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May 31, 1891
Iowa Township

MEEKER-TATMAN -- At the home of the bride’s parents Mr. and Mrs. J. W. TATMAN, in Iowa township at two o’clock Sunday afternoon, May 31st, 1891, Rev. R. W. MILNER officiating, Miss ADELLA TATMAN and BERT MEEKER. Only the immediate relatives were present and enjoyed the sumptuous supper prepared by Grandma Freeman. The happy young couple are to remain among us. Mr. Meeker has employment at the creamery, and has rented the house on Maple Street, just north of J. W. DITZLER’s new house. A long and happy life is the wish of their many friend in which the UNION joins.

{Submitter comment: Adella Tatman was my grand-aunt, daughter of John Wesley Tatman and Mary Jane Freeman. The Grandma Freeman referred to is Rachel (nee Greenlee, daughter of Robert Greenlee and Mary Furnas) who married Patrick Henry Freeman.}
Submitted on Sat Feb 10 06:47:40 2001 by
Sally Goehring,

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Belle Plaine, Iowa

GOLDEN WEDDING COUPLES HONORED: Three couples who have passed the golden wedding mark were honored by the Daughters of Union Veterans Monday evening at the Mutual Insurance building. The three wives are members of the organization. (Photo) Featured, left to right, are Mrs. and Mrs. L. D. HELM, Mr. and Mrs. JERRY CAHALAN and MR. AND MRS. BERT MEEKER, the honored couples. The Helms have observed the 50th anniversary, the Cahalans their 55th and the MEEKERS the 59th.. The centerpiece was a 3-tier anniversary cake, and decorations included yellow and white tulips, the Daughters’ colors. Each wife received a corsage of white carnations tied with yellow ribbon and the husbands received boutonniers and a cake was presented to each couple.. Community singing was led by Mrs. Glenn Wallace, accompanied by Mrs. Lloyd Miller, Joan Beery sang “Dearie” and “Daddy’s Little Girl”, accompanied by Mrs. Wallace who also gave whistling and vocal solos.. Judge W. P. Butler was the speaker of the evening. Mrs. Emma Duncan was introduced as the only Civil War widow present. S. A. Bemis, senior vice commander of the Iowa Department of the Sons of Union Veterans, and Mrs. Ida Slack, oldest member of the tent present, were introduced.. Refreshments were served by a committee composed of Mrs. Bemis, Mrs. R. Arndt and Mrs. Guy Lum, assisted by Mrs. Art Riekens, Mrs. Dick O’Donnell, Mrs. S. Wodarcak, Mrs. Kenneth Badker, Miss Ada Belseth and Miss Beery. At the close of the evening, there was square dancing with Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Roberts providing the music and Mr. Bemis calling.

{Submitter comment: Adella nee Tatman and Bert Meeker were my grand-aunt and uncle. Adella was the daughter of John Wesley Tatman and Mary Jane nee Freeman. Other anniversaries being honored were: Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Helm - 50th anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Cahalan - 55th anniversary}
Submitted on Sat Feb 10 07:02:46 2001 by
Sally Goehring,

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May 31, 1891
Belle Plaine, Benton Co., Iowa

MEEKER - DECKER -- At the home of bride’s parents Mr. and Mrs. J. P. DECKER, Belle Plaine, Iowa, at eleven o’clock Sunday forenoon May 31st 1891, Rev. R. W. MILNER officiating, Miss CHARLOTTE P. DECKER and MELTON C. MEEKER of Otter Creek, Tama County.

Quite a number of friends were present upon invitation, and quite a number of appropriate gifts were presented in due form. The dinner following was all such an occasion could demand and received ample attention from the guests. We extend the wishes of friends for their happiness and long enjoyment of life.
Submitted on Sat Feb 10 06:50:57 2001 by
Sally Goehring,

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Vinton Eagle; January 8, 1879
Jan. 1, 1879
Bruce township, Benton county


MEEKER - BROWN - At the residence of the bride's Father in Bruce township, Benton county, Iowa, January 1, 1879, by Rev. W. Cunningham, Mr. Wm. H. Meeker and Miss Clara J. Brown, both of Bruce Township.

Some forty of the friends and neighbors were present to witness the ceremony and partake of the repast. Thus they start out upon lifes journey with every prospect of happiness.

{Submitter comment: not related}

Submitted on 09-Sep-2013 by
John Shuck,

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