What We are Paid Not to Tell.

Why D.O.H. was so late at Miss Behnke's farewell party.
Why G.M.T. is absent so often.
Who used to sit by the little gas stove.
Where Herbert and Low spent the half holiday occasioned by trouble with the furnace.
Who got "frogged" in the basement last year.
Who went up stairs "Holding hands."
Who saw the"sparks" at the electric light house.
Who was too affectionate.
Who goes to sleep in recitations.
Who led Scheel "astray."
Why a certain person puts red marks on the calendar.
Why some meetings of the annual board were more pleasant than others.
Why H.E.L. didn't want an English book.
Who is the smoothest liar in the Senior class.
Who was more used to the dark than Miss Barr.

Transcribed by Brenda Magee, January 2011, from Scraps 1901.


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