
Questions and Answers.

Why can't the scholars have school when they please?
They are kept back by a "Barr."

Why are we so religious?
St. John is here.

What keeps the little boys warm?

How can we show warrior ancestors?
We have a "Scheel'd.

Who keeps us in order?
The "Marshall."

Why should we understand electricity?
We have a "Franklin."

Why do Seniors get so many Christmas presents?
Two nieces of Chris Kringel in the class.

How many diplomas will it take for the boys in the Senior class?
Nine and one to "Cary."

Where will we go for a summers outing?

Why can the Seniors afford well made clothes?
A "Taylor" in the class.

Why are we always on time?
We have two "Belles."

How could we paint beautiful rustic scenery?
By taking "Art" "Hayward."

What article have the Seniors that is greater than Jell-O or Grain-O?


Arthur Hayward says--In olden times all "Gaul" was divided into three parts, but now in the roasting committee it is divided among the seven members. If you don't believe this look at the names of victims on the scorched pages of this book.

W. H. S. didn't used to love anyting but his violin.

It is said that D. O. H. is quite a "spooner," but spooning is not what it seems to "Bee."

The winter is now nearly gone,
The building is not so very old;
But Owen let the steam run out
And the room is

Why should Mr. Cole be able to endure intense heat?
He has accompanied AEneas into Hades so often.

Transcribed by Cheryl Siebrass February, 2024, from Scraps 1901, pp. 63-64.


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