be 2 years old in April Orson Ruick is here now he has come to carry the child back and settle
up his Brothers estate,
if you will let Denmon have the money he wants you to put it in the
Bank and send him a check on it, and if you think a mortgage of the place will not be enough Thomas says he will
undersign the note and we want you to write back soon as you get this and please send the check if you conclude
to let us have it so we can get it some time in March or first of April.
it has been as healthy here this winter as in any place and Thomas and his wife say it has been ever since they
have been here. I guess you will get tired before you get this read if you can read it there is so many jugglers?
around I have hard work to write and please excuse all blots and mistakes
To Horace & Julia Graves from Denmon & Elisabeth Day