Russell W. Battern
German Course. President of Senior Class. Baseball Team. Clionian Society. Class Night.
"A versitile man gets into athlecics, 'Fusses' seven or eight times a week, and still gets passing grades.
Frank G. May
Commercial Course. Vice President of Senior Class.
Chorus. Debate, Literary Society—"The Patriots." Class Night.
"He did the utmost bounds of knowledge find
Yet found them not so large as was his mind."
Mildred P. Gilmore
Commercial Course. Treasurer of Senior Class. Literary Society—"The Patriots.
"In spite of all the learned have said, I still my own opinion keep."
R. Merwyn Bleakly
German Course. Business Manager of Annual. Class Play. Clionian Society.
"A clever, dashing youth who might cut his way thro' the world as if it were a cheese."
Lorna E Robinson
Latin Course. Declamatory. Class Play. Clionian Society.
"Those dark eyes—so dark, so deep."
Pauline M. Mark
Normal Course. Elite Society. Class Night.
"Dignified, quiet, neat."
Anna M. Schweitzer
Normal Course. Librarian. Vice President of "The Patriots" Society. Clsss Night.
"Not very tall Not very small But fair and sweet And liked by all"
Don White
Latin-Commercial Course. Decla- matory. Debate Annual Staff. Football. President Boys' Athletic Association.. Class Play. Elite Society.
"Anyone can talk, but it takes a genius to be listened to."
Edith Newell
Normal Course. Literary Society—"The Patriots."
"Speach is great, but silence is greater."
Pearl Gaffey
Normal Course. Elite Society. Class Night.
"Quiet, modest, and useful."
Mabel M. Nylander
German Course. Girls' Basketball Team. President of the Girls' Athletic Association. Annual Staff. Class Play. Elite Society.
"With vim and snap to make things go And worth that makes you like her."
H. Cedric Roberts
German Course. Captain Football Team. Baseball Team. Track Team. Annual Staff. Class Play. Chorus. Literary Society— "The Patriots."
"The combined qualities of a man and an athlete."
Dorothy D. Haynes
German Course. Declamatory. Annual Staff. Secretary of Elite Society. Class Night. Elite Society.
"A mile a minute is good speed But a smile a minute gets more action."
Damon P. Edwards
German Course. Football Team. Basketball Team. Annual Staff. Class Play. President Elite Society.
"A little, round, fat, quiet man of God."
Annie D. Robertson
German Course. Annual Staff, Class Play. Elite Society.
"Is always happy, reign whoever may, and laughs the sense of misery far away."
Clara M. Carlson
Latin Course. Basketball Team. Clionian Society. Class Night.
"She keeps her thoughts to herself mostly."
W. Sherwood Bell
German Course. Football. Captain Basketball Team. President of the "Patriots." Class Night. Literary Society.
Blanche Olsen
Commercial Course. Secretary of the Elite Society. Class play.
"A real girl."
J. Paul Bair
German Course. Assistant Business Manager of Annual. Football Team. Basketball Team. Vice President of Boys' Athletic Association. Class Play. Elite Society.
"To gain my end I pull many strings, I keep them all guessing how I do so many things."
Mildred M. Marshall
German Course. Basketball Team. Class Play. Clionian Society. Vice President of Girls' Athletic Association. Class Night. Annual Staff.
"Of easy temper, naturally good."
Esther Zinn
Commercial Couse. Clionian Society Class Night.
"She's as modest as any."
Allen Higgins
German Course. Chorus. Football Team. Class Play. Clionian Society.
"He's quiet but he delivers the goods." |
Opal L. Kraemer
Normal Course. Literary Society— "The Patriots." Class Night.
"A healthy frame and a quiet mind."
Raymond F. Christopher
English Course. Football Team. Orchestra. Chorus. Clionian Society. Class Night.
"Knows a lot but can't think of it."
Dorothy M. Cole
Commercial Course. Literary Society— "The Patriots." Class Night.
"Who could resists such charms."
Ruth Robinson
Normal Course. Declamatory. Class Play. Elite Society.
"She wouldn't be good if she could And she couldn't be good if she would."
Ralph H. Avenell
German Course. Literary Society— "The Patriots." Class Night.
"A good student and a mighty fine fellow."
Florence E. Thorp
Latin Course. Annual Staff. Chorus. Clionian Society. Class Night.
"One of those who uphold our reputation for learning."
Wanda L. Berkler
Commercial Course. Basketball Team. Elite Society. Class Night.
"Quiet, faithful, and unassuming."
Jean Douglas Woodruff
Latin Course. Declamatory. Literary Society— "The Patriots."
"We expect great things of her."