The Vinton Eagle; Wednesday, September 23, 1864
Franklin P. Stewart
Died In Vinton, on Monday, September 19th, 1864, of chronic diarrhea, Franklin P. Stewart, a member of Company D, 28th Iowa Infantry, aged 30 years.
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Vinton Eagle; April 7, 1896
Freda May Stewart
Died on Monday March 30 at 5 o'clock p.m. Freda May, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Stewart, age 11 months and 8 days. Funeral services were held at Oak Grove Church April 1, interment at Mt. Pleasant Cemetery.
A little one from us has gone.
A voice we loved is stilled:
A Place is vacant in our home,
Which never can be filled.
God in his wisdom has recalled,
The boon his love has given;
Although the body moulders here.
Her soul is safe in heaven.
{Submitter comment: No death recorded. No burial stone according to records of Mt. Pleasant Cemetery}
Belle Plaine Union; Jan. 27, 1927
Died In Her 79th Year
Hester Stewart
Blairstown Woman Was Early Pioneer
Mrs. Hester Winter Stewart, a resident of Iowa since 1854 and of Benton County for the past fifty years, passed away at her home in Blairstown on Thursday, January 20. Pneumonia was the cause of death and she has been seriously ill for a week previous. For nearly a year, however, Mrs. Stewart had been in declining health.
She was a very devoted mother and of late years had spent much time in the cultivation of her flowers which were a source of much pleasure to her. Being a pioneer in this section of the state her early remembrance of Cedar Rapids is that of a small town or village there being but a few buildings west of the river at that time.
Hester Winter was born in Maryland in 1829 and on November 3rd past she celebrated the 97th anniversary of her birth and was in her 98th year at time of her decease and had therefore nearly rounded out a century of life.
On February 12th, 1851 at Frostburg, Md. she was united In marriage to Nelson Stewart and they came to Keota, Iowa, which was their home for a number of years. In 1877 they located on a farm in Benton County which was their home until the death of Mr. Stewart which occurred on July 11, 1898. In the year following Mrs. Stewart moved to Blairstown where she has since resided.
She was the mother of ten children, eight of whom preceded her in death. Tho two surviving are John C. Stewart of Keota. Iowa and Geo. A. Stewart of Vinton, Iowa. She also leaves 11 grandchildren and 19 great great grand children.
Funeral services were held at the home on Saturday morning, January 22nd at ten thirty o'clock in charge of Rev. Stubbs, pastor of the Blairstown M. E. church and the body was laid to rest in the cemetery at that place.
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Blairstown Press; July 4, 1919
Miss Susan Emma Stewart Laid To Rest in Pleasant Hill Cemetery
Susan Emma Stewart
Susan Emma, daughter of Nelson and Hester Stewart was born December 4, 1862, at Washington, Iowa, and passed away Monday June 23, 1919. She was one of ten children of whom three brothers and two sisters still survive.
At the age of 16 years she came with her parents to this place settling on a farm northwest of town, where she continued to reside until about eighteen years ago when she moved to Blairstown where she resided the balance of her life.
After reaching womanhood she took up the profession of teaching and was one of the successful teachers of the county, and for eight years a much loved teacher in the schools of Van Horn, resigning when her health would not permit further service.
Miss Stewart had been ailing for some months but seemed to be improving and was about the home and neighborhood till the late afternoon, and while sitting conversing to members of the family was suddenly stricken with paralysis. Everything that medical skill and loving kindness could do was done but to no avail. After nine weeks of suffering she passed to the Great Beyond.
She will be sorely missed by her aged mother and her sister, Miss Hetties with whom she resided. Another sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Beenblossom, three brothers John of Keota George of Vinton and Joseph of this place, with a host of friends who will miss her.
The funeral services were held on Wednesday at 2 o’clock at the residence conducted by Rev. J. S. West?all of the Methodist church, assisted by Rev. A. J. Chamberlain, of Urbanna.
All that was mortal was laid to rest in the family lot in Pleasant Hill cemetery. The pall bearers were W. C. Yeisley, Fred Rieke, Maurice Bruch, O. L. Radeke, Henry Grunewald and Geo. Mayhew.
Those from a distance who attended the funeral were Mr. and Mrs. Perry Beenblossom, of Washington, Ia., John Stewart and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kline, of Keota, Alva Beenblbossom and son of Grinnell, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Stewart, sons John and G. W., of Vinton and Homer, of Waterloo, Mrs. Gus Carlson, Mrs. Irvan Warner, the Misses Mollie and Susie Stewart, of Vinton, Miss A. Knouf and daughter Vina and Tillie, of Kenwood Park, Milton Trueblood, Mrs. Wm. Hecht of Belle Plaine, Mrs. Seldon Robertson, Cedar Rapids, Mesdames John and Ike Lichty, of Norway.
{Submitter comment: not related}
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