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LOCAL NEWS - 13 Jan 1875


Posted By: Nancee(McMurtrey)Seifert (email)
Date: 4/30/2006 at 17:25:46

The Chariton Patriot
Thursday, January 13, 1875

'Local Splinters, Miscellaneous Excerpt, and Things in General and


Coal oil is only 20cts a gallon at Leon.

Those who have promised us wood on subscription will please bring it along.

SCHUYLER COLFAX lectured at Des Moines last Friday evening.

There are 258 convicts in the Ft. Madison penitentiary.

"Too thin," has become obsolete. "Not sufficiently materialized," is the

Ear muffs and fur collars have been in demand the last week.

ELIJAH ALLEN has sold his farm near Russell and thinks of moving to Chariton

How about those good New Years resolutions? Have you forgotten them already?

WARREN CHASE, a noted Spiritualist delivered a series of lectures in Osceola
last week.

The "Philotaxian," is the name of one of the college papers published at Mt.

The butcher VOLLAND's team ran away a few days since doing some little
damage to the wagon.

Warren county has one man who never took a newspaper and is said to have
never heard of Christmas.

HENRY CLAY DEAN lectured at Allerton, Wayne county, on the 10th, on the
Immortality of the Soul."

Judge MAXWELL, of Indianola has gone into the law business at Des Moines.
The firm is MAXWELL, BRYON and SEVERS.

C.F. CLARKSON, the agricultural editor of the Des Moines Register, and wife
have gone to Florida to spend the winter.

The U.S. Pension Office in Des Moines paid out for December the sum of $64
000. There are 1,950 pensioners on the pay roll.

NICK LEINEN is improving this cold weather by laying in a large supply of
ice. It will be a nice thing to have about the 4th of July.

DR. J.A. MCKLVEEN has gone to Chicago to visit the Hospitals and medical
Colleges of that city. He will be absent but a few weeks.

MR. A.J. GRAHAM, senior editor of the Indianola Herald was married on Dec.
31st, to MRS. W. OLLIVER. May they live long and prosper.

The State Register during Holiday week added 1,527 subscribers to its list.
The Register is one of the best papers in the west and deserve success.

Russell is to have a new blacksmith shop. MR. B.F. LITZENGURG has furnished
himself with the requisite tools and will be at work soon.

JAMES R. REDDISH, of Warren county, recently sold 300 head of hogs that
averaged 364 pounds each. Pretty good bunch of porkers and worth something.

The merry tinkling of the sleigh bells is now occasionally heard although a
young fellow's love has to reach boiling heat to tempt him out such weather
as this.

HENRY KUBITSHELK sold his farm of 160 acres, five miles south of Chariton a
few days since for $15.00 per acre, on seven years time. It was about half

W.W. KITTLEMAN, a canvassing agent for the "Odd Fellows Banner," published
at Bloomfield, gave us a call one day last week. He got a large list of
subscribers here.

We congratulate brother BARKER of the Knoxville Journal, who, tired of
single life blessedness, was united in matrimony on the 29th of Dec. with
MISS MATTHEWS, a sister to Gov. STONE's wife.

Those of our citizens who have been uneasy for fear this winter would "be to
open for health" need not worry any more. If they keep from freezing to
death they ought to be thankful.

The Knoxville Journal office narrowly escaped destruction by fire last week.
A lamp left burning while all were out exploded and set fire to books,
papers, &c. which was fortunately discovered in time to save the office.
Damage $100.00.

The Board of Supervisors were in session all last week. MR. MURRAY of
Warren township taking the place of MR. MEEK of Pleasant on the Board. A
large portion of the proceedings will be found in this issue of our paper.

The Leader man is on the hunt for something to nourish his brain. He no
doubt needs such diet, and we suggest that he consult some agricultural
paper and find out what substance best promotes the growth of cabbages, and
try some of that.

A subscription is now being circulated to build a Swedish Lutheran Church in
Chariton, the building to be begun by the 10th of next June, and finished
within one year. The building will be a frame, after the style of the
United Presbyterian Church just finished in the north part of town.
Copied by Nancee(McMurtrey)Seifert
December 7, 2005


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