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Cedar Valley Daily Times; April 20, 1921
April 12, 1921
St. Michael Church, Norway, Iowa

Tuesday morning, April 12, at nine o'clock in St. Michael's church at Norway, occurred the marriage of Sadie Stevenson of Vinton and John Gessner of Watkins. Annabel Stevenson, sister of the bride, acted as bridesmaid, and Mike Gessner, brother of the groom, was best man. The bride was attired in white satin and georgette with bead trimming. She wore a wreath and veil and carried a bouquet of bride's roses. The bridesmaid's dress was lavender messaline.

Only immediate relatives were present at the wedding breakfast.

The four young people spent the afternoon in Cedar Rapids.

Mrs. Gessner is the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.F. Stevenson, living northeast of Vinton. She received her education in the Cedar Rapids schools. Mr. Gessner is the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gessner of Newhall. He is a prosperous young farmer. Mr. and Mrs. Gessner will reside on the groom's farm six and one-half miles northwest of Watkins.

The best wishes of the many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Gessner follow them to their new home.

Submitted on 12-Apr-2021 by
Dwayne Thoman,

Return to Wedding / Anniversary Index

Benton County Star; September 8, 1921
September 7, 1921
St. Patrick church, Fairfax, Iowa

St. Patrick's church was the scene of a very pretty wedding which was solemnized Sept. 7, at 9 o'clock a.m., when Miss Alma Thoman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Thoman, of Fairfax, and Michael C. Gessner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gessner Sr., of Newhall, were united in marriage. The nuptial mass was read by the Rev. P. E. Donnelly. The church was beautifully decorated in ferns, asters and goldenrods.

The bride was beautiful in a gown of white duchess satin with an overskirt of chantille lace; the bridal veil was of silk tulle draped to the floor and held in place with a wreath of orange blossoms; her bouquet was of bridal roses and lilies of the valley. The bride's only ornament was a string of Richlieu pearls, a gift of the groom.

The bride's sister, Miss Rosetta Thoman, acted as bridesmaid and Miss Marie Sullivan, friend of the bride, was maid of honor. They wore gowns of honey dew taffeta with bands and large bows of silk tulle to match, and pumps and gloves of gray. They each carried a large bouquet of honey dew colored sunburst roses. Alphonse Walker acted as groomsman, and Leo Schmuecker as usher, both being cousins of the groom.

As the bridal party ascended the altar, Lucille Thoman, sister of the bride, played Lohengrin's recessional on her concert harp; she also played Medleshon's recessional at the close of the services. During the offertory Miss Grace Blakely, of Cedar Rapids, sang Ave Maria accompanied by Pauline DuClos, harp virtuoso, of Cedar Rapids. Madam DuClos rendered a beautiful number before the ceremony, and she also played very softly during the ceremony. After the ceremony the bridal party returned to the home of the bride's parents where a bonnteous four-course dinner was served to only the immediate relatives by Mrs. J. A. Wicke, of Cedar Rapids, the bride's aunt, and Miss Sedonia Murphy and Miss Evelyn Davis, of Fairfax, cousin and friend of the bride. The home was decorated in garden flowers.

The bride was a graduate of St. Patrick's high school with the class of '18, and is a member of St. Patrick's alumni.

The groom is a successful young farmer, and during the world war served in the 77th Division for almost two years, nine months of which was spent overseas.

In the evening a reception and dance was held in St. Patrick's hall which was beautifully decorated, at which about 450 relatives and friends were present. Music was furnished by Morkejz Orchestra.

After an extended wedding trip through the west, Mr. and Mrs. Gessner will be at home to their relatives and friends on the groom's farm southeast of Newhall.

Submitted on 28-Mar-2021 by
Dwayne Thoman,

Return to Wedding / Anniversary Index

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