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Blairstown Press; Dec. 12, 1919
Dec. 3, 1919

Are Married At Vinton

Miss Emma Kuelper of Belle Plaine and Merle E. Radeke, Of Blairstown, Are United In Marriage

At the. home of the groom’s sister, Dr. and Mrs. W. T. Coffland, in Vinton at 1.15 o’clock on Wednesday, December 3, 1919, occurred the marriage of Miss Emma Kuelper of Belle Plaine, and Mr. Merle E. Radeke, Rev. Culley, of the Presbyterian church officiating. The bride was gowned in white georgette trimmed with white satin and carried pink roses and white carnations, the brides colors.

The marriage was a quiet affair only in the presence of the Coffland family.

The bride is the second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kuelper, of Belle Plaine, and has been a popular clerk in that place, having been employed in the Norton store the past year.

Those whose privilege it has been to know her hold her in the highest esteem.

She is a stranger here but all feel it is a privilege to have her among us for a short time.

The groom is the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Radeke. He was born and reared on the Radeke homestead northeast of here and was educated in the Lesay School and has been very popular among the younger set. The newly weds came to Blairstown on Friday and are guests of the groom’s parents and other relatives. They will remain in this locality until January 1, when they will leave for Kansas City where Mr. Radeke will enter the Sweyney Auto School and take a course in mechanics.

A host of friends will wish this worthy young couple the best life can hold.

{Submitter comment: not related}

Submitted on 14-Feb-2025 by
John Shuck,

Return to Wedding / Anniversary Index

Blairstown Press; August 29, 1919
August 20, 1919

Blairstown Couple Wed At Marion

On Wednesday, August 20. 1919, Marion, occurred the marriage of William Radeke and Miss Martha Seik. The marriage was a quiet affair, only the parents of the bride being present. She is the third daughter of Mr and Mrs Chas. Seik and is endowed with the many graces which go far toward the making of a splendid home. Mr Radeke is the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Radeke and a prosperous young farmer. The community wish them happiness and prosperity.

{Submitter comment: not related - Bride's last name is Siek}

Submitted on 18-Jan-2022 by
John Shuck,

Return to Wedding / Anniversary Index

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