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Benton County, Iowa Obituaries
La Porte City, IA Progress Review; Oct 10, 1935
DEATH CLAIMED MRS. H.C. UNGER Had Been in Failing Health For Number of Years. Funeral Held Monday Afternoon.
Sylvenia (Lina) Unger

Death came to Mrs. H.C. Unger, last Friday night, as a relief from a long illness and intense suffering. She had been in failing health for several years and all that medical science and surgery could do, failed to give her permanent relief. On Sept 26th, she was removed to a Waterloo hospital and the following Saturday submitted to an operation. She rallied somewhat but her condition was such that there could be no hopes of recovery, and she passed quietly away October 4th.

Sylvenia Estaline See, one of thirteen children of David See and his wife, Mary, was born in Camden, Indiana, March 23rd, 1864. When she was a small child the family came to Iowa and established a home on a farm near Mount Auburn. There the deceased grew to young womanhood and on March 1st, 1882, she was married to Henry Charles Unger at Vinton, Ia. Following their marriage Mr. and Mrs. Unger moved seven miles south of La Porte city, to a farm where the former's parents had lived. This was their home until March 1st 1895, when the family moved to town and erected a commodious modern house where they have since resided. Mrs. Unger became identified as a member of Fairview United Brethern church, in Bruce township, about the year 1894 and previously had worked in the organization as the teacher of a class of boys in the Sabbath school and director of the choir. Soon after coming to La Porte City she transferred her membership to the First Presbyterian church and took an active part in the work of the church as long as her health permitted. Mrs. Unger was a woman of many fine characteristics and was most appreciated by those who knew her best. Although her interest centered in her family she was an accommodating neighbor, always ready to lend a hand in time of need. There were five children born into the Unger home, one of whom preceded the mother in death.

Surviving with the bereaved husband are the following. Four children, Charles Edgar, Mrs. R. T. Paige and Harold See Unger, all of La Porte City, Clifford Merlin Unger of Red Oak; six grandchildren, Evelyn Estella Clark, Marie Jean Paige and Harold Stanley Unger, all of La Porte City, Mary Marcella Unger, Florence Barbara Unger and Richard Hayzlett Unger, all of Red Oak; four sisters, Mrs. Jerry Driscoll of La Porte City, Mrs. Frank Rogers of Brandon, Mrs. Clarence Abrams of Waterloo, and Mrs. W.A. Faris of Chelsa; one brother, Charles W. See of College City, Cal.

Funeral service was held in the Unger home Monday afternoon at two-thirty o'clock and was conducted by Rev. R. Q. Ludy, pastor of the Presbyterian church, who paid a well deserved tribute to the departed. A ladies quartette, Mrs. F.E. Lehman, Mrs. Keith Kline, Mrs. H.D. Kline and Miss Josephine Miller, sang two favorite selections, Beautiful Isle of of Somewhere and Asleep in Jesus, and were accompanied by Miss Lillian Garrabrant. The casket attendants were George Banger, O.V. Hemsworth, I.T. Richards, M.C. Jacobs, J.C. McQuilkin and Charles Oren. Interment was made in West View Cemetery.

Relatives and friends who were here for the service were the following:Mrs. and Mrs. Ralph Coombs, John Unger, Mrs. Margaret Mills, Mrs. Geo. Unger, all from Dows, Ia. Mr. and Mrs. Harold See and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Lawrence from Worthington, Minn. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Eells, W. A. Faris, Curtis Faris, Rev. Harland Faris, Mrs. Mary Jepson, Mrs. Tom Hansen, Cedar Falls, Ia. Mr. Will See, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lormor, Mrs. Clarence Abrams and daughter, Dorothy, Waterloo, Ia. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hopkins and son, Jesup, IA. Mrs. Bert Wilder, Strawberry Point, Ia. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rogers and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rait and daughter, Brandon, Ia. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Baldwin, Mrs. Clad (sic) Struve, Mrs. ElJ. North, Cedar Rapids. Mrs. Geo Leo, Dr. and Mrs. Harry Lames, Dysart, Ia. Mr. and Mrs. Theo Paige, Pekin, Ill. Mrs. N.L. Paige, Indianapoolis, Ind. Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Paige, Bedford, Ia. Mr. and Mrs. C.M. Unger, Red Oak, Ia.

{Submitter comment: My great grandmother}

Submitted on 13-May-2020 by
Sara Patton,

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Vinton Eagle ; Oct 7, 1935
Hold Services for Mrs. H. C. Unger at La Porte City Home" CEDAR VALLEY NEWS La Porte City, Oct. 6.—
Sylvenia Unger

—Funeral services were held here Monday afternoon at the family residence for Mrs. H. C. Unger 71, who died Saturday morning at a Waterloo hospital following an operation for cancer.Burial was in West View cemetery. The Rev. R Q. Ludy of the Presbyterian church conducted the rites.. Mrs. Unger was born March 23, 1864, at Camden, Indiana, a daughter of David and Mary See. She was married to H. C. Unger on March 1, 1884,at Vinton, and had lived in this community ever since. Surviving are the husband, three sons, Edgar and Harold Unger of La Porte City and Clifford Unger of Red Oak, Iowa, and one daughter Mrs. R. T. Paige of here. There are six grandchildren.

Four sisters living are: Mrs. C. A. Abrams of Waterloo. Mrs.Will Ferris of Cedar Falls, Mrs. Frank Rogers of Brandon, and Mrs. Jerry Driscoll of La Porte. Chas See of California is an only brother. The deceased was an active member of the Presbyterian church as long as her health permitted.

{Submitter comment: My great grandmother}

Submitted on 13-May-2020 by
Sara Patton,

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