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Blairstown Press; Jan. 9, 1920
Jan. 1, 1920
Van Horne

Married At Van Horne.

Miss Josephine Hauser of Keystone Becomes Bride of Preston Koser Of Blairstown.

At the Evangelical parsonage at Van Horne at high noon on New Year’s day occurred the marriage of Miss Josephine Hauser from near Keystone and Preston Koser from north of Blairstown. Rev. Wendell, officiated, the only witnesses being Geneva Koser and Mr. Schlue.

The bride was lovely in white georgette over white silk with garniture of beads. She carried white roses. The groom was dressed in dark blue.

The bride is the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hauser and has spent her entire life in the vicinity in which she lives. The natural graces of mind and person have made her a favorite wherever she is known.

The groom is the only son of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Koser and has resided north of this place during the past nine years and during that time has proved himself to be a young man of sterling worth.

The happy pair left on the afternoon train for the east on a honeymoon trip. After returning they will make their home on a farm four miles north of Blairstown.

{Submitter comment: not related}

Submitted on 29-Jan-2022 by
John Shuck,

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