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Every Other Daily Union; July 15, 1905
July 9, 1905

Were Married in Chicago

Rev. A. J. W. Tongue of Blairstown Becomes a Benedict.

Rev. Alfred J. W. Tongue, pastor of the Methodist Church at Blairstown and well know here, sprung a surprise on his flock by his marriage in Chicago a week ago Thursday, the bride being Miss Georgia Cluett, also of Blairstown.

Rev. Tongue was in Belle Plaine Wednesday evening. From here he went to Chicago on No. 8, being joined at Blairstown by the bride to be. There were married at Trinity Episcopal Church Thursday, July 9, by Rev. Z. B. T. Phillips, rector of the church.

The bride and groom returned to Blairstown and resumed their usual places, but a few days later a friend received a letter from a Chicago young woman who had visited in Blairstown, calling attention to the notice of the marriage license which was published in a Chicago paper. Thus the secret leaked out and the couple confessed.

Rev. Tongue expects to start on his trip to England next week as planned.

{Submitter comment: cousin}

Submitted on 12-Nov-2019 by
John Shuck,

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