Blairstown Press; Jan. 10, 1941
Jan. 1, 1941
Marengo, Iowa
William Veenstra Weds Vinton Girl
Wedding Vows Pronounced At Lutheran Parsonage In Marengo
On New Year's Day at St. John's Lutheran parsonage in Marengo Miss Irene Buelow of Vinton became the bride of William Veenstra of Blairstown. The Rev. Theo Rottmann performed the wedding ceremony.
Miss Anna Happel of Vinton, an intimate friend of the bride, and Leo Buelow, the bride's brother, served as attendants.
The bride wore a biege and brown street length dress with brown accessories. She carried a bouquet of talisman roses. The bridesmaid was attired in a street length dress of soldier blue, while the groom and his attendant wore blue suits.
At 1 p.m. a wedding dinner was served at the home of the bride's parents, Mr.and Mrs. Louis Buelow at Vinton. Guests were members of the immediate families of the bride and groom, the Rev. and Mrs. Rottmann and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Shively.
Mr. and Mrs. Veenstra will make their home on a farm one mile south of Vinton.
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