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Belle Plaine Independent; July 1, 1885
June 27, 1885
Belle Plaine, Iowa

Marriage Bells.

Benda - Macha - At the office of Justice Elliott, in this city, June 27, 1885, by Rev. J. P. Chambers, of Belle Plaine, Mr. Martin Benda, of Poweshiek county to Miss Anna Macha, of this city.

Married in Haste.

In another column in this our "Marriage Bells" ring for Martin Benda and Anna Macha, without disclosing the manner in which the young Lochinvar led to the sacred alter ('Squire Elliott's meat block) his blushing bride. She was a dining room girl in the Tremont Hotel, and when he appeared on the scene was busy washing dishes. He stepped up to the table on which she was working, and spoke a few words to her in "Bohemy." Straightway, without saying aye, yes or no to anybody, she dropped the dish-cloth and walked with him just as she was, without one plea, to Elliott's meat market, where the ceremony was performed amid the fragrance of bologna sausage and oxtail soup. Had the twain been clothed in purple and fine linen, wedded in a stately cathedral to the grand music of a wedding march, treading a carpet of roses, and receiving a world of rare and costly presents, with a magnificent banquet waiting to welcome them to their new home, they would not have been a whit the happier. It is unnecessary to add that Mrs. Benda has not yet returned to finish washing the dishes.

{Submitter comment: Not related}

Submitted on 08-May-2020 by
John Shuck,

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