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Benton County, IAGenWeb Project

Photos of Benton County World War I Veterans
Page Last Updated: Tuesday, 30-Jan-2024 08:35:12 CST


Atkins and Fremont Township WWI Veterans


Charles C. Guyer


Grover Cleveland Beal

Robert O. Burrows

DeWitt Edwards

John Matthew Jennings

Steve Joseph Kozik

Robert Knox McCune

August Nemechek

Lara F. Stevens

George Henry Swinney


Edward Backes

Alfred Bryant

John Christensen

William Danker

Milford Davis

William Doss

James Fawbush

Ray Goss

Otis Grigsby

August Fred Hansen

James Hildenbrand

John Johnson

Robert Karchunke

Garret Kelly

Leo Kelly

Porter Kimm

Manoah J. Kirby

Edward Krueger

Ralph Latour

Dewey Leonard

George Lynch

William Marvin

George Meier

Mary Bryant Morgan

Arthur Mortensen

Henry Myers

Harry Pleshek

James Rice

Paul Richardson

Arthur Rieke

Raymond Seiler

Laurence Shedenhelm

Henry Siek, Sr.

John Smith

George Spicer

Lawrence Thompson

Tommy Thompson

Walter Thorman

Glenn Wagner

George Wood

Mervin Wood

Phillip Young


Cecil Noe


Henry Allers

Charles William Balhorn

Robert Bender

Phillip Feuerbach

Ralph Rice Harding

Alfred William Junge

Lewis and Peter Junge

Walter Kallsen

S. Conrad Kimm

Rudolph Krombach

Magnus Albert Merkel

Herman Ernest Reinburg

Gustav Scheel

William Selken

Herman Carl Sindt

Herman Tecklenburg

Edward Arthur Weise

Henry Carl Witt


Robert Boyd

Roy Crelly

John Danker

Adolph Deppe

Edward Deppe

Abner Dodd

Thomas Dodd

Robert Garling

Albert Kuester

Grover Lechtenberg

John Lohf

Adolph Loyka

William Mecklenburg

Ben Nieland

Harry Ott

Arnold Roth

Alfred Sauertieg

Otto Sauertieg

Walter Sauertieg

William Shcroeder

Anton Wardenburg

Otis Wright


Adam Louis Brehm

Michael Charles Gessner

John Ward McGranahan

Wilson Morrow

Adolph Henry Schueler

William Schurfeld


Arthur M. Johnson

August Adolph Selzer


Chris Asmussen

William John Baumgardner

Hubert Ambrose Bevins

Leo Ambrose Bevins

Herman Henry Braksiek

Laurence Burke

Jay Francis D'Arcy

Charles Dauchy

George Dietrich

Frederick William Engleking

John Henry Engleking

Arnold George Fett

Herman Fett

Roy Fielman

Harvey August Griesy

Ralph Martin Griesy

Lester Louis Hagen

George Henry Herzberger

William Ernest Herzberger

Giles Celestine Hickey

Roy William Hickey

Albert Pierce Honzelka

Walter Clifford Hoover

Arthur Martin Kerkman

Jesse James Kerkman

Henry Elvin Kraft

John Edward McCormick

Glen Fred McPike

Walter James Meyocks

Hubert Francis Mottet

Edward Hubson Portzline

Emerson Worcester Portzline

Emil J. Rapp

Arthur Reinhardt

Oscar Friedrich August Reinhardt

Clarence Schulze

William August Schulze

Louis August Steinke

Harvey Thompson

Horace Thompson

Oakley Sherman Thompson

Oren Clifford Thompson

Ralph Virgil Thompson

Lee Tyler

Alfred Wright


Cato Wade Holden

Lucius Locke Hopwood

Shurley LaTelle Levell

George Luckey

Adolph Fred William Reinhart

Calvin Pearl Titus

John Whitefield Tobin

Everett Daniel Williamson


Claire Maurice Doolittle

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