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Benton County, Iowa Obituaries
Blairstown Press; Dec. 5, 1919
Little One Is Called Above
Johnnie Lealand Wood

Johnnie Lealand Wood was born September 5th, 1919, at Blairstown. Never very strong he was seized with an ailment a few days ago which resulted fatally on November 24, 1919. Besides his sorrowing parents, Mr and Mrs. Bert Wood, he is survived by three brothers and two sisters. One brother, a young man of 19, a victim of the flu, preceded him in death a year ago last October.

Funeral services were held at the home on Wednesday, November 26, at 2 p. m. by Rev. C. S. Burnard of the Methodist church.

The music was very kindly supplied by Miss Lydia Groff and Mrs. Bertha Shedenhelm. Interment was made in Blairstown cemetery. Much sympathy is felt for the sorrowing parents.

{Submitter comment: not related}

Submitted on 24-Jan-2022 by
John Shuck,

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Blairstown Press; Oct. 24, 1919
Came Here in 1866
Rachel Ann Wood

Mrs. Perry J. Wood, Pioneer Blairstown Resident Passes Away.

Mrs. Perry J. Wood, nee Rachel Ann Haser, was born July 14, 1841, at West Salem, Wayne county Ohio. In 1852 she moved with her parents to Henry county, Illinois. It was in 1866 that she came to Blairstown, Iowa, to live where she has made her home until her death. Mrs Wood was a great sufferer for the past few years enduring more than tongue can tell and only those who cared for her realized how great was her affliction.

She was converted in early life and joined the Evangelical church of which she was a member until her death. She was also a member of the Eastern Star and always took a great interest in the work of the order.

She was anxious to go and daily prayed that her Savior would come to take her home. Her summons finally came and she went to her eternal home October 14, 1919, aged 78 years and 3 months.

Her husband, Perry J. Wood having died two years ago, on July 17, 1917, she is survived by an only brother, Ad Raser of Jetmore, Kan.

For her the promise has been fulfilled and God shall wipe all tears from their eyes, and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain for the former things are passed away.

The funeral was conducted by her pastor, Rev. 0. M. Yaggy, who was assisted by Rev. J. H. Yaggy, of Des Moines. Mrs. Wood had chosen the text for her funeral, Psalms 27-1 as also the scripture lesson and the songs.

The pall bearers were George Goss, Chas. Rieke, John and August Thorman, August Heinrich and Wm. Wemdell. The music was furnished by a quartet composed of Mrs. Roy Goss, Mrs. G. L. Edwards, B. F. Paul and 0. Hayden. Interment was made beside her husband in the family lot in Pleasant Hill cemetery.

Waterloo Evening Courier and Reporter; October 29, 1919
Rachael Ann Wood

Vinton, Ia., Oct. 29 - Rachael Ann Hauser was born July 14, 1841 at West Salem, O. She came to Blairstown, Ia. in 1866 and resided there the rest of her life. Shew as married there to Perry J. Wood, who died two years ago. Mrs. Wood was a great sufferer for a number of years prior to her death. She had no children and is survived by one brother.

{Submitter comment: Not related}

Submitted on 04-Dec-2008 by
John Shuck,

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The Blairstown Press; July 1, 1924
William Wood Passes Away At Son's Home
William Wood

Dies at Marshalltown Last Friday Evening, June 27th. Buried Here On Monday.

Charles Wood, of Marshalltown, came Saturday to make arrangements for the funeral and burial of his father William Henry Wood, who passed away at this home at 9:25 Friday evening, June 27th. Death came only after a few days illness due to the infirmities of old age.

The deceased was one of the pioneers of the Blairstown community. He was a Civil War veteran and his death wipes out the entire roster of the Blairstown contingent of that war.

Advancing years made it imperative that he make his home with his son at Marshalltown, and during his residence there, each year, he has made his annual pilgrimage to Blairstown on Memorial Day, to take part in the exercises. May 30, 1924, found him in his accustomed place with the other veterans, one of whom answered the final roll call the week after Memorial Day.

Mr. Woods came here to attend the funeral of his comrade. This was his last journey to his old home town, but one and that when he was brought here to lie among his comrades and friends in Pleasant Hill cemetery, where each succeeding Memorial Day he will receive the patriotic tribute of the succeeding generations.

(Obituary Sketch).

William Henry Wood was born in Chautauqua County, New York, June 2, 1841. He was the third child of a family of our children born to Leonard A. and Anna A. Wood.

When he was but a year old, his parents moved to the western part of Illinois where they remained a few years, later coming to Iowa, where they settled on a farm near Mount Vernon. In February, 1857, the family moved to Blairstown, Benton County, Iowa, where he lived continuously until seven years ago when he went to Marshalltown to make his home with his son, C. A. Wood.

Mr. Wood was the first Blairstown boy to give his service to his country. He enlisted in Company "K" of the Iowa Infantry on August 8, 1861, serving 3 years and 21 days, taking part in many noted battles and campaigns.

On October 23, 1866, he was united in marriage with Miss Amanda Sanderson, who preceded him in death approximately four years ago. To his union four children, Leonard A. and Charles A. Wood survive. Anna A. and Myron A. having proceeded their parents in death. He is also survived by twelve grandchildren and one great grand child. The deceased was the last member of his immediate family.

The remains were brought to Blairstown where funeral services were held at 1:30 Monday afternoon at the Evangelical Church, Rev. Thomas Koch officiating. Burial was made in Pleasant Hill cemetery.

{Submitter comment: not related}

Submitted on 31-Jul-2020 by
John Shuck,

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