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Van Horne Record; Feb. 2, 1917
Jan. 24, 1917

Young Couple United In Bonds of Wedlock

Wesley G. Schulze and Edith Schultz Joined in Matrimony Jaunary 24.

Wesley G. Schulze and Edith Schultz were united in in the holy bonds of matrimony Wednesday, January 24, at four o’clock at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry G. Schultz, by Rev. Dornsieff of Newhall.

Promptly at 4 o’clock while Mrs. C. H. Reisser was playing Lohengrin’s wedding march, the bridal couple took places under a large arch trimmed in smilax and took the vows that made them man and wife. Only the close relatives of the bride and groom were present.

Immediately after the ceremony, a bounteous dinner was served to the guests.

The bride was beautifully attired in a charming dress of light blue chiffon taffetta with silver trimming and the groom was attired in dark blue serge.

These popular young people are well and favorably known in the community where they have always lived and the best wishes of their friends and acquaintances accompany them in their new life. They will go to housekeeping immediately on farm of the groom’s father.

{Submitter comment: not related}

Submitted on 16-Jan-2022 by
John Shuck,

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