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Schroer, William G., 1926 bio


Posted By: Stephen D. Williams (email)
Date: 6/9/2005 at 13:54:27

VOLUME III, 1804-1926


William G. Schroer is president, treasurer and general manager of the Sioux
Candy Company, a concern which was established in 1919, has enjoyed a
remarkable growth and is now one of the most prosperous manufacturing enterprises in
Sioux City, its success being in a very large measure due to the energetic
methods and progressive ideas of the man who has directed its operation. Mr.
Schroer was born in Victor, Iowa, July 16, 1877, and is a son of Charles and
Margaret (Buser) Schroer, both of whom were natives of Germany. They came to
the United States in youth, and met and were married here. They had located
in New York city and soon after their marriage went to Cleveland, Ohio,
where they lived about five years, during which period the father was identified
with the baking industry. From Cleveland they moved to Victor, Iowa, where
he established a bakery business, which he conducted for about twenty years.
They then moved to Ponca, Nebraska, where also Mr. Schroer opened another
bakery, which he conducted until his death, in 1907, at the age of seventy
years. He was survived a number of years by his widow, who passed away in 1915,
at the age of seventy-nine years.

William G. Schroer was educated in the public schools of Ponca, graduating
from high school in 1895, and in the Long Island Business College, at
Brooklyn, New York, to which city he had gone in 1897, there spending four years in
office work. In 1901 he came to Sioux City and was in the employ of the
National Biscuit Company for three years, when the plant was closed. He then
entered the Security National Bank as bookkeeper, which position he filled for
two or three years, and in 1907 he became one of the organizers of the Johnson
Biscuit Company, of which he was made secretary-treasurer. He continued in
that official capacity for about twelve years, when he withdrew and organized
the Sioux Candy Company, of which he was made treasurer and general manager.
On the death of George W. Decker, the president, Mr. Schroer was elected his
successor, being also continued in his former offices, so that he is now
president, treasurer and general manager. He has given his best efforts to the
business, in which he has been notably successful and the company is now in a
very prosperous condition.

In 1905 Mr. Schroer was married to Miss Mathie Soresen, of Sioux City, and
to them have been born five children, three sons and two daughters: Charles
J., who graduated from the Sioux City high school in 1925; Harold A., who is in
high school; Janice L., William G., Jr., and Mary E. Mr. Schroer and his
family are members of the McClintock Community Presbyterian church. He is a
member of Landmark Lodge, No. 103, A. F. & A. M.; Sioux City Chapter, No. 26,
R. A. M.; Columbian Commandery, No. 18, K. T.; and Abu-Bekr Temple, Nobles of
the Mystic Shrine. He also belongs to the Sioux City Kiwanis Club, the Sioux
City Boat Club and the Sioux City Chamber of Commerce. Candid and
straightforward in all of his relations with his fellowmen, Mr. Schroer has gained an
enviable place in public confidence and esteem and has a large circle of
loyal friends.

Contributed by Debbie Clough Gerischer
Iowa History Site


Iowa Biographies maintained by Steve Williams.
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