Every Other Day Union; Feb. 6, 1900
Feb. 1900
St. Clair township
The marriage of Clarence Mayhew and Annie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Newton of St. Clair township, occurred at the home of the bride's parents, conducted by Rev. Miles of Blairstown.
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Belle Plaine Union; Nov. 14, 1912
Nov. 6, 1912
Mr. Osander Mayhew and Miss Clara Miner, daughter of Hiram Miner of this place were married at the bride's home on Wednesday evening Nov. 6. Rev. A. B. Chamberlain performing the ceremony. They left on Wednesday evening to visit with Mr. Mayhew's relatives in Illinois. They have lived in this town and in the vicinity for many years and are a most estimable couple. They will live here in Blairstown where Mr. Mayhew has a fine home.
{Submitter comment: aunt}
The Blairstown Press; April 21, 1927
April 19, 1927
Wedding At King Home
Bernice Kimm and Rex Mayhew Married Tuesday, April 19
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Gus Kimm Jr. was the scene of a very pretty wedding on Tuesday at 4 p.m., April 19, 1927, when their daughter, Miss Bernice Kimm was united in marriage to Mr. Rex Mayhew. It was also the 22nd anniversary of the bride's parents.
The bridal party entered to the strains of "Lohengrim's Wedding March," played by Mrs. Clifford Stewart, sister of the groom. The bride was attended by Miss Edith Mayhew, sister of the groom, and Mr. Elmer Elbers, a cousin of the bride, acted as best man.
The ceremony took place under an arch of roses in the presence of about forty guests. The ceremony was performed by Rev. R. Herman, who used the double ring ceremony. The bride's gown was a rose georgette and she wore a corsage bouquet of pink roses and sweet peas and a band of rhinestones. Her hose and pumps were of parchment. She also carried her mother's wedding handkerchief. Miss Edith Mayhew wore a dress of blue crepe.
After congratulations a three course wedding supper was served by Misses Evelyn Johnston and ??? Robertson. The table was centered with a huge wedding cake decorated in pink and white with a small bride and groom on the top.
The bride is the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gus Kimm and is a young lady with many personal charms. She was born and raised in this vicinity and attended school here, graduating in the class of 1926. She is also an accomplished musician and has many friends in this community.
The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mayhew and was born and raised in this vicinity, moving to Marion six years ago. He attended school here later graduating from the Marion high school with the class of 1921. He later attended the Cedar Rapids Business College and Barber school, having located at Mechanicsville. Rex is a young man of splendid character and represents one of the best families of this community.
After a short honeymoon they will make their home in Mechanicsville.
To Mr. and Mrs. Mayhew The Press joins the many friends in congratulations and best wishes.
Those from out of town who attended the wedding were: Mrs. G. Elbers, of Clinton; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Murphy, of Cedar Rapids; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Goldthwaite and daughter, Virginia, of Marengo, and Mr. and Mrs. Everett Burt, of Waterloo.
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Cedar Valley Times; March 3, 1947
March 1, 1947
Marengo, Iowa
Bette B. Beresford Weds Wayne Mayhew In Marengo Church
Vinton News
Miss Bette Bright Bereford, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Beresford, became the bride of Wayne Mayhew, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Mayhew, in a candle-lit, single-ring ceremony performed Saturday at 2 p.m. in the Methodist church in Marengo.
The bride wore a dove grey gabardine suit with a back flaring peplum and a pink straw bonnet trimmed with black velvet and black accessories. She also wore a corsage of pink roses centered with a gardenia.
The bride's sister, Miss Jayne Beresford, was her only attendant. She were a pastel blue suit with black accessories and a corsage of gardenias.
Harvey McAndrews of Marengo was best man. The bridegroom is associated with the Mayhew Hatchery. The couple will be at home in their apartment in the Mayhew building at 303 West 4th street.
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