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Blairstown Press; Feb. 8, 1924

Miss Edna Harden and Kenneth Goss Surprise Friends

Two prominent young people of this place, Miss Edna Harden and Kenneth Goss stole a march on their friends and were quietly married, some time ago, the groom who is a student at Iowa State college will graduate at the end of the mid-summer term. The bride recently handed in her resignation as teacher in 3rd and 4th grades of the public school in her preparation of joining her husband after his graduation. At this time the marriage leaked out through intimate friends. The young couple grew up and went through the local school together. After graduation, Miss Harden supplemented her education with work at Des Moines University and Iowa State Teachers college and became a popular teacher in the community and for a number of terms has been a member of the faculty of the local grade school. She is the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David I. Harden, and beside being a successful teacher she is well versed in the art of home making.

The groom is the oldest son of Geo. Goss, was born and grew to manhood here. After graduating from the local school he attended Iowa State college where he has gained his education mostly by his own efforts. During his school life here he was prominent in athletics, and during the vacation period was always a member of the town base ball team, which scored so many victories for Blairstown.

The happy couple who have been exceedingly popular among the younger set are now receiving the hearty congratulations and good wishes of their many friends, in which the Press joins.

Submitted on 23-Nov-2024 by
John Shuck,

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Blairstown Press; April 5, 1940
March 23, 1940
Angola, Indiana

Kenneth Goss Is Wed In Indiana, March 23.

Word was received by relatives in Blairtown Saturday of the marriage of Kenneth Goss of Jackson, Mich., and Miss Dora Gould, also of Jackson which took place on Saturday, March 23 at Angola, Ind. Kenneth Goss is a former resident of Blairstown and son of Mayor Geo. W. Goss. Mr. Goss has been in the employ of the Consumers Power company at Jackson for the past 16 years and Mrs. Goss was also employed by the same company for a number of years.

{Submitter comment: He is the son of George Goss and Minnie Shuck.}
Submitted on Jun 30, 2006 by
John Shuck,

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Blairstown Press; July 11, 1919
July 5, 1919

Well Known Couple Wed.

Miss Marie Terese Kimm Becomes Bride of Sergeant Ray Goss.

On Saturday, July 5th, 1919, at 4 o’clock, at the home of the brides parents Mr and Mrs Leonard Kimm, occurred the marriage of Miss Marie Terese Kimm to Sergeant Ray Goss, Rev A J Meierhoff of the Presbyterian church read the marriage service.

It was a very quiet affair, only the family of the bride, the grooms’ youngest sister, Mrs. C L. Edwards and the best man being present. The bride and groom were attended by the brides’ youngest sister, Miss Emma Kimm and Mr Horace Yiesley.

The bride was lovely in an embroidered white georgette gown, over white satin and carried a bouquet of pink roses and blue forgetmenots.

The bridesmaid was gowned in blue voil After the ceremony and congratulations, the company sat down to a sumptuous feast.

The bride, who is the second daughter of Mr and Mrs. Leonard Kimm came here with her parents from Marion, eight years ago, and is a graduate of the Blairstown High school. Since that time she has ably assisted her father in the bank. She is a favorite of the musical circle of the town, being a member of the orchestra and is possessed of a splendid voice, which she has generously given, where music was requested both in places of joy and sadness.

The groom is the youngest son of the late Mr and Mrs. George Goss, and was born and grew to manhood here, graduating from the B. H. S. He accepted a position as operator here for the C. & N. W R. R., which position he has creditably filled till called into the service of his country, from which he has recently returned.

The grooms’ present to the bride was a diamond dinner ring brought from France. For the present the happy couple will make their home with the bride’s parents.

All join in congratulations and good wishes.

{Submitter comment: not related}

Submitted on 12-Jan-2022 by
John Shuck,

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