The USGenWeb Project
Benton County, IAGenWeb Project
The IAGenWeb Project

First Annual Catalogue of

catalog cover

          Board of Managers:
            Rev. J. B. Shontz, President
            Rev. D. S. Fouse, Sec. and Treas.
            Rev. Cyrus Cort
            Rev. Joshua Riale
            Rev. George Weber
            Mr. John Heck

          Board of Instructors:
            Prof. G. Dickie Gurley, Principal, Latin and Greek Language
            Rev. Joshua Riale, Principal Manager, English Branches (3d Term)
            Miss Mary L. Kee, Assistant (1st Term)
            Rev. D. S. Fouse, Assistant (2d Term)
            Miss Jennie Vickery, Instrumental and Voice Music, (1st, 2d Term)
            Miss Elsie Porter, Instrumental and Voice Music, (3d Term)


           Classic Course:
             David Brockman................Blairstown, Iowa
             S. H. Bauman..................Zwingle, Iowa
             Will. B. Burnet...............Blairstown, Iowa
             Arthur G. Burnet..............Blairstown, Iowa
             D. D. Cort....................Zwingle, Iowa
             E. H. Diehl...................Summ??, Illinois
             John Handley..................Iowa
             T. R. Matter..................Blairstown, Iowa
             Frank N. Riale................Blairstown, Iowa
             S. D. Weber...................Blairstown, Iowa

           Scientific Course:
             Wm. Alonzo Albert.............Brandon, Iowa
             Lady J. Bosley................Belle Plaine, Iowa
             Emma Brian....................Blairstown, Iowa
             Eva Bargelt...................Blairstown, Iowa
             Serepta E. Brockman...........Blairstown, Iowa
             David C. Baker................Eau Claire, Wisconsin
             Chas. B. Black................Blairstown, Iowa
             H. B. Crandall................Blairstown, Iowa
             Lizzie S. Cort................Zwingle, Iowa
             A. Cummins....................Blairstown, Iowa
             Julia O. Dean.................Blairstown, Iowa
             M. S. Herring.................Blairstown, Iowa
             W. H. Miller..................Blairstown, Iowa
             Ida Pingrey...................Pickaway, Iowa
             Geo. A. Richardson............Blairstown, Iowa
             Nina Snow.....................Blairstown, Iowa
             Carrie Sterling...............Blairstown, Iowa
             A. Mary Silliman..............Blairstown, Iowa
             G. J. Shoemaker...............Blairstown, Iowa
             Jno Shreeves..................Blairstown, Iowa
             Allie M. Taber................Spring Hill, Illinois
             Katie Tangeman................Blairstown, Iowa
             Mary Weber....................Blairstown, Iowa

           English Course
             Jessie Book...................Blairstown, Iowa
             Julia Burnet..................Blairstown, Iowa
             Annie M. E. Bruner............Central City, Iowa
             Fannie L. Black...............Blairstown, Iowa
             Mary Barrow...................Luzerne, Iowa
             Ida Bassett...................Blairstown, Iowa
             Henry Buch....................Luzerne, Iowa
             J. A. Becker..................Blairstown, Iowa
             H. B. Black...................Blairstown, Iowa
             Philip Brown..................Blairstown, Iowa
             Nancy Carter..................Blairstown, Iowa
             L. Cummins....................Blairstown, Iowa
             Ida Dubbs.....................Troy Mills, Iowa
             Lillie Dubbs..................Troy Mills, Iowa
             William Davey.................Blairstown, Iowa
             S. H. Elliott.................Blairstown, Iowa
             Louisa M. Fowler..............Florence, Iowa
             Chas. B. Grant................Blairstown, Iowa
             Lizzie Heck...................Blairstown, Iowa
             Frank Hevener.................Blairstown, Iowa
             Henry Houck...................Blairstown, Iowa
             C. W. Henry...................Blairstown, Iowa
             Oren Henry....................Blairstown, Iowa
             Emma Kaiper...................Blairstown, Iowa
             Dehlia Kirby..................Blairstown, Iowa
             Allie King....................Blairstown, Iowa
             Sadie Landon..................Blairstown, Iowa
             Katie Long....................Blairstown, Iowa
             Wm. C. Porter.................Blairstown, Iowa
             Mittie J. Riale...............Blairstown, Iowa
             Ulissa C. Robertson...........Blairstown, Iowa
             A. A. Sheneberger.............Blairstown, Iowa
             Geo. C. Weber.................Blairstown, Iowa
             Joseph Weber..................Blairstown, Iowa
             James Wagner..................Blairstown, Iowa
             Annie Zollinger...............Foreston, Illinois
             Lizzie Zollinger..............Foreston, Illinois

Course of Study COMMON ENGLISH COURSES--0ne Year FIRST TERM Reading Spelling and Dictation Mental Arithmetic Written Arithmetic Penmanship Declamation Bible History SECOND TERM Reading and U. S. History Spelling and Dictation English Grammar (commenced) Arithmetic Political Geography Penmanship Declamation and composition Bible History THIRD TERM Arithmetic Physical Geography English Grammar Dictation Exercises U. S. History Penmanship Declamation and Composition Biblical Antiquities HIGHER ENGLISH COURSE FIRST TERM English Grammar Physical Geography (completed) Higher Arithmetic (commenced) Algebra (commenced) Ancient History and Geography Declamation and Composition Biblical Antiquities SECOND TERM Greene's Analysis Higher Arithmetic (continued) Algebra (continued) Physiology and Hygiene German (commenced) Ancient History and Geography Declamation and Composition Lessons on the Life of Christ THIRD TERM Algebra-University Botany Modern History German Reader Declamation and Composition Lessons on the Lives of the Apostles PREPARATORY CLASSICAL COURSE FIRST YEAR FIRST TERM Higher-Arithmetic (commenced) Political Geography English Grammar (Kerl's advanced) Penmanship Dictation Exercise Declamation and Composition Bible History SECOND TERM Political Geography English Grammar Latin Grammar and Reader Penmanship Higher Arithmetic U. S. History Declamation and Composition Biblical History THIRD TERM Higher Arithmetic (completed) Physical Geography Latin - Caesar Ancient History and Geography Penmanship Declamation and Composition Biblical Antiquities SECOND YEAR FIRST TERM Latin - Virgil Greek (commenced) Algebra (commenced) Ancient History and Mythology Declamation and Composition Biblical Antiquities SECOND TERM Latin - Virgil Greek - Grammar and Reader German - First Lessons Algebra (continued) Declamation and Composition Lessons on the Life of Christ THIRD TERM Latin - Cicero Greek - Analysis German Reader Algebra - University Lessons on the Lives of the Apostles Declamation and Composition SCIENTIFIC COURSE FIRST YEAR FIRST TERM University Algebra (completed) Natural Philosophy German Modern History Declamation and Composition Lessons on Church History SECOND TERM Geometry (commenced) Latin (commenced) Physiology German History of the Middle Ages Declamation and Composition Lessons on Church History THIRD TERM Geometry (completed) Botany Zoology History of the Middle Ages German Latin - Grammar Declamation and Composition Lessons on Church History SECOND YEAR FIRST TERM Trigonometry Astronomy German Latin Declamation and Composition Lessons on Church History SECOND TERM Surveying and Navigation Inorganic Chemistry German Physiology (completed) Declamation and Composition Lessons on Church History THIRD TERM Analytical Geometry Organic Chemistry Psychology Botany (completed) Declamation and Composition Lessons on Church History COLLEGIATE COURSE FRESHMAN YEAR FIRST TERM Latin - Cicero's Orations Greek - Analysis German Reader University Algebra Ancient History and Geography Declamation and Composition Lessons on Church History SECOND TERM Latin - Livy Greek - Cyropedia German - Schiller Geometry - Robinson's Physiology History of the Middle Ages Declamation and Composition Lessons on Church History THIRD TERM Latin - Livy Greek - Homer's Illiad German - Schiller Geometry - Robinson History of the Middle Ages Lessons on Church History SOPHOMORE YEAR FIRST TERM Latin - Odes of Horace Plato's Apology German Trigonometry Natural Philosophy Modern History Declamation and Composition Lessons on Church History SECOND TERM Latin - Satires of Horace Greek - Demosthenes de Corona German Physiology Surveying Inorganic Chemistry Modern History Declamation and Composition Lessons on Church History THIRD TERM Latin - Cicero de Oratore Greek - Demosthenes de Corona German Botany Physiology Organic Chemistry Analytical Geometry Modern History Declamation and Composition BLAIRSTOWN ACADEMY This Institution was opened for the reception of students on the 1st of October 1872. The building was originally erected by the citizens of Blairstown for educational purposes. A school was organized and carried on for a short time under the auspices of the Evangelical Association; but after continuing a few years was closed. The property was afterwards purchased by the Iowa Classis of the Reformed Church for the purpose of establishing a good classical school under the care of said church. The building was accordingly remodeled and thoroughly refitted at an expense of about $3000. As above intimated, a Classical School, under the name of Blairstown Academy, was opened in the above property at Blairstown, about one year ago, and has been in successful operation ever since. It has been the object of Iowa Classis in establishing this Institution of Learning, to make it a Christian School in the proper sense of the term, but by no means sectarian. It is believed that intellectual and moral culture should go together and complement each other. Hence it has been the design of its founders to combine a Christian with an intellectual education. While this school is positively Christian, it is intended to be open and free to all persons of whatever creed or bias they may be. LOCATION Blairstown, Benton Co. Iowa, the location of the Institution, is a healthy little inland town containing a population of about 1000. It is situated on the great Northwestern railroad being on the main line to California from the East. Hence, it is easy of access, while at the same time it is sufficient seclusive to form a good community for the cultivation of good morals. The location is also a beautiful one, as well as healthy, being on the dividing line between the prairie and timber land. Prairie Creek runs by the town and affords an opportunity for the healthy amusement of fishing. GOVERNMENT The government of the Institution is intended to be that of a well regulated family, mild and persuasive, yet always firm and efficient, having a direct reference to the formation of a good social and religious character. Good order and obedience are insisted upon, and those who will no submit to such discipline will not be retained. All heartless military drill, however, will be discarded, as being repugnant to the development of sound Christian character. PUBLIC EXAMINATIONS will be held during the last two days at the close of each term. A faithful record of the standing of each student is kept; showing the delinquency, attainments in scholarship, and conduct of each student, and a copy of the same is transmitted to parents or guardians at the close of the term. EXPENSES Boarding can he had at the Boarding houses of the Academy or at private families from $2.75 to $3.75 per week. TUITION Long Session of Four Months Common English Branches $8.75 Higher English Branches 10.00 Classic 8.50 GENERAL REMARKS Instruction is also given in Vocal and Instrumental Music, and Drawing. Price $10 for twenty-four lessons. Book-keeping taught extra. Pupils are admitted at any time, but it is ernestly requested that they enter at the beginning of the term. Tuition is be paid in advance at the beginning and middle of each term; and no deduction will be made for absence except in case of sickness. Any of the Languages, when not studied in course $2 per session extra. The Scholastic year is divided into three terms, one of 16 and two of 12 weeks. CALENDAR Fall Term commences Wednesday, September 3rd, and continues 16 weeks. Winter Term commences Wednesday, January 7th, and continues 12 weeks. Spring Term commences Wednesday, April 8th, and continues 12 weeks.

Transcribed by John Shuck
from copy of original at the Blairstown library.
September, 2001

If you note any corrections, changes, additions, or  find any links provided on this web site that are
not  functioning properly please notify  John Shuck, your Benton County Website Coordinator.

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