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Blairstown Press; March 9, 1923
Feb. 28, 1923
Marion, Iowa

Pretty Wedding is Solemnized

Miss Ethel Madge Mayhew Becomes Bride of Mr. Everett L. Burt

A wedding of interest to many here occurred at the country home of Mr. and Mrs. George Mayhew near Marion on February 28th when their daughter, Miss Ethel Madge Mayhew and Mr. Everett L. Burt of Marion were united in marriage at high noon to the strains of the wedding march played by Mrs. Gertrude Harlan.

The bridal couple took up their position under an arch decorated with pink and white carnations. Rev. Harry G. Finney of the Presbyterian Church read the impressive ring ceremony.

The bride was lovely in a gown of blue canton crepe with a corsage bouquet of roses and sweet peas.

Following congratulations Miss Lucille Mayhew, sister of the bride sang "I Love You Truly." Mrs. Gertrude Harlan playing the accompaniment.

A delicious two course dinner was served after the ceremony.

Many beautiful and useful present were received, which included many household furnishings, which will add materially to the housekeeping.

The bride is one of the twin daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Mayhew and came here when a child with parents, where she grew to womanhood. She resided here until about three years ago, when she moved with parents to Marion, where the romance began which culminated in the happy event of the 28th. Mr. Burt is fortunate to have won so fair a lady and will find her a splendid helpmate through the years. She has the respect of the entire community.

The groom is a stranger here, but is highly spoken of by those who know him the best. He holds a responsible position with the Cedar Rapids telephone company and is one of their trusted employees.

The happy couple left the same day for Cedar Rapids where they will make their future home. They immediately began housekeeping at 625 First Street West, where they are at home to their friends.

The Press and a host of friends extend congratulations and bet wishes.

{Submitter comment: not related}

Submitted on 30-Oct-2019 by
John Shuck,

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