.

HAZARD. The former name of the present town of Meriden. Post office, 1869-71.

MAPLE. In the northern part of Afton Township, as shown on maps of 1878.

NEW CHEROKEE. The original name of the present city of Cherokee. Platted in 1870.

PILOT ROCK. In section 16, Pilot Township, but soon removed to section 33. Platted in 1859. Post office, 1867-85.

WENDELL. In central part of Willow Township, as shown on maps of 1887.

Source: Mott, D. C., (1930) “Abandoned Towns, Villages and Post Offices of Iowa”, The Annals of Iowa 17(6), 435-465. doi:

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