The organization of the annual staff resulted in the selection of the above persons. Superintendent M. H. Noragon sponsored the staff. The business manager carried on a subscription drive whereby the required number of subscriptions were sold.
The entire staff and Connie Schroeder worked to secure advertisement to pay for the publication of the annual. Part of the group worked in Storm Lake, and part of the group worked in Truesdale and Rembrandt.
Days of planning were spent. The staff began to set things up. Pictures for the snap-shot pages began to come in. And finally the real work began. All of the work had to be done by the staff before the material was to be sent in, because the annual was to be lithographed, and all of our material was to be completely set up. But finally, after many long hours of work, many miles of typing, and many worried houghts, the end was there. Now we could all get a good nights sleep for a change.
So there you have it. Now all we need is your opinion of this book, the first annual ever published from T. H. S. We hope you like it. |