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Belle Plaine Union; Nov. 5, 1927
Oct. 28, 1927

Golden Wedding At Blairstown

Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Cluett Married 50 Years Ago

On Friday evening, Oct. 28 another golden wedding ceremony was celebrated in Blairstown, making the second affair of the kind to be observed during the month of October.

The couple honored in this instance being Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Cluett who were married in Blairstown fifty years ago and have lived there during their entire wedded life.

They are the parents of two children, one son Arthur who died in boyhood and one daughter, Mrs. Frank Heck of Iowa City. They also have one granddaughter, Miss Thelma Heck who is a student at the University of Iowa.

Members of the Presbyterian Church gave a 6:30 dinner, Friday, in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Cluett. The church parlors were decorated with gold and white. The same colors being carried out in the menu. Members of the social circle served the dinner.

Mr. and. Mrs. Cluett were ushered into the church to the strains of Lohengrins wedding march, played by Mrs. J. F. Schoen, pianist and B. F. Paul, violinist. At a reception after dinner, Mr. and Mrs. Cluett were presented with a number of gifts and the usual purse of gold.

One hundred and twenty-five guests were present. Abraham Starbuck of Marion was unable to attend the affair which was much regretted as he had been best man at their wedding.

Those attending from out of town were their daughter and husband. Mr. and. Mrs. Frank Heck and granddaughter, Miss Thelma Heck of Iowa City and Mr. Cluett's niece and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Fry of Keystone.

The Rev. Peck made some appropriate remarks and extended congratulations of the church and members to the guests of honor.

{Submitter comment: My great great uncle, son of William Cluett and Anne Weddell}

Submitted on 18-Jan-2022 by
John Shuck,

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