The Belle Plaine Union and Herald; Thursday, October 28, 1920
October 27, 1920
Presbyterian Church, Marshalltown
WINS A MARSHALLTOWN GIRL Frank Haupert, Rude Manager Weds Bessie Selby, a Society Bud. A social event of the month at Marshalltown was the marriage of Miss Bessie Selby, daughter of Proprietor Selby and wife of the Pilgrim Hotel, to Mr. Frank Haupert of this city. The ceremony was solemnized at the Presbyterian church Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock before a large company of relatives and friends.
The bride, who is an attractive brunette, was becomingly gowned in white bridal satin and veil and carried a shower bouquet of white roses. The bridesmaid's dress was of pink taffeta. Her sister and five girlfriends were attendants. The groom's best man was Mr. Edward F. Snyder of this city. The church decorations were ferns and cut flowers.
At the conclusion of the ceremony the parents of the bride tendered them a reception at the Pilgrim Hotel. Light refreshments were served in the dining room at one large table with a large wedding cake as centerpiece.
The bride is a charming young lady with a most winning personality and is a musician of skill, serving last year as instructor in music in the Denison Schools.
The groom is one of the progressive young business men of this city holding the responsible position of manager of the Rude Auto Co. in which capacity he has shown marked ability. He is a genial companion and in his short residence here has established many warm friendships.
Mr. and Mrs. Haupert left Wednesday evening on a wedding trip, destination unannounced. After December 1st they will be at home to their friends in their new home in Park's Addition, which is now in course of erection.
{Submitter comment: submitted by volunteer - no family relation}
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