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Benton County, Iowa Obituaries
May 25, 1923, May 31, 1923; Cedar Valley Times
Pioneer Benton County Woman Dies at Estherville, Obituary
Hannah Waddell

The body of Mrs. Hanna Waddell, 87 widow of the late Samuel Waddell, pioneer settler of Benton County, arrived in Vinton last night from Estherville, where death occurred Wednesday from ailments of old age. Today the body was taken overland to the home of a daughter Mrs. Neal Kraft near Van Horne.

Funeral services will be held Saturday at 2:00 p.m. from the Evangelical church in Van Horne. Burial in the cemetery south of Van Horne on the Lincoln highway.

Since the death of her husband twelve years ago Mrs. Waddell has lived with her children. She died at the home of her daughter Mrs. J. L. Miller of Estherville.

Surviving Mrs. Waddell are six daughters as follows: Mrs. Wm Hauser of Vinton, Mrs. George Smith of Rock Creek, Minn.; mrs. J. L. Miller of Estherville, Mrs. Neal Craft of Van Horne, and Mrs. Andy York of Superior, Iowa and Mrs. W.C. Cornelius of Estherville. Mrs. Waddell lived for many years in the country near Van Horne and Blairstown.

Mrs. Hannah Waddell, nee Shephard, was borne Feb. 25, 1836, near Bakerstown, Penn, where she grew to womanhood. She departed this life May 23, 1923, being 87 years, 2 months, and 28 days of age. In 1859 she was united in marriage with Sammuel Waddell. They resmained in Bakerstown, Penn. until 1869 when they came to Iowa, locating south east of Van Horne. Mrs. Waddell was the last one of the old pioneers of that community to die.

When in her 16th year she united with the Medthodist Episcopal church, continuing to live a Christian life for 71 years.

Deceased is the last on of her family of six, three sisters and two brothers. After her husband death in 1913 she made her home with her daughter, Mrs. W. C. Houser. While visiting her daughter in Estherville, Ia she suffered a paralytic stroke January 10, 1923. It was while enroute to Estherville to visit her mother that Mrs. W. C. Houser met with a very painful and serious accident that necessitates her detention in a Chicago hospital, preventing her presence at the funeral services.

Deceased leaves six daughters: Mrs. Katherine Miller, Mrs. Nancy Cornelius of Estherville, Mrs. Mary Yoch, Superior, Iowa: Mrs.Hannah Schmidt, Rock Creek, Minn.; Mrs. Lena Kraft, Van Horne, and Mrs. Angenette Houser, Vinton, thirty one grandchildren, 20 great grandchildren and a large circle of friends.

Her body arrived in Vinton from Estherville Thursday, May 24, and the following day was removed to the M. Kraft home. Funeral was held from the Evangelical church at Van Horne Saturday afternoon. Interment in Prairie Cemetery

{Submitter comment: daughters name spelled York or Yoch and Schmidt or Smith or Hauser or Houser}

Submitted on 03-Jul-2010 by
Martha Long,

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